Chapter 3

At the front of school, Leon noticed an expensive looking car by the gate that usually wasn't there. He showed his school ID to the security guards - who were part of the secret service. They were there to ensure the protection of the son of the Prime Minister, George. The royal guard was also in the vicinity for the protection of the emperor's grandson, Sinclair Vinzent. The school was far too big for the number of students that attended. It looked like a refurbished Victorian castle – it was dubbed the playground of the rich and powerful. Despite being a political school, it had its fair share of influential families from the business and media sectors.

Leon spent the first three periods dodging the whispers and conversations behind his back. His tie felt tight and his chest constricted as he passed the glares and giggles of his classmates from class to class. It was finally lunchtime and Leon escaped to his usual place on the roof with his friends Justin and Taylor. They sat by the fence at the edge of the roof to the view of looming clouds over the city.

Justin had light brown hair with blonde strands clearly misplaced from when he failed to bleach his hair. He had a stud earring in his left ear, a sharp nose, green eyes and thick eyebrows.

Taylor was extremely tall and well built with long black hair. He was almost always smiling aimlessly and found all things amusing.

"Here" said Justin suddenly giving Leon car keys "You saw that car at the front gate right? It's yours, my father doesn't like the idea of you taking the train."

"Our driver will be freed up soon - but thanks anyways" said Leon as he handed back the keys

"No he won't. Your dad was over at our house last night. It doesn't look like this thing is going away easily." replied Justin pushing Leon's hand with the keys back towards him.

"Justin, I still don't have a license" insisted Leon.

"But you can drive, right?"

"That won't help when I get pulled over."

Justin closes Leon's hand around the keys.

"In that car, you won't get pulled over." said Justin.

"Perks of being a Tundra" said Taylor giggling.

Justin was heir to the largest real-estate conglomerate, Axon - which was owned by the Tundra family, an influential family that has people lining up to marry into it.

"I heard someone asked your sister out" said Leon taking a bite from his cheese sandwich.

"She's not going to be asked out again for quite a while" said Taylor laughing "I heard his face was messed up-"

"They just don't learn. No one is allowed to touch her." said Justin clenching his fist

"Sexist rule if you ask me, in my family, both the boys and girls can date whoever they want" said Taylor winking at Justin

"That's how it is and how it's always been. Tundra women are off limits till marriage. If father asked me to stop dating – I would." replied Justin

"You? Stop dating?" Leon smiles slightly

"But did you really have to mess up his face that bad." said Taylor raising his hands in protest

"How else are we supposed to send a message?" said Justin

"Well, in other news" said Taylor, as he drops a school newspaper on the floor and the three huddle around it.

Taylor points at the headline which read: "Meet the Potential Candidates!" There were three portrait pictures of the three presidential candidates for student council in a pyramid shape. The picture on top was of George Tomhawk – he was the only son of the current Prime Minister, Theodore Tomhawk. The bottom right picture was that of Jessica Twint – the only student who was admitted into the school without a recommendation and based purely on merits. The bottom right picture was of Sinclair Vinzent – he was the grandson of the emperor and fourth in the succession line for the throne.

"I'm voting for Jessica" said Justin abruptly

"New crush?" asked Leon

"She turned me down twice…" he replied sulking

"She's a tough one" said Leon looking at her picture

"How would you know?" said Justin with his eyes squinting at Leon

"S-she just looks like it." he said scratching the back of his head

"Do you think the royal kiddo has a chance?" said Taylor

"No way, an emperor's grandson as 'president', what's up with that?" said Justin

"It might not be too far fetched anymore. His older brother, the crown prince Thomas, is wrecking havoc in the royal family. They say he's trying to consolidate royal power via politics." said Taylor

It was far too taboo for the royal family to try to gain any kind of power. Ever since the revolution they were reduced to decoration. The crown price Thomas, however, doesn't seem to like the idea of being pretty silverware.

"Sinclair winning student council won't do much for the crown prince though." said Justin

"Maybe not, but it'll set precedent of a royal winning a democratic election. It looks good for Thomas' agenda." said Leon.

The roof door opened to a tall, long haired student wearing a red armband written "student council" on it.

"You! Get back inside now!" she said

"Crap, patrol caught us." said Justin getting up "Alright, alright, we'll be on our way, madam" he said tipping his imaginary hat as he walked past her.

"Not you Leon" she said stopping him

"Always special treatment for our little prince" said Justin patting Leon on the back as he walked past him.

Justin and Taylor went downstairs leaving the door open. The girl and Leon faced each other as a gust of cold wind rushed through their hair and ruffled their clothes.

"From a friend." She handed him a tightly folded note

Leon took it as she left abruptly before he could ask anything. She closed the door behind her. He walked up towards the fence and examined the note. He looked back at the door then down at the note. He opened it slowly revealing a message:

'Meet me at Humming's at 2:23pm


"Cleopatra?" he said to himself.

He recognized the odd name immediately, since Cleopatra was the secret nickname Leon gave to Justin's sister when they were kids.