WebNovelThe Rise76.32%


Leon reaches out and grabs the metal card. He examines it flipping it around. He takes out his phone after a few seconds of consideration. He begins to type the number into his phone, then suddenly stops. He puts the card down and goes to his contacts until he reaches his father's number. He hovers over the number with his thumb, then calls it.

The phone rang, and rang, but no reply. His father must be extremely busy. He then goes back to his contacts and finds his mother's number. Leon didn't want to call his mother, she was less understanding than his father. But he knew this time was different, this time the Emperor himself appeared at Leon's house and blackmailed him. What's the purpose of having two of the most powerful politicians as parents, if they don't even help you when you're bullied by those stronger than you?

There was an answer after a long wait of ringing.

"Hello Leon" said Jessica, his mother, as she picked up the phone.

Leon paused before speaking.

"Leon? Are you there?" she asked

"Mom. I need your help. Everything is burning down and I can't do anything about it." he said cryptically

"What happened?" said Jessica

"The same way Thomas Vinzent got rid of George, he's done the same with me. He showed up to the house, then the next thing I know, I'm suspended. I'm sparing the details, but all I need right now, is your help to revoke the suspension." he pleaded

His mother paused.

"Leon. I'd love to help, but this fight was never yours to fight. Your grandmother is taking care of Thomas. I can't impeach on Elizabeth's autonomy in the school, I'm sure she would've never done something like this unless she knew it was best for everyone." she said

Leon snaps the phone away from his ear and looks outside the window breathing in and out slowly but heavily.

"Leon? Leon come to me in the party headquarters, you can't go to your father right now - something just happened-" Leon hung up the phone.

He rubs his eyes and waits a while. Then picks up the phone to call his father again. But again, there was no reply. His mother calls him back but he leaves the phone ringing, not answering. Once again, he picks up Gideon's card and gives it a good long stare.

He enters the number and calls it. There was an immediate answer.

"Leon." said the same deep heavy voice Leon remembered when he met Gideon at the rally.

Leon gulps at the sudden answer and call of his name, then recollects himself by breathing in.

"You said to call this number if I ever needed anything." said Leon with a pinch of fear in his voice

"Yes." said Gideon

"I've been suspended. I need it to be revoked." said Leon

There was a silence from the other end of the call.

"You're near the school, correct?" said Gideon

"Yes." replied Leon

"Stay where you are and await for my call for further instructions. We'll see what we can do." said Gideon ending the call.

Leon looks at his phone as the call ended, worried and afraid. He still doesn't fully know who Gideon is, nor does he trust him.

Leon then notices Veronica coming out of the school gates. A car arrived to pick her up, but then she noticed Leon's car and made her way towards him. She entered the car bringing along with her a strong flowery scent.

"How did Justin and everyone find out?" she asked immediately as she entered the car in a haste

"The emperor showed up to my house and blackmailed me. He had photos." said Leon half-ironically.

"The emperor? God knows what's really happening behind this election." she said

"You're leaving before second period, is it really that bad?" said Leon

"Not yet, people are staring and talking, but I'm not going to wait until it does get bad. I can't stay in school and I won't go home either. Not after what Justin did to you." she said

"Where will you go then?"

"We have a penthouse on the outskirts, I'll stay there for a while." said Veronica

"They'll know you're there." said Leon

"Yeah, but they'll leave me alone, at least for now." she said

Leon kept silent looking straight ahead.

"Are you okay?" she asked looking at Leon's bruised face

"I'll be fine." he said

"Everything's changed, Leon. Nothing could ever faze you, but right now you look defeated and weak." she said causing Leon to turn towards her "Cut out of it." she said with piercing eyes.

Veronica got out of the car ending the conversation there, then made her way to her ride.


A few moments before, Theodore was at the Prime Minister's estate with his top officials as they watched the judicial verdict of Alexander Lapuzi's corruption case.

"Sir, no matter what happens, we're still ahead in the polls." said one of his officials.

"Don't be delusional, if Lapuzi gets out of this with his head attached, there's no stopping him." said another official

"We've received confirmation for the interview to take place immediately after the verdict if needed. Hopefully we can divert attention from the verdict." whispered another official into Theodore's ear.

Theodore nodded.

"We'll give them a bigger story." said Theodore.

On the live feed, Alexander Lapuzi came out of the court with his entourage and a sea of reporters swarming him. He was smiling and waving as he made his way to his car. From his expression, the verdict was clear.

One of the reporters on the live feed began talking.

"We have just received the judicial verdict. The courts have found Alexander Lapuzi clear of any corruption in his time as a public official. This development will surely be a defining factor for the upcoming elections. We will have to wait and see how this will ultimately affect the polls in the fu-"

Theodore turns off the TV and stands up.

"Get everything prepared." he commanded.