WebNovelThe Rise31.58%

The Portrait

Leon woke up in his room in his mother's house. It was the last day of the weekend, Sunday. Tomorrow was the start of election week. Leon goes through his usual routine of showering, brushing his teeth and breakfast with his mother that only lasted a few minutes as she left immediately for work. He finished up homework leftover from last night then took out his brown notebook and started brainstorming problems that the student body never knew they had.

Placing the rubber end of his pencil on his lips he looks at the window in front of his desk thinking. He knew it wasn't enough to present these problems to the student body, rather he needed to make it seem as if they themselves see these as problems that they want to be solved. He continued to write down problems, then started separating them in terms of urgency and importance. Most of the issues he thought of were not good enough to spark a strong desire for change - no one really cared that the water fountain tasted terrible since they all brought in their own water bottles. No one cared if the cafeteria prices were terrible since the student body was mostly rich. It was going to be a tough task to find problems that exist for rich and powerful children that have everything they want already.

"Think like a rich kid," he said to himself knocking on his head.


Meanwhile, George Tomhawk was in the Lance's estate posing for the eldest daughter of the Lance family, Layla Lance. They were in the back garden that was perfectly lit by the warm sun - the green leaves surrounding them and blades of grass shined in the presence of its rays. The peaceful breeze carried with it the aroma of roses and the harsh scent of grass creating a calm and cozy feeling that was blissfully soothing.

Layla Lance sat, wearing a large brown sunhat, by the outstretched shade of a tree. Her loose blue blouse glistened as she had a small painting canvas laid on her lap. She wrapped her fingers around the bottom top of the canvas whilst holding a sketch pencil with the other hand with light blue nails. George was in front of her sitting on a chair with his head facing the opposite direction. Looking away, he would often peak at his girlfriend without moving his head as to not inflict her wrath. She had red rosy lips and chubby pale cheeks with blue eyes and short blonde hair.

"I spoke to my father about what happened with Leon," said George staying perfectly still as Layla was putting the finishing touches on her portrait of George.

"Hmm, and what did he say?" she said focusing completely on the canvas

"Talking behind someone's back shows weakness. He wasn't happy. The more I think about it, the more I feel Leon is only running cause of what I said behind his back." said George

"He's right George. I told you, you shouldn't hang out with those kids. The second something happens to you, they'll be talking behind your back without thinking twice." she said

"I've got to be a friend to everyone Layla," he said turning his head towards her breaking the pose

"George. Your head," she said intensely looking George prompting him to quickly return to his pose.

"Well then be a friend to Leon. I think you owe him an apology." she continued

The two kept silent as the symphony of birds chirping echoed in the Lance's garden. The Lance family was prominent in the entertainment business, owning many scouting and entertainment companies.

"It's been two days, when is the portrait going to be ready?" asked George breaking the silence

"It'll be worth it. It's better than an uninspired photo-shoot, this portrait will show character and creativity. It's nearly done, quit complaining." she said.

Layla was helping George by creating a hand-drawn campaign poster in her own style. She also personally leads his campaign.

She noticed George being slightly tense.

"I wouldn't worry too much about Leon, these elections have always been predictable; the favorite always wins. There has never been an upset," she said assuring George

"I know, but I can't relax." he pauses. "Because this may just be the longest week of my life."