WebNovelThe Rise80.26%

A Business Transaction

Recap: Upon finding out about Leon's and Veronica's relationship, Thomas Vinzent - the Crown Prince - meets with the royalists. He claims that he will force their hand into supporting him regardless of the results of the election. Hilda has planned with Thomas Vinzent's older sister to pass legislation that will allow her to become the first Empress should the royalists support Vinzent and give up power to the monarchy. The Parliament will meet on Friday around the same time that the school election results will be announced. Leon's suspension has been revoked under the orders of Hilda Cottonwood. Theodore has changed the rules of the election fearing criticism from voters that he unjustly removed the minister of education because of a school election. Meaning there is no more rigging of the election. Now, the royalists, Hilda, Gideon and the shadow council wait and watch what transpires in the election, depending on who wins, there may be huge consequences for all parties involved. Can Leon come back from such a huge set-back? Will Sinclair use this opportunity to win? And what are Jessica's motives?


At Unitare, lunch break had just started and students were ushered to a large lecture hall in which the presidential debates were to occur. The buzzing of the students roared in the room as they gossiped about what happened to Leon and his secret relationship with Veronica. There were three tables in the front of the hall - one for each candidate.

As waves of students entered the hall, the seats were all filled up and the Vice President of the debate club had entered the room holding several sheets of paper. Elizabeth, the Principal, entered shortly after and sat at the front with the Vice President on a separate table for those monitoring the debate.

The Vice President began the opening remarks.

"Everyone settle down" she commanded, hushing the loud crowd.

"At each of your seats are the final set of polls that you will fill out. Be sure to fill it out after the end of the debate and leave the papers at your seats. The newspaper club will take care of collecting them. Again, these are the last set of polls, so even if you do not want to vote - be sure to fill them out. Proceeding with the debate, I would like to call the candidates." said the Vice President

The first name on her list was Leon Lapuzi, however they knew he was not in school at this time so she proceeded with the other two candidates.

"I'd like to call to the front Jessica Twint." she said

Jessica arrived from the front of the lecture hall and made her way towards her table in the middle as the crowd cheers and claps her entry.

"I'd like to call to the front Sinclair Vinzent." she said

Sinclair came out slightly earlier before the Vice President finished her sentence and made his way towards his table. Again the crowd cheered and clapped his entry.

The Vice President turned towards the Principal awaiting for instructions about what she should do regarding Leon's situation. The Principal looks behind her at the door checking if Leon had arrived - the students noticed her peaking and all their heads turned back with her. She then turned back to the Vice President and nodded.

"At this time Leon Lapuzi is unable to make the debate due to-"

Suddenly there is a loud disruptive murmur from the crowd that causes the Vice President to cut her statement short and snap back.

At the back entrance of the lecture hall was a messy damp haired Leon. He walked in slowly and gracefully - calculating every step. He looked straight ahead ignoring the crowd and the stares, as he strode to his table as if he owned the place. His eyes were purposefully squinting like a fox as he had a cold, unfazed look on his face. He sat on the left table a few meters away from the center table where Jessica sat. He had his legs wide open and rested his head sideways on his fist with an unimpressed bored look, staring directly at Principal Elizabeth. She stared back defiantly.

After a long pause and continuous murmurs - the Vice President finally remembers her role and introduces Leon.

"A-And your final candidate, Leon Lapuzi." she said suddenly

There was a weak slight applause.

"The setup for today's debate will involve quick two minute speeches from each candidate in which they can make any statements regarding their candidacy. This will be followed by questions from the moderating panel and finally end with free debate and discussion among the candidates." said the Vice President.

"First we shall begin with Sinclair Vinzent. Your time will begin as soon as you start speaking - you now have the floor." she continued

Sinclair stood up and adjusted his tie as he looked down at his brief notes quickly trying to rehearse.

"I would like to first begin by thanking all of you who have stuck with me throughout this election, that have voted for me round after round and I hope that you continue to do so. It is not lost on me that what the other candidates have been promising has caught your attention. George boasted his father's position as a way to bring about these changes, Jessica claimed her vigor and resilience is proof that she can make the impossible happen and Leon said he'll call his grandmother." - The crowd bursts into laughter as Sinclair comedically stated his final sentence. Sinclair smiled and waited for the crowd to calm.

"Many of you asked me why I wasn't challenging them by showing that I in fact can bring about these changes. And the reason is clear. It's because I know, as well as you all do deep down - these changes cannot happen. I only wish to be truthful to you, and I know you all understand that these promises are simply wishful thinking. We are children! Must I spell it out? The entire budget of a school, how it allocates its funds and the decisions are not made by us! It's simply common sense, we have no sway or power in these decisions. So I ask you, do you want a candidate who is willing to do anything to win - even lie to you? Or a candidate who understands his limits, who is truthful to you and will not betray your trust!" said Sinclair ending his final words with a crescendo like shout.

The crowd erupts into applause with several students standing up. There were several students who didn't clap nor stand up - perhaps because the reality of the situation had dawned upon them. All those things they wanted, they suddenly realized, are simply out of reach.

"Second up, we have Jessica Twint. You now have the floor" said the Vice President.

Jessica stood up and made her way to the front of the crowd - electing to not do her speech behind her table as Sinclair did.

"When a proud mouse is caught in a trap, he'll do his best to convince you it was his plan all along. Sinclair failed to prove his ability to bring about change and now he's trying to squirrel his way out of it. No one said I was going to snap my fingers and suddenly the student government would have greater powers - of course it will be rigorous, difficult and time consuming, but at least we have an idea that we believe in. Voting for Sinclair, whether or not it's possible to bring about change will result in the same outcome - no change. But what if it is possible, and it is - are you willing to take that risk. At the very least, we will fight for you, Sinclair has already given up. But he's right about one thing. Trust." said Jessica as she turns towards Leon who was staring back with the same unimpressed look he had before.

"We don't need to shy away from what happened today, there a was fight. We know why. It was because of a betrayal of trust. Leon Lapuzi, had relationships with his best friend's sister, behind his back. It may not be my place to bring up personal issues, but nevertheless it is important, as in politics, to know 'who' exactly you are voting for. Sinclair won't fight for you, he's already given up. Leon doesn't care about you, he's only using you as a means to an end - just as he did with his closest friend. I'm what's left. Choose wisely." she said ending her speech calmly. Then walked back towards her table to a silent stricken room, caught off guard by her ruthless dissection of her enemies without mercy.

"Finally, we have Leon Lapuzi. You now have the floor." said the Vice President.

Leon took his time to begin his speech, as he always did, holding the crowd in suspension. He did not stand up, but remained perfectly still in his laid back position, still resting his head on his fist.

"I only remember one fight in Unitare, one year ago. Both students were suspended. Unitare has a zero tolerance policy for violence - no matter the circumstances." said Leon as he lifts his head and opens his arms "Yet here I am." he continued as the crowd begins to mutter and whisper loudly

"Called my grandmother?" he said looking at Sinclair smirking "You're goddamn right I did." he said ferociously.

Elizabeth snapped at him with a furious stare, everyone in the crowd suddenly began paying close attention. Those on their phones, put them away and those eating stopped halfway.

"True, I was suspended for the fight - but then I picked up the phone and asked my dear grandmother to revoke it. Some of you may think that's unfair, but in our world, 'who' you know is all that matters. How many lines did you skip, how much bureaucracy did you bypass just because of who you knew? Jessica is right, I couldn't care less what you think of me. I've said it from the beginning. My personal life is of no consequence to any of you. You see, this is a simple business transaction, I have something to offer and I've already proven to you by virtue of being here today, the influence and power I have over this school. The question is, are you buying? I want to win, make no mistake, so the price of this transaction, is your vote." said Leon as he suddenly stood up.

"However, despite my desire to win, there is an itch I can't scratch. Many of you must've seen the images of me at George's home. Despite our fathers being rivals, we met because what happened to George in this election was unfair and unjust. I feel almost disgusted to vote for myself and no one was worthy of my vote other than George. Many of you may be frustrated, many of you may have lost interest - and I will join you in abstaining. Tomorrow, I will not show up. I will not be casting a vote." said Leon ending his overtime speech.


Author's Note:

Extra long chapter today. Trying to make up for my uneven releases.

It should be clear Leon's strategic reason for bringing up his suspension. But what's more interesting is the reasons for his abstaining on behalf of George. There are around 500 votes in the air since George left - these are loyal George supporters. The strategic failure of Sinclair and Jessica was to not pander to these voters. Leon did exactly that. Those who truly cared about George may buy that Leon cares for George and may be swayed to vote for him.

We're nearing the final stretch of the high school election arc - thanks for sticking around :)