WebNovelThe Rise48.68%


Leon washed his face, rubbing deep into his skin. He looked at his reflection as the water dripped off his chin and nose. He fitted himself into his uniform and wore a blue tie, taking his time to dress up in front of the mirror with a classical tune being played. He extends his trembling fingers outward trying to calm himself down.

Meanwhile the same morning George Tomhawk was having breakfast with the Lance family. He had slept over Layla's home as they practiced the new speech together. Layla's father was a large man with a short well-trimmed beard, it was evident that Layla had inherited her good looks from her mother.

"Good luck with the speeches today George, I know you'll kill 'em" said Layla's father as he took a huge bite out of the roasted chicken on his plate.

"Thank you, sir" replied George eating politely with perfect table manners

"It was father's idea for the magazine cover - he had to pull some strings to get it done. This will set your lead in stone" said Layla smiling as she places her hand on her father's hand.

George smiles reservedly

"What's the matter?" said Layla

"It's just that, I mean thank you for your help, but do I really need to do this - I'm so far ahead as it is, I just don't want to risk it." said George

"You're absolutely right George, but I'll tell you this, I know the Vice Principal personally and she's a stickler for the rules and detail. She only said 'no statements', and she's too proud to go back on her word. This is a crucial time, the whole nation is watching the election and this is your chance to get your name out there. After all, you may one day be Prime Minister and I know your plans to be the youngest ever, this will help hugely." said Layla's father

"That's considerate of you, but can't it wait until after the election?" asked George

"I can try, but this is the nation's most popular magazine and they want you on the cover to take advantage of the hot topic of the election. After the election, I'm not so sure I can get you on it. It'll also cost our company a huge sum" said Layla's father

"You're paying for the photo shoot? Isn't the magazine also benefiting from this as well?" asked George

"Unfortunately Sinclair Vinzent is also trying to get on the magazine, I was able to stop it from happening because of my connections, but it did cost me. Don't worry about it though George, it was a small sum." said Layla's father.

George smiles reservedly again.

After breakfast, Layla and George left for school. George was taken to school by the secret services. He was in the back of the car looking out of the window worried.

"George?" inquired Layla

George looks at Layla then back outside the window

"Why is your dad so interested in the election, Layla. He's really going out of his way for this." said George

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm sorry Layla, but I've learned the hard way to trust my gut - and it's telling me something is off. What does your father have to gain from this?" said George

"Nothing. He knows how much I care about you - I talk about you all the time. And he does whatever it takes to make me happy. By helping you win, he knows that will make me happy, that's just the kind of father he is. And I can't believe you would talk about him like that." said Layla spitting every word she said strongly with a touch of anger and annoyance.

George, still looking out the window, with his eyebrows burrowed, sighs.

"I've been tricked once before Layla, I don't want it to happen again." said George leaving the conversation at that.

The two finally arrived at school. They immediately made their way to the assembly hall. The speeches would be held early morning before homeroom. They went separate ways without talking to each other. George went backstage whereas Layla lined up with her class in the hall. He notices Leon and Jessica whispering to each other and Sinclair was alone reading through his speech. Sinclair's eyes meet with George's - Sinclair immediately looks away.

The Vice Principal enters backstage holding four straws.

"You're late, George." said the Vice Principal

"I'm sorry, I got caught up with someth-"

"I don't wanna hear it. Now that you're all here, we will draw lots to determine the order. Come forward and pick a straw from my hand" said the Vice Principal as she held the straws in her fist.

The importance of being the final speech, and having the last word, was paramount for the speeches. But no matter how Leon schemed, this was all down to luck. As he moved forward to pick his straw, he asked himself - who will luck smile on today?


1st - Sinclair Vinzent

2nd - Jessica Twint

3rd - Leon Lapuzi

4th - George Tomhawk.