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The Point of No Return

Layla's father, Mr. Lance, had his head lowered in the presence of Bethany Garner.

"My apologies Mrs. Garner, I was not aware you were meeting with the Crown Prince. I'll leave immediately" he said slightly bowing

"Mr. Lance, this meeting is for all of us. Please, take a seat." she said stopping Mr. Lance from leaving.

He sat next to Bethany Garner in his best posture.

"Any news on our little problem?" asked Thomas

"He's very sharp, but he'll come around eventually. The photo shoot will be today." said Mr. Lance

"Good, but once George is taken care of, we'll have to move quickly. His father is already out to get me - this will be the final straw." said Thomas

"We will need Karl to be on as many news channels as we have control over." said Bethany to Mr. Lance.

Karl was a political scientist known for his outlandish conspiracy theories.

"Of course, but isn't it too early?" asked Mr. Lance

"We need to build pressure on Hilda early on for this to work." said Bethany.

Mr. Lance had a worried expression on his face.

"What is it, Mr. Lance?" said Thomas

"My daughter." he said

"She'll never know, as far as she's concerned - a mistake was made." said Bethany

"Now's not the time for regret, once this happens, it'll be the point of no return." said Thomas

Mr. Lance looks down and nods obediently.


It was nearing the end of lunch at school. The candidates continued their normal campaigning. Leon's 'boys' were talking on his behalf to the student body about the changes he plans to make and how he'll make them happen. He's also using Taylor to spread a huge social media campaign that involves interactive websites and constant updates. Leon is trying to subtly spread the idea that whilst George's father is Prime Minister right now, he may not be next year. George is trying to counter this by pointing to Leon's father's corruption allegations and his falling behind in the polls. Till now, Leon has still not spoken face to face to the student body, continuing to take a hands off approach making himself scarce.

Leon left school near the end of lunch with excuse that he needed to get something from his car. However, he went to meet with Veronica in secret. She left with an excuse that she was picking up something from her driver. They rendezvoused at Leon's car, then drove away to a nearby location and parked far away from pedestrians as to not be seen by anyone.

"Here you go." she said handing Leon the poll results.

Leon sighs as he reads through the results.

Original Polls (2nd Round):






"It makes sense doesn't it? The biggest change is in those that abstained. Usually they don't care about the election, but now they do. Which is why you got most of their votes, you made them care." said Veronica

"I guess you're right, but George hasn't budged at all. The people who were voting for him anyway, saw no reason to switch around because he gave them a compelling reason why he can make the changes. He completely neutralized my attack." said Leon

"Well, you wanted me to manipulate the polls, what's the best thing to do here?" she asked.

Leon looks at the results for a little longer, deep in thought. He sticks his tongue out.

"People probably haven't decided who's more able to make the changes happen in their heads. So the best thing I can do now is make them believe that me and George are both equally suited to do the job. That'll put me in the best situation. Give me 140 of George's votes." said Leon handing Veronica the results back.

Manipulated Polls:







"But Leon, this means you went from 95 votes in the first round to 368, it also means George just suddenly lost 140 votes. It looks suspicious." said Veronica

"You said your vice president in the newspaper club is head over heels for George, right?" asked Leon

"Yeah, why?"

"She'll be the key to make sure this works without anyone asking any questions." said Leon

"You can't be serious. Leon, there's 1,244 people that voted." said Veronica

"Sure, but we only need to re-write 140 polling papers. Pick 140 random polls from the pile that voted for George, give it to my boys along with 140 blank polling papers. They'll fill in each name and change the vote from George to me. There's seven of them, they should be done before the end of fourth period - they don't mind skipping." said Leon.

"Okay, but how does my vice president come into all this?"

"You'll tell her that you were busy and couldn't count them in lunch, so you ask for her help to count after school. Being a George supporter, and counting the polls with you, it'll be less likely for anyone to be suspicious." said Leon.

Veronica smiles.

"You really are the devil." she said impressed.

Leon looks away, distressed from Veronica's statement.

"Leon? It was a joke." she said placing her hand on his shoulder

Leon turns around and looks at her, then looks down unable to make eye contact. His mouth opens but then closes again. He takes a deep breath

"I used to date Jessica." he said suddenly.

Veronica froze then slowly retracted her hand from Leon's shoulder. She wanted to ask so many questions, but the only thing that didn't make sense was

"Why are you telling me all of a sudden...?" asked Veronica

"I don't know. I guess I don't feel comfortable keeping this away from you." said Leon

"Are you feeling guilty because I'm helping you with the elections, is this some kind of reciprocation to make yourself feel better?"

"No. Someone just said something to me, and got me thinking... about how I treat those around me." said Leon looking into thin air.

"I still don't get it, why does it matter to me who you used to date." she said folding her arms

"Why..." said Leon as he turned towards Veronica locking eyes with her. She tried to look away but couldn't, surrendering to Leon's gaze.

He reaches his arm towards her neck and moves in closer. She stays in her place unable to move, looking at Leon as he gets closer. Then, she simply closes her eyes solemnly.