WebNovelThe Rise75.00%


After a quick visit to the nurse, Leon was taken immediately to the Principal's office. He entered the office with band-aids on his face and a white bandage around his forearm. Elizabeth diverted her attention to Leon as soon as he entered and stared at him sternly.

"What happened out there?" she asked in a demanding tone

"I was defending myself." said Leon with a battered voice

"I was asking about what caused the fight." she said

"Why does that matter?" said Leon

"Because I need to know everything that happens in this school, and I can find out, with or without you." she said

Leon looked down at his bandage.

"I guess I looked at him weirdly and he didn't like that" said Leon condescendingly

Elizabeth sighs with slight annoyance.

"Well if you plan to hide the reason Leon, then I'm afraid it's too late for that. I've already been told, there are rumors spreading that you were in a relationship with Veronica Tundra." said Elizabeth

"It makes sense you would have student spies that tell you everything, but unfortunately they're wrong. But again, I don't see why my personal life is of any importance here." said Leon dismissively

"If you don't want to talk, I can't force you. Your punishment will remain the same nevertheless. You are suspended for two school days. You will resume school Monday." she said coldly

"What? No. You can't. I was defending myself - you can't punish me for trying to defend myself" said Leon furiously

"Do you know how I maintain order in a school filled with rich and powerful children who think they can get away with whatever they want? It's by never playing favorites. What would happen to that order if I let you get away with your transgressions?" said Elizabeth

"Detention, delay the suspension, say you're still conducting an investigation about the fight and buy me some time. But you can't suspend me during the election, it's exactly what Thomas wants." insisted Leon

"The election is no longer a point of contention. I'm the only power here now that the old Principal was fired. Hilda has already given the order that Jessica is to win the election." said Elizabeth

Leon becomes weak as he felt like dropping to his knees defeated.

"So that's it? You're just going to rig the elections, everything I did up until now, all the lies I told and the games I played were for nothing... My own grandmother leaving me for dead." Leon looks at the photo of Hilda in Elizabeth's office. "Was she ever really my grandmother?" he asked himself out loud.

Then suddenly his eyes widen as he turns towards Elizabeth.

"If the election didn't matter, why did Thomas go all this way to screw me over?" he asked Elizabeth

"Thomas is trying to get Hilda to lash out by going after you. It's his last ditch attem-"

"No." said Leon, looking at Elizabeth with darting open eyes "There's something you don't know, I don't think you're in the loop. Something doesn't add up here." said Leon

"That's enough Leon. I only entertained your conversation because of what's happening to you right now. But I can only play nice for so long. You're to leave school grounds immediately. Your suspension starts now." she said

Leon turns around and walks towards the door slowly like a man lost in a daydream. He then stops and turns around.

"Please don't tell my grandmother or my mother about this just yet. I want my mother to hear it from me first." said Leon

"You have until the end of school, but after that I must report to them myself." replied Elizabeth.

Leon made his way out of school and luckily for him there were no students around in the corridors as they were all in class. He gets into his car and launches his head backwards into his seat looking up at the dark gray car roof. He closed his heavy eyes and took a deep breath. In that moment, he had never felt so helpless. It felt like the whole world was against him, and those closest to him abandoned him. Part of him knew he was responsible, but another part of him knew it was unfair.

"I guess, this is it." he said to himself crushed.

His nose begins to sharply tingle as he feels tears forming on the sides of his eyes. He quickly sniffs up killing any chance of crying. He then put his head on the steering wheel, drooping. His thoughts were blank, the moment was painful, and for the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do.

He turns his head to the passenger seat and his eyes accidentally catch onto the storage compartment. He reaches forward and opens it. And right there, sitting where he had left it the last time, was the metal card with Gideon Faraday's number.