Chapter 1

The doorbell rang and Leon peaked through his upstairs window to see two police officers at the front door. At first they were shadowed by the night and the gushing rainwater down the window blocked his view. He leaned closer and tightened his duvet around him. As he saw the police car lights he released his blanket and almost slipped on his way downstairs. He reached halfway down the stairs and stopped upon seeing the silhouette of his father at the door. A cold breeze from the open door, with the scent of wet concrete, gushed passed Leon sending a chill down his spine. His father turned his head around. Leon, barely able to see his father's face, came closer.

"Leon. Call your mother." said his father barely moving his lips.

Leon gulped and nodded obediently holding back his questions. Leon's father, with a raincoat and slippers, left with the policemen. Time stopped as Leon gazed at the closed door under the hushing of the rain. He shook his head and ran upstairs entering his grandfather's room.

"Tim, I need to call mother." said Leon looking for his phone

His grandfather, Timothy, continued to blankly stare at his television.

"Father may have just been arrested."

Timothy changed the channel on his TV.

Leon dialed his mother. He paced up and down the room waiting for an answer.

"What's all the fuss about?" sneered Timothy in annoyance

Leon stopped pacing, walked towards the TV and turned it off.

"A-rres-ted." He said enunciating at Tim while holding the arms of his wheelchair

"Who cares?" replied Tim turning the TV back on.

His mother picks up.

"Hello mother."

"Hello Leon?"

"Two policemen showed up and took dad."

"I see. It's happening already." she replied

Leon paused.

"He can't have that kind of power…" said Leon

"Well, I guess he does. Things this convenient rarely come about by themselves."

"Can grandmother do anything?" said Leon

"Why don't you call your grandmother by her first name!" shouted Tim

"Let's not talk over the phone." She replied

"Will you be coming back?" he said

"You know I can't do that. We'll talk when you come over after-tomorrow. Get some sleep, you have school tomorrow."

She hung up.

Leon stared at his phone and sighed. He drew back his light brown hair and looked up at Tim. Tim's stomach growled. Leon smiled and left to the kitchen to prepare a quick dinner. Leon didn't usually have to take care of his granddad, but since his father's campaigning began – he found himself helping around more. Holding his nose he pulled out the peanut butter jelly. Although he was allergic, it was Tim's favorite. Applying the jelly onto the toast he heard a heavy meow from the kitchen window. He launched himself towards the window and opened it. The black, green eyed cat, drenched in rain jumped across the kitchen sink onto the table.

"No, no, no" said Leon as he sloppily picked up the cat off the table. He whipped his wet hands to dry.

He crumbled chocolate biscuits in front of the black cat, then returned to finish the peanut butter jelly sandwiches, holding his nose and keeping a stern eye on the cat. He rushed upstairs and handed Tim the sandwiches.

"You're just like your mother. It's just me here. You can act a little more worried." Said Tim

Leon smiles "You were the one playing it cool, Tim"

"My son will win the election. They'll try to taint his name, stop his rise, but come three months, he will be Prime Minister." grumbled Tim.

Leon's phone vibrated vigorously. He took a look at the cascade of messages from what he assumed to be the media and his friends. He turned off his phone and put it away. The black cat made its way upstairs into Tim's room. Leon kneeled down and called for it. The cat shyly walked towards Leon and started rubbing its face around his knee. Leon looked at Tim, who was lost in his TV, chomping on his sandwich. He looked back at the cat.

"Don't worry" said Leon petting the damp cat "The storm will end soon."