WebNovelThe Rise32.89%

A Meeting with the Devil

That afternoon Leon went to one of his father's rallies in the country as it was close to his mother's house. He had usually not attended the rallies due to their timing and distance. The rally was out in the open with a large stage and posters of Alexander Lapuzi on either side. There were thousands of people huddled together with flags, shirts and posters of Alexander screaming and chanting his last name. Security guards secured the perimeter around the crowd. There was a small section near the stage with a few metal seats where Leon and some of Alexander's men sat.

Alexander was backstage waiting to be introduced. Leon was watching the crowd over his shoulder that was eagerly waiting for his father's appearance. He remembered the words of Justin when he told him about his father's cult-like followers. That's what it looked like to Leon, a cult that had never met his father, and despite allegations of corruption, follow him almost blindly.

An announcer began speaking and building up Alexander before calling him onto the stage.

"He's one of us! He built himself up from the dirt! He knows what it means to be at the bottom! Meet your next Prime Minister! The true champion of the people! Alexander Lapuzi!" said the announcer in a strong radio voice.

Alexander makes his way up the stairs from the side of the stage waving his hand as he slowly makes his way to the podium. The crowd roars uncontrollably causing Leon's chair and his chest to vibrate in the quake caused by their thunderous shouts. Alexander reaches the podium and stays quite allowing for the crowd to continue as he smiles. After a few seconds, all Alexander needed to do was move his head closer into the mic to cause an immediate silence in the crowd as they prepare to listen with attentive ears.

"I won't hide." he said pausing "I know what's on your minds, these so-called allegations," he said as the crowd boos at the idea that their beloved prime-minister-to-be is corrupt. "I know, I know!" he said calming the crowd down "The jealousy of men will never cease to amaze me, they can't wrap their heads around how quickly we rose to the top, they're afraid of what we'll do when we take power, and so they try to taint my name!" he said lashing his fist forward and the crowd reacts exactly how he wants, chanting his name.

Leon was in awe at his father's command of the crowd, like a composer leading an orchestra, he had them under his spell. Leon himself was a talented orator, winning the national debating championship a few months ago, but was nothing compared to his father.

At the edge of the rally a black car parked at a no parking area. A security guard quickly ran to the car to usher it away, when the back window of the car suddenly opens to produce a man with defined facial features - Gideon Faraday. The security guard made the regrettable mistake of making eye-contact with Gideon. He quickly averts his eyes as soon as he realizes who the man in front of him was and allows the car to stay parked where it was. The security guard then opens the door for Gideon submissively. Gideon was a supremely tall man, he had to duck half his height to simply exit the car. As he stood upright his neck slightly arched as it was virtually impossible for him to maintain perfect posture with his height.

"Thank you," he said in an intensely deep voice that rumbled from his chest like thunder. His gratitude was like that of an owner thanking his dog for bringing him the newspaper. He continued to walk towards the rally making his way towards the seats where Leon was sitting. Each stride was a long step as he moved in a graciously smooth manner.

A security guard in the metal chair area noticed Gideon coming and quickly prepared a metal chair and placed it next to Leon who was sitting at the edge. Leon looks at the security guard's odd addition of a chair then sees him quickly return to his post stiffer than he was before standing like a solider. Gideon appears suddenly in Leon's vision causing his head to go all the way up just to catch a glimpse of Gideon's face. Gideon sat down by Leon and crossed his long legs over each other and placed his cupped hands neatly onto his lap. Leon was inquisitively fixated on his face, whilst Gideon was simply observing Alexander on stage pretending Leon wasn't there.

"Your father is truly a political genius," said Gideon suddenly. Leon could hear his deep heavy voice clearly despite the commotion of the crowd.

Leon, unsure how to react, kept silent, hoping it would be seen by this mysterious man as an acceptance of the compliment.

"I remember quite clearly many years ago when your father was nobody, he purposefully ran in a district that was continuously won by a powerhouse politician for several years. No one could even imagine winning in this district against this particular politician. But your father needed to make a statement by taking on the biggest fish in the sea. If he lost, no one would care since he was a nobody, but if he won - he would be hailed as a political phenomenon." said Gideon still fixated on Alexander

Leon believed that the man in front of him must be a friend of his father's or perhaps worked in his campaign team. Otherwise, why would he be able to sit in the restricted area with the blessing of the security guards? He decides to continue the conversation under this belief, hoping to learn more about his father.

"What happened?" said Leon causing Gideon to turn towards Leon with a slight smile.

"One day, your father's opponent woke up to find his posters all other the district area. On every wall, car, lamppost, shop and corner of the district. His ego led him to believe that his loyal followers placed them everywhere to show their undying support, but rather it was your father who was behind the incident. Your father, on the other hand, had only eight large billboards placed in strategic areas - granted his opponent had campaigned there too, but the message sent to the people was different. On one hand, we have a man who seems confident of himself and sure that his message and promises are sufficient to win. On the other hand, we have a man who seems desperate and afraid, having his posters placed in every place not caring for the convenience of others." said Gideon

"The people thought it was my father's opponent who was behind those posters? I understand it may make people see him as desperate, but was that all that was needed for my father to win?" said Leon

"Surely not, your father had a few other tricks up his sleeve. But that was the final nail in the coffin needed to push Alexander just barely over the winning line ahead of his opponent in one the closest elections I've ever witnessed."

Gideon looks down at Leon locking eyes with him as Leon tries to keep looking up at him. Gideon didn't like to waste time, so he got right into it.

"You see, your father is a political prophet, your mother is the most talented politician to have ever existed and your grandmother, well, she's Hilda Cottonwood. With a lineage like yours Leon, it is important to understand the greatness that lies within you. The shadow council is greatly interested in you, and for that reason, we are investing in you Leon. Whilst your parents want this election to be a learning experience, we want you to win - for your legacy to begin by winning this election and single-handedly thwarting Thomas' rebellion."

Leon's eyes were glued open as he froze in his seat unable to say a word. This man knew everything, he knew too much. Perhaps Leon was mistaken to think he was a friend of his father's. Suddenly Leon becomes tense and more defensive around the man. He diverts his eyes away from Gideon and looks away.

"Who are you...?" said Leon barely making out the words

"Gideon Faraday," he said handing Leon a silver metallic card that simply had a number engraved on it and nothing else. "The shadow council has chosen to back you in the election. We will be watching closely, but should you need anything - that is the number."

"I don't know who you are, but my grandmother is the shadow council, and she chose not to back me."

"Exactly. This is why your entire family will tell you to stay away from me, this is done completely covertly without the knowledge of your grandmother. You can trust us, but we must also be sure that we can trust you." he said

"Covertly? You're in the middle of my father's rally."

"None of your father's men know what I look like, and your father is too preoccupied to notice me. Telling any of them about our meeting will nullify our support to you, Leon."

Leon began to grasp the situation. This man knew exactly where Leon was, where he was sitting, and at what time. He also seemingly has the guards under his control. Whoever this man was, Leon knew, this was no joke.