WebNovelThe Rise77.63%


Several minutes after Veronica had left, Leon received a call from an unknown number. He answered expecting Gideon, but it was an undecipherable voice that directed him to leave his car and took him to a nearby location that was hidden from the streets and roads. He then received a second call that directed him to check his surroundings and describe everything he saw. After which he was told directions that took him to a normal red car that only had the back windows tinted.

Upon cautiously following the commands and reaching the car, Leon enters slowly to find Gideon inside. The exterior of the car looked completely normal, however the interior was luxurious, with spacious leather seats and televisions. Gideon called in Leon who hesitantly stayed at the door of the car.

Leon entered and avoided eye contact with Gideon looking straight ahead. Gideon examined Leon's injuries.

"I was told there was a fight, however I didn't know it was this bad." said Gideon

"Are you going to help me or not? I'm starting to have second guesses about your ability to help, given that Elizabeth reports directly to my grandmother - and you work for her." said Leon

"I can only guess your problem is suspension for the fight, as you still haven't informed me what it is you need help for. If you knew I can't persuade Hilda, why would you call me? Was it wishful thinking, or perhaps you had a more calculated reason?" asked Gideon curiously

"If you went behind my grandmother's back to meet me, then it isn't the first time you've done so. If there's only one person on this planet that can undermine her, other than my mother, then I could only assume it's you. So as long as it's in your interest to help me, you'll find a way to do so." said Leon

"You truly are a specimen." said Gideon in admiration "Though you should understand I have the utmost respect for your grandmother, she's just like me - we both came from nothing." said Gideon.

Leon finally looked at Gideon as his words peak his interest.

"When I was in University, there was someone very dear and close to me. She was different to everyone I had ever met, she was someone I never thought I could fall for. However, she was from a powerful family, and I was no-one. We wanted to be together, but her father was defiant. One time, I was alone with him and he told me that he would never let someone like me, a commoner, marry his daughter. And just like that, a whole chapter of my entire life was written and decided by another man without me having any say." said Gideon as he clenches his fist without realizing - however Leon notices Gideon's fist.

"That feeling of hopelessness, it's the reason we seek God, even when we don't believe in him. Praying that someone, something is more powerful than all the scum in the world, praying for justice. It's such an alluring concept, but I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. I never wanted to be in that situation again, I wanted to be so powerful that never will another human being ever be able to impose their will on me like her father did." said Gideon as he turned towards Leon with a cold detached look

Leon kept silent as the intense stare of Gideon freezes him. Gideon notices Leon's discomfort and quickly lightens up the mood by smiling suddenly.

"It seems you're having girl problems of your own. Are the rumors true?" asked Gideon

"It doesn't matter right now, I'm running out of time - I need to get back in time for the debate, otherwise everything is over." said Leon

"Unfortunately Leon, it does matter, but you're right, we'll get to that later." said Gideon as he turned on the TV on the car seat in front of him.

"This is a recording from only twenty minutes ago. It's a rare interview with the Prime Minister, Theodore. You'll be happy, but not surprised to hear that your father's allegations were cleared up this morning. This interview is Theodore's way of diverting attention from your father's story and a way for him to gain the losses he received in the polls after firing his minister of education." said Gideon as he turned up the volume.

Theodore was facing an interviewer sitting with his legs slightly opened dominantly.

"As we're nearing the end of the interview, I must address the question on the minds of millions of our viewers. The minister of education, your son and the election at Unitare - what is going on exactly? There are several people who are claiming that the minister of education was unjustly removed, perhaps as retaliation for the disqualification of your son or perhaps as part of some conspiracy involving Hilda Cottonwood and her friend Elizabeth to control the results of the election. What have you got to say about these concerns?" said the glasses wearing female interviewer.

"The first claim is nonsense, my son has already won the election last year and I've already told him that winning this year is simply a bonus, though not as important. Why would I ask the resignation of a minister after the disqualification of my son? It has not brought him back into the election, it's simply unfeasible. The second claim is equally nonsensical, these conspiracy theories that we've been hearing since we were little children of men in dark rooms controlling our nation. But I understand that these ideas have festered in the nation like a plague and I am willing, as your Prime Minister, to prove myself as it is my job to gain your trust. The minister was not removed because of the election and there is no rigging of the election. In order to prove so, I have instructed the new minister of education to change the rules regarding the way in which votes are counted. Instead of the principal herself counting them, each candidate running in the race will elect an individual of their choosing to count the votes together. This way, there can be no possible rigging of the results. It's a simple solution to deal with a trivial matter." said Theodore.

Leon's eyes were glued to the screen as his eyebrows shot up upon hearing Theodore's drastic change to the election.

Gideon paused the recording.

"Theodore already blames us for sitting around and watching his son get disqualified and for forcing his hand to fire the minister which affected his approval ratings. Pulling the rug from under Hilda's feet so that she can no longer control the election was something to be expected, he needed to protect himself in the polls, he has an election to worry about." explained Gideon as he turned towards Leon with a smirk "But this is good news for you, because now it means Hilda can't afford you being suspended just so that you can learn a lesson." said Gideon

"She has Jessica." said Leon

"That's correct, though if Sinclair wins this election it will set a cascade of events that may see Thomas in undisputed power. Having you there will reduce Sinclair's chances of winning." said Gideon to a speechless Leon.

"Do you believe in God?" asked Gideon suddenly

"Why?" said Leon

"Because this turn of events, all in you favor, is nothing short of a miracle." said Gideon.