WebNovelThe Rise52.63%

Forbidden Fruit

After the speeches, all the students left for homeroom immediately - in homeroom they will be given the second round of polls to fill out. Jessica and Leon stayed behind in the assembly hall. They met secretly in a backstage room after waiting for everyone to leave. Leon was sitting on a box with his fingers intertwined looking down at his feet and Jessica was leaning on the door with her back looking at Leon.

"You gambled and it failed." she said

"Not yet, George may have caught us off-guard, but this is what we wanted. The playing field has become even. It's no longer a popularity contest." said Leon

"But if George convinced the students he can make the changes, and given his popularity - there's no feasible way we can win." she said

"You're right. And the fact that he went last was the best possible thing for him" said Leon

"How come?"

"I can't defend myself, he had the last word and now everyone believes him. If his argument is that only the Prime Minister's son can make changes in the school, then I could easily say that he's making an assumption his father will still be in power in three months time. It could very well be my father. And I can't wait until the debates on Thursday to make that argument, it will be too late." said Leon

"But your father is behind in the polls." said Jessica

"That's only because of the corruption allegations - once those clear up, my father will indisputably win."

"How can you be so sure the allegations will clear up?" asked Jessica

"It doesn't matter. Let's wait until Veronica releases the polls to make any decisions regarding the speeches and we'll move on from there." said Leon

"I met with Veronica yesterday, she came up to the roof after we spoke." said Jessica

Leon looks at Jessica blankly

"Does she know about us?" asked Jessica

"No, and she can never know." said Leon

"Is there something going on between you two?" asked Jessica

Leon doesn't answer looking down at his feet again

"You're joking. Listen, it makes no difference to me what happens to you this election, but if people find out about anything between you two, all hell will break loose. Your election will be over."

"You don't need to tell me." said Leon

Jessica let out a disdainful sharp sigh followed by a dampened smile.

"You always wanted what you can't have. It's the only predictable thing about you." she said scornfully

"What's that supposed to mean?" said Leon tensing his eyebrows

"I was the forbidden fruit in middle school and now it's Veronica. We're not trophies for you to collect, Leon. You know exactly what I'm talking about" said Jessica as she opened the door and prepared to leave

Leon stood up immediately

"Wait, Jess." pleaded Leon

"I'm going to be late for homeroom." she said leaving and closing the door behind her.

Leon waiting in the room a little longer alone with his thoughts as Jessica's words echoed in his head. In middle school, Jessica was the most sought out girl - turning down every guy that tried with her. Leon was the first person she accepted and as with everything in his life, he schemed and planned to win her over. However, he never thought his desire towards Jessica and Veronica was because he simply wanted what he could not have.


George was able to catch the Vice Principal in the hallway a few seconds before homeroom started.

"Miss Halwin!" called George in the swarm of students in the hallway making their way to class.

The Vice Principal turned around hearing George's cry.

"Yes?" she asked as students walked around George and the Vice Principal.

"I wanted to ask something regarding the rules of the election." he said

"Okay. I have some time." she said

"Today I have a photo shoot for PopEight magazine - I'll be on their cover should I show up. It's a favor from Layla's dad and I don't want to be rude and turn him down. Technically it's not a statement, but I wanted to make sure with you. If I do this, will I be disqualified?" he said

She fixes her glasses and looks to her left thinking. She sighs lightly and looks back at George.

"I would rather you don't do this photo shoot. But we can't control everything, if your face ends up in a newspaper or the news then we can't punish you for it, even if you knew about it - since we can't prove it. So regarding your question, you will not be disqualified so as long as you make no statements whatsoever to the magazine." she said

George nods "Okay, thank you so much Miss. Halwin". George walks past the Vice Principal making his way towards homeroom.

"Layla's father you said?" said the Vice Principal suddenly causing George to halt and turn around

"Yes, from the Lance family. Why?" said George with a raised eyebrow

"No reason, carry on." she said prompting George to reluctantly turn around and walk to class.


That same morning, around the end of first period at Unitare high school, the Crown Prince Thomas was in his chambers. He was in a meeting with one the high ranking shadow council members. Her name was Bethany Garner.

"You should've not provoked the Prime Minister like that" she said looking at Thomas with her sharp-edged brown eyes.

"It was necessary, we need him to react - otherwise our plan won't work." he said

"There are other ways to provoke him, you may jeopardize our standing in his cabinet." she said

"Trust me Bethany, I will do everything I promised and more - you just make sure that they all support me when I come through" said Thomas

"There are royalists a plenty, Thomas, ready to rise for their future emperor. But you must not be careless, they are watching every move you make. If I'm to convince them of a rebellion, they must know they can trust you." she said

One of Thomas' men knock and enter the chambers.

"Sir, your 10 am meeting is here." he said holding his tablet.

"Let him in" said Thomas

As the doors opened, they produced a large man with a short well-trimmed beard.

Thomas stood up to greet the man who became apparent as he moved closer.

"Please, have a seat, Mr. Lance."