WebNovelThe Rise56.58%


Veronica quickly returns to counting the polls pretending to ignore Tasha.

"It doesn't matter Tasha, we have to keep everyone anonymous. Vice Principal orders." said Veronica

"Who cares about that! Don't you know what this means?" said Tasha leaning into Veronica causing Veronica to move back slightly

"What?" said Veronica impatiently

"It means George and Layla aren't as tight as I previously thought. I can smell a breakup, and then I can finally make him mine." she said smiling ecstatically

Veronica burrows her eyebrows upwards.

"Tasha. You shouldn't meddle with people's relationships."

Tasha moved back into her seat pouting.

"I was only joking, you're no fun Verr."

Tasha looks down frowning slightly.

"But it's not fair... She has everything she wants and she can't even be true to him." said Tasha

Veronica had never seen Tasha this down before. She decides to ignore Tasha and continue counting the polls. Tasha quickly cuts out of it and starts counting along with Veronica in silence.

"What about you Verr, any guys you're interested in?" said Tasha

"You know the answer to that." said Veronica

"Yeah you're not allowed to date, but I asked if there's anyone you're interested in - there's a difference" said Tasha winking at Veronica

"No, it would be pointless since it won't lead to anything. Now keep counting, we don't have all day." said Veronica. As soon as Tasha went back to counting, Veronica placed her two fingers on her lips, lost in thought.


Later that afternoon George went to the PopEight studio for his magazine cover photo shoot. Upon arriving in his school uniform, he found Layla waiting for him outside the entrance holding her hands in front of her. He was accompanied by a single secret service guard as he walked towards her.

"What is it?" he asked as he noticed her visibly agitated

"You're right George, we shouldn't risk it. There's no need to do this stupid photo shoot, my father will understand. Let's just head back and play it safe." said Layla with a worried expression her face.

George smiles and proceeds to embrace her.

"Don't worry about it Layla, I asked the Vice Principal today. It's okay as long as I don't make a statement." said George into her ear.

"Are you sure about this George. If you don't want to do it, I'm completely on board." she said looking up at him.

"Your father went through a lot of trouble to get this for me, it would be rude to just walk out - especially if there's no reason to do so." said George as he holds her hands.

She nods understandingly.

The two enter the studio. George takes the photos without speaking a single word to anyone in the studio, then leaves immediately.


After Veronica and Tasha finished counting the polls, Veronica left the school to go home. She saw Justin waiting outside the school gate in the car. She places her bag in the back and sits in the front with Justin.

"Where's Alan?" asked Veronica about her usual driver

"Dad asked me to pick you up today. To make sure you come home straight away." said Justin as he starting driving

"Why?" she asked

Justin looks at her with an apologetic expression

"We have 'guests'" he said

That was enough for Veronica to understand what Justin meant. Every once in a while, a branch of the Tundra family arrives to ask Veronica's hand in marriage to one of their sons. She has until she graduates to make a final decision after she's met with several suitors.

"Did everything go well with the polls?" asked Justin changing the subject

"Yeah, Tasha was preoccupied with the fact that we mistakenly made Layla vote for Leon to worry about how George dropped so drastically in the polls." said Veronica

Justin places his hand on his forehead.

"Seriously? Did she suspect anything?" asked Justin

"No, she was happy." said Veronica

"Figures. I don't like George, but I still don't want to screw up his relationship with Layla. Leon should've been more careful with his plan" said Justin

"He can't foresee everything." said Veronica in his defense

"I guess you're right." settled Justin

The two arrived at the Tundra estate. As soon as they entered they saw their parents seated facing three other people. It was clear it was the family that had come to ask Veronica's hand in marriage - a mother, a father and a son. But this time was different. The Tundras only exclusively allowed for inter-familial marriages for the females. However, Veronica immediately recognized that the family in front of her, were not Tundras.