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When Everything Falls Apart

Gideon takes out a dark red phone, only used to call Hilda, and calls. Leon looked at Gideon in anticipation. Outside, the storm had calmed down, but the rain continued sparingly.

"Hilda, I've received word from Unitare. Leon has been suspended, Thomas is behind it." said Gideon

"I see. With this and Theodore's incident, everything is becoming clearer. He's quite meticulous." said Hilda

"As things stand, our only line of defense against Sinclair winning is Jessica. We need to reverse the suspension." said Gideon

"Surely Thomas knew we could reverse the suspension, why go through all the trouble?" asked Hilda

"It seems that whether or not we reverse the suspension, Leon's election chances have taken a great hit. Thomas has released slanderous information about him that will kill his chances." said Gideon

"Slanderous information?" asked Hilda

"It's only rumors as of now, but time is running out, he needs to make it back as soon as possible. We need to give Elizabeth the order." said Gideon

"Tell me Gideon, why on earth would we reverse his suspension when his chances of winning have been eradicated by this 'information'?" inquired Hilda rhetorically

Leon overheard Hilda's dismissal from the phone and begins to fidget worriedly.

"You said it yourself, the boy went from last place to first with just a few words from his mother. He's resourceful and has proven himself capable in the tightest of situations. I understand your methods, Hilda, but perhaps this is his chance to grow. Put your trust in him and it may be the spark that ignites a determination that can win us this election." argued Gideon

There was a silence from the phone as Leon looked on.

"Very well. I will call Elizabeth personally." said Hilda as she hung up the phone.

Gideon slowly brought the phone down and turned towards Leon with an assertive look.

"It's done." confirmed Gideon

Leon lets out a sharp sigh.

"How do I get back to school?" asked Leon hurriedly.

"I'll have a car take you back, however only after you receive the call. Until then, there is something of utmost importance that you must know." said Gideon as he signals to the driver to start driving.

"Where are we going?" asked Leon in a clamor

"You'll find out soon enough." replied Gideon

The driver began speeding up until they reached their destination - an abandoned old building with twelve stories. It was dark gray like an aging old man, with all its windows broken. Gideon quickly got out of the car and commanded Leon to come out. Gideon was holding an envelope in his hand and an umbrella in the other. Leon had to keep up with the giant steps and pace of Gideon in order to stay under the towering umbrella. They entered the building and went directly to a single elevator that seemed nonoperational. After rumbling and creaking, the elevator worked and took them to the roof of the building.

"Why are we up here?" called Leon as the rain the became louder, hammering on the rims of the umbrella

"There is something you need to know, and when you find out you need to let everything out on this roof, in this open area, in this pouring rain. And after you leave this building, you will continue as if nothing happened. Do you understand." said Gideon in a loud voice in the rain.

Leon squints his eyes and opens his mouth slightly in complete confusion.

"Your parents kept something from you, they had their reasons and it's not my place to step in, but it's not fair on you anymore. I know the rumors are true and this is why you need to know this now." said Gideon as he hands Leon the envelope.

Leon slowly opens it, trying to keep it under the umbrella and Gideon continues to speak.

"You remember when we met at the rally, I told you your father provided Kevin Tundra with a service that cost millions so that he could break the individual donor cap?" continued Gideon.

Leon reads through what seems to be a medical document, he's slowly able to gather the information and understand what it means.

"This was the service he provided. It was around eight months before you were born." shouted Gideon as the rain became heavier

Leon's eyes widen and his pupils dilate. His hands holding the envelope begin to shake vigorously. He walks away from Gideon into the rain as his eyes are glued on the paper in front of him. He begins to pant heavily and then falls down to his knees dropping the envelope.

"Leon! You must not-"

Leon suddenly screams and throws his arms into the puddle ridden concrete floor. Slamming the sides of his fists on the ground over and over shouting and screaming louder like an animal trying to escape captivity. He then calms down and looks up at the dark cloudy sky as the rain forces him to close his eyes. His tears mix with the rainwater forming streams down his eyes as he catches his breath.

Leon suddenly stops feeling the rain. He opens his eyes slowly and notices Gideon standing in front of him holding the umbrella. He looked down at Leon with dispassionate eyes. Then bent down and placed his hand on Leon's shoulder.

"Nothing has changed Leon. I placed my trust in you, and this is when you prove yourself. When everything is falling apart, you must stay intact." said Gideon

Leon kept staring at Gideon with lifeless eyes.

"Why tell me this now..." said Leon in a raspy whisper as his voice died out from the screaming.

Suddenly Leon receives a call, but Leon ignores it. Gideon reaches into Leon's pocket and takes out the phone.

"That's Trevor's number, this is the message you're waiting for. I stuck my neck out to get you back into this election, why I told you about this now of all times doesn't matter right now. What matters is what you do next." said Gideon.

Leon continued to ignore Gideon and the phone call.

"She won't call twice." warned Gideon

Still Leon kept his lifeless stare.

Gideon answered the call in the last second clenching his teeth. Then placed the phone to Leon's ear.

"Hello Leon? Where are you right now?" asked Trevor through the phone

Leon kept silent, then sighed.

"Leon?" said Trevor again

"What do you want." said Leon finally

"I understand you may be quite upset about the recent events, but I come with good news. Your grandmother has decided to intervene and help you. Your suspension has been reversed, she trusts you to win this election, after all you are her grandso-"

"Is that why she chose Jessica to win?" said Leon as he grabbed the phone from Gideon's hand.

"I'm sorry Leon, is everything okay? I thought you would be-"

Leon hangs up the phone.

"Leon." said Gideon

Leon gets up, with his knees wet and his hair dripping with rain. He turns his back on Gideon and leaves the roof without a word. Gideon follows after him until they reach outside the building where there was a car waiting for Leon.

Leon got into the car and found new clothes laid down in the back of the car. Gideon walked up to the window of the car and Leon pulled it down.

"After today's debate, I won't be going home. I need a place to stay." demanded Leon

Gideon nodded.

"It may be of no consolation, but despite everything I've earned, I never ended up with that woman. Power can't get you everything, Leon. Somethings are just out of reach no matter who you are." said Gideon ending the conversation.