WebNovelThe Rise50.00%

The Speeches 1

There was a podium center stage in the assembly hall. There were two chairs at either side of the podium where the candidates sat. Leon and George were on the left side and Jessica and Sinclair were on the other. The Vice Principal began giving opening remarks.

"Each candidate will speak for a maximum of three minutes. You will attentively listen to the speeches without unwarranted outbursts. Following the speeches you will immediately go to homeroom, attendance will be taken. Best of luck to the candidates. First up, Sinclair Vinzent."

Sinclair was visibly nervous, constantly trying to wet his dry lips. He takes a deep breath as soon as his name is called. He makes his way towards the podium looking down at the ground. Upon reaching, he unfolds his speech and raises his head looking at the sea of students staring at him with sharp eyes. He wets his lips one last time.

"My grandfather is the Emperor of this nation and my eldest brother is the Crown Prince. But me, I'm no one. And because of my last name, because of my family, I can't make a name for myself. They say: 'a royal in politics? There just no way' and 'You don't belong, a royal shouldn't be in politics'. But every single one us in this room knows what it means to be weighed down by our names, by our allegiances and by our families. Those of us whose lives were already decided from the moment we were born: where we work, who we'll marry and what we can and cannot do." said Sinclair as he places his hand on his chest

"But it's time for a new era, one in which we decide our own destines. Whether or not you want to be a part of it is up to you, but I will prove to you, that if I can do the unthinkable, then so can you. So help me prove that we are not bound by forces which we have no control over - rather only by our own decisions. I will be the first royal in politics and this is the first step towards that. I will set the precedent so that the rest of us will garner the courage to change our fates - vote for me and let's make history."

The crowd was silent for a few moments, then they started clapping and the applause only grew louder. Justin and Taylor were in the crowd whispering to each other whilst clapping lightly.

"That was good..." said Taylor flabbergasted

"But Sinclair is still oblivious, he's still trying to make this a popularity contest by playing on people's emotions - it's all rubbish. After Jessica's and Leon's speech, George and Sinclair will be left behind. People only care about themselves" said Justin

Leon had already informed Justin and the rest that he had convinced Jessica to work with him in the election, but didn't inform them of anything else.

The applause was halted as soon as the Vice Principal stood up.

"Second up, Jessica Twint." she said

Jessica stood up confidently with dominating posture and a calm smile. Upon reaching the podium she ran her fingers through her hair, preparing to speak. Leon found his eyes glued onto her, he quickly lowers his head as soon as he realizes.

"My family's name is Twint. Anyone ever heard of those guys?" said Jessica smiling prompting the crowd the laugh with her.

"There's been talk about changes in this school, real change for the first time. It doesn't matter who came up with these ideas for change, but only who can make them happen. As many of you know, I don't come from a reputable family. Quite the opposite actually, just a few years ago my parents were struggling to pay rent for our home. But today I stand in front of you as the only student in Unitare High School without a recommendation." she pauses

"Making the impossible happen is my area of expertise, I have the drive and tools to give you a student council that isn't a farce, that isn't simply a club for popular kids, but rather a council that serves you and your needs, that gives you the things that you never knew you wanted." she said increasing the pace of her speech as she reached the end with a climax-like finishing. She induced the crowd to cheer and clap as soon as she finished.

Taylor looked at Justin who was clapping the hardest out of everyone with a huge smile on his face.

"Geez Justin she turned you down twice." said Taylor

"I don't care, she's so hot. She'll come around eventually." said Justin

She stayed at the podium bathing in their cheers for longer than she was allowed. As soon as she saw the Vice Principal stand up she made her way back to her seat passing a glance at Leon, who looked back at her expressionless face.

"Next up, Leon Lapuzi." said the Vice Principal

Leon stood up and took his time walking towards the podium. He scanned the crowd slowly from left to right, absorbing the silence. After a long silence, he opened his mouth, breathing in, and it was as if everyone leaned forward instinctively to hear him speak.