WebNovelThe Rise55.26%

Dead, Indifferent Eyes.

The seven boys working for Leon finished manipulating the 140 votes, disposing of the old ones and discretely placing the new ones into one of their lockers. The pin of the locker was given to Veronica who collected it later. The boys finished sooner than they expected and returned back to their different classes at fourth period late.

Veronica collected the polls in between the fourth and fifth period quickly adding them to the pile of polls in her box. On her way to take the box to her locker she was seen by her Vice President, Tasha. She had long blonde curly hair and an extremely thin long face. She wore bubbly accessories, had a different color on every nail and two stud earrings that she would change their color every other day. Stud earrings were all the school allowed.

"Verrr!" she called joyfully

Veronica smiled innocently as soon as Tasha called her and held tighter onto the box of polls. Tasha walks closer towards Veronica and peaks into the box.

"Oh, you haven't counted them yet? You were so fast last time." said Tasha

"Yeah, something came up at lunch, I didn't have enough time - I would appreciate your help counting them today after school if you're not busy." said Veronica

"Of course! I was starting to feel guilty letting you count all the polls by yourself ever since you insisted on it." she said picking up a poll from the top of the pile "I'm sure after that speech, George is going to be so far ahead - he was so authoritative, and dreamy and-"

"Alright Tasha. Just be there after school in the club room. Okay?" said Veronica

Tasha pouted and nodded at Veronica's stern orders. She then quickly returned to her bubbly self and gave Veronica a smile as she left.

"See you around Verr!" she said

Veronica lets out a sigh of relief. Then continued towards her locker to place the box of polls.


It was after school - Veronica and Tasha were in the club room counting the polls. Meanwhile a rare meeting between Gideon Faraday and Hilda Cottonwood was occurring in Hilda's home. Gideon was sitting in the same place that Leon sat when he met his grandmother. Gideon had a few paper files. He favored hard copies for sensitive information over digital soft copies for security purposes.

"Your grandson is not doing so well, but your girl Jessica Twint is a close second based on the first polls. But you already know that. More importantly, your grandson has most likely managed to convince Jessica to work with him." said Gideon going through the files

"Yes, she's already made me aware of the situation. My grandson is proving to be more capable than I previously credited him. He manipulated the girl into believing I wanted them to work together." she said holding a drink

"Not part of the plan?" asked Gideon

"No, it would ideal if they worked together - of course I couldn't impose it on the previous lovers, but I didn't plan that he would exploit her feelings towards him like that." she said

"Regardless, despite them working together they won't be able to beat George as of yet." said Gideon

"Any news on his situation?" she asked

"Elizabeth spoke to George this morning and it seems that our suspicions that the Lance's are royalists were correct. In one way or another they plan to disqualify George." said Gideon

"Let's hope they can do a half decent job, Elizabeth will help facilitate his disqualification. Theodore is still not willing to remove his Minister of Education. If he finds out Thomas is behind his son's removal from the election, he'll do exactly as we ask." said Hilda

"The Prime Minister is extremely loyal to his cabinet." said Gideon

"His cabinet is riddled with royalists, I should've dissolved the monarchy when I was in power." she said taking a sip out of her drink

"Regarding that, here's the latest list." said Gideon as he placed down a paper in front of Hilda. It was a list of potential royalists in the shadow council.

She quickly skimmed through it.

"Thankfully Bethany Garner is not on the list - one less demon we have to worry about." said Hilda as she placed down the paper.

There was a silence in the room for a short while. Hilda looks into her drink, swirling it around.

"We usually don't do this in person. What's different this time." asked Gideon

Hilda looks up at Gideon without moving her head, looking through her lashes. She then smiles gently.

"It's almost on." said Hilda as she snaps her fingers prompting her butler to turn on the TV.

The channel was the National News Agency - NNA. They were doing their usual segment regarding the Unitare High School election after school.

"Hello, good afternoon, this is the NNA, it's Tuesday April 17th and I'm Jennifer Jordan. The second day of the Unitare High School election saw candidates giving passionate speeches. Our sources tell us there was a heavy focus on policy changes in the school and giving students 'the things they never knew they wanted'. This is apparently the first time the election went in this direction."

"All my daughter told him was: a good politician is like a good salesman, and look what he did. He changed the entire battlefield." said Hilda

"When it comes to your offspring, you're often more critical than praising." said Gideon looking at Hilda from the corner of his eyes.

"You're right, though I quite like the boy." she said

"Unfortunately we do not have the polls for today. However, we have with us today a political analyst and expert who has previously written an article regarding the Unitare High School elections - Karl Umpire." said the news anchor

"There he is." said Gideon

"Dr. Umpire, why do you think there has been such massive media attention focused on the Unitare elections?"

Karl was a balding man with ruffled hair. His suit barely fit him, and he seemed shabby. He had the eyes of a fox. The type of man who would do anything to have his voice heard, a little crazy but just sane enough to still be reasonable and believable.

"Well the obvious reason, Jennifer, is that there are extremely important kids running in this election and people feed off drama. Some big names like Lapuzi and Tomhawk as well as a royal for the first time. Mix that with the immense media coverage afforded by Thomas Vinzent, who wants the world to watch a royal beat the biggest names in the game to prove that he as well can play politics-"

"But those are just rumors, Thomas himself has never expressed interest in politics explicitly" said Jennifer quickly cutting off Karl.

"You need to learn how to read between the lines, Jennifer. Politics is never straightforward, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make a living out of it. More importantly though, is that the Unitare elections have always been important. It's a little known fact but, five of the seven last Prime Ministers were presidents at Unitare High School." said Karl

"And what do you propose this means?" asked Jennifer.

"I have done extensive research that proves Hilda Cottonwood, who created the school some thirty years ago, intended it to a breeding place that produces the future world leaders in all industries. This and several other evidence proves the existence of the shadow council-"

"Dr. Umpire, please keep your analysis grounded in reality. Powerful figures meeting behind closed doors as part of a secret organization is just conspiracy that you have brought up time and time again - but we won't tolerate it. This is a reputable news channel." said Jennifer assertively.

Karl sighs. He's often used to this kind of battering with just the mention of the words 'shadow council'.

"Regardless, what's important is if this election is even a fair one." said Karl changing the subject.

"How so?" asked Jennifer

"The Vice Principal, Elizabeth Halwin, has known ties to Hilda Cottonwood and she has been the one to count and announce the election results at Unitare High School." said Karl as the news channel starts putting up a timeline and evidence that shows the deep ties between Elizabeth and Hilda.

"No one else is counting these ballots, mostly because no one cared enough. Elizabeth could simply announce any winner and no one will be the wiser." said Karl

"But what motive does Hilda have to manipulate the results." said Jennifer

Hilda snaps her fingers prompting the butler to turn off the TV.

There was a long silence between Hilda and Gideon.

"Karl hasn't been on TV for years. The reason you're here Gideon, is because this is a public declaration of war. Yet I'm still unsure what Thomas' end game is with this. I don't truly plan to stop him through this childish election, he must know that." said Hilda

"Perhaps it's a distraction. We have a plan in place, Hilda. Don't doubt it, it's what he would want us to do." said Gideon

"I'm worried that my mind is not as it used to be, Gideon. Perhaps Thomas Vinzent timed this perfectly, when I'm old and comfortable, in order to strike." said Hilda placing her drink down.

Gideon looks at Hilda as her eyes become dead and indifferent. He knew that look well. Hilda learned to suppress herself in situations like these lest she commit irreparable damage. But every once in a while, she shows her true colors.

"I thought you wanted dealing with Thomas to be bloodless." said Gideon anticipating Hilda's next order.

She simply looked away detached and cold. She picks up the list of royalist names and hands it to Gideon.

"It's time I remind them, why I'm on top." she said emotionless.

Gideon reluctantly and tensely picks up the file.


Tasha and Veronica were nearly finishing up counting the polls after school. Tasha picks up one of the polling papers and her eyes immediately widen in shock.

"Verr... this doesn't make any sense." she said looking up at Veronica

Tasha holds up the polling paper. Veronica noticed it was one of the new ones that was tampered with by the boys. Although they tried to copy the handwriting, the giveaway was that they looked newer.

"What is it?" asked Veronica unassumingly.

"Why is Layla Lance, George's girlfriend and campaign manager, voting for Leon..."