Chapter 2

Leon tightened a green tie on his white shirt and wore around it a black slim-fit blazer. He buttoned up the blazer and checked himself in the mirror. He had a thin, strong nose and brown eyes. His hair was wavy and pushed to one side and his cheekbones were sharp. He held his backpack by one strap around his right shoulder.

"I'm out, Tim. I've left some food in the fridge" said Leon as he makes his way downstairs.

Leon would usually have his father's driver take him to school, however ever since his father posted bail last night, the driver has been occupied. Which meant Leon, for the first time, would have to take a train to school.

As he swung the door open a flood of camera flashes blind him. He raised his arm covering his eyes as the sharp shuttering of the cameras cascaded. It stopped. The lawn was covered with reporters and cameramen, the sidewalk had tent-like camps and the street was blocked by media vans. Leon lowered his head and walked past the sea of reporters as they whispered and mumbled. One reporter jabbed his microphone towards Leon.

"Your father has been arrested for alleged corruption. Has he spoken to you about anything since?" said the reporter

Leon forgot to breathe under the piercing glares. And although he was used to large audiences, this time he felt under siege. He gulped as he turned to the microphone.

"I have no comments"

As Leon walked past, the reporter noticed his school badge - a badge and uniform that could be recognized by anyone as it belonged to the most prestigious school in the country.

"Are you running for student council president Mr. Lapuzi?" said the reporter to Leon's back.

Leon stopped and turned his head back slightly. He continued to walk away, looking straight ahead.


Leon sat stiff in his train seat with his hands in between his thighs. Everything was unfamiliar – the mechanical beating of the wheels on the rails, the smell of the seat fabrics and the unbearable tight crowding which had him wiping the sweat off his forehead. Leon was the subject of fascination as whispers and glances were all made in his direction. Not because he was the son of Alexander Lapuzi, the opposition leader, but because of his school uniform. He caught the young lady besides him sneaking a peak at his badge – she quickly retracted her glance and flustered as she pretended to pull something from her purse.

"I-I'm voting for your father." she said quietly, lowering her head. "It's all lies, they just want the Prime Minister to be re-elected." this time she was louder. The current Prime Minister had an iron grip on the country for several years, until Alexander Lapuzi ran for elections this year to take him on.

'She recognized me?' Leon thought to himself.

As Leon tried to thank the lady, two young men towered over him. They wore baggy jeans with tattoos covering their arms. They were staring directly at Leon as he avoided eye contact. The lady handed her phone to Leon with a note typed. "They're after your uniform. They'll mug you as soon as you leave the train." One of the men snatched the phone and read the note. He clicks his tongue in disgust and threw the phone onto the lady's lap.

All eyes were already on Leon, but this intensified the attention. The two young men felt the heat, gave Leon one last look and walked off with a forced nervous smirk. The woman sat and Leon thanked her, for the help… and for the vote.