WebNovelThe Rise73.68%


Leon continued to approach Justin slowly with his hand on his forehead covering his eyes from the rain. As he gets closer he is able to make out Justin's expressionless face. As he finally reaches Justin within talking distance he starts to shout out in the thunderous rain:

"Justin, you're being played, I can explain everything, but right now I need to-"

Justin's fist launches right into Leon's face knocking him to the floor.

The metallic iron taste of blood attacks Leon's mouth as he instinctively spits it out immediately. His head was ringing and his clothes were dirtied by the wet concrete on the floor. He looked up with his head still in shock, to see Justin coming in for another hit. He quickly stands and puts his hands up trying to block the second hit. A painful blow to his forearm deadens it. He tries to move away from Justin, but Justin continues to pursue.

"Justin! Listen to me, you're falling right for it!" shouted Leon.

Justin ignores him.

Justin's next attack is dodged by Leon sloppily as it just misses his head. Leon quickly grabs Justin by his collar and throws him to the ground and puts all his weight on top of him. He tries to neutralize Justin but Justin continues to struggle. He pounds on the side of Leon's body, punching at his ribs. Leon cries in pain and grabs Justin by his collar and vigorously shakes his head battering it on the ground back and forth.

"Cut it out!" cried Leon as he pummeled Justin with every syllable

Justin manages to grab Leon's neck and throws him off to the side.

A crowd had already gathered around the fight before the two could even notice. They were bathed in the black dirt of the wet concrete and their faces dripping with blood and water like two animals fighting in a cage. The security guards had not yet noticed the fight, that was hidden by the rain and the crowd.

As Justin shifted his position landing on top of Leon, Leon noticed Justin's face. He couldn't tell if the droplets from his eyes were tears or rainwater.

"You lied to my face!" screamed Justin finally as he started battering Leon without reproach.

Punch after punch, Leon sat there helpless as Justin vented his anger.

Suddenly a girl grabs Justin and launches him off Leon. Justin, on the heels of his hands looks up at a towering girl he's never met before as she looked down on him with a menacing stare of anger and warning.

"Back off." she said with absolute resounding rage.

Another boy was by Leon's side, holding him up checking if he was okay.

"Leon? Answer me? Are you okay?" asked the boy

Leon's eyes barely opened as he looked at the boy and girl who appeared out of nowhere. He was vaguely able to make out their faces. They were Kimberly and Tom, the children of the ministers that worked for his father.

"Justin! Leon! In my office now! Everyone get back to homeroom immediately!" shouted a voice from the crowd with tremendous temper. It was the ex Vice Principal and new Principal, Elizabeth.

Justin got up slowly, staring down at Leon with every movement he made. Kimberly stood in between them making sure Justin made no sudden moves. He then looked at Elizabeth and simply stormed out pushing his way through the crowd.

"Justin you come back here right now!" she shouted

Justin didn't look back and walked right out of the gate leaving the school without a care. And on the floor, was the envelope. Though the rain and concrete had blurred the pictures to the point that they were no longer decipherable.