WebNovelThe Rise89.47%

Same Seed, Different Soil

Chapter continues after this quick recap:

Quick Recap: Veronica arrived at Leon's home - he's acting weird. Meanwhile Gideon is planning a way to get Hilda (Leon's grandmother) and Jessica (Leon's mother) to safety before tomorrow. Tomorrow will be when the school election results are decided. It is also when the parliament will be meeting - Hilda plans to make Joan Vinzent (who is the eldest sister of the Crown Prince Thomas Vinzent) the first Empress by allowing females to take succession to the throne. However Joan Vinzent was caught by Thomas - we don't know what Hilda and Gideon are planning next. Hilda already told Joan earlier that if her plan fails that she will have to "put an end to the Vinzents".


Leon turned around to Veronica who stood there frozen after Leon ignored her advances.

"What's wrong?" he asked purposefully oblivious

Veronica paused and then looked away.

"It's nothing." she said

"Great. I'll get you up to speed. Tomorrow I'll have the boys mass vote for me by tricking the ballot. But we need the names of all the students that abstained, in all the rounds. That's when you come in." said Leon

"I don't want to go back to school yet." she said holding her arm

"And I can't have my vice president, Tasha, bring it - it'll only raise more questions." she continued

"Where are the polls at the moment?" asked Leon

"I threw them away after I counted them - I had no reason to keep them" she said

"Has the trash been taken out yet?" asked Leon moving forward

Veronica pauses as she tries to remember.

"I don't think so. But our club room is locked anyway - so no one except me and Tasha can go in." said Veronica.

Leon inhales sharply as he looks away thinking.

He suddenly gets a call from an unknown number on the secured phone given to him by Gideon.

Leon answers, but doesn't say anything.

"Leon?" said a voice through the phone - Leon was able to recognize the deep heavy voice immediately as Gideon's.

"Yes?" replied Leon

"I need you for a job." said Gideon

"A job?" asked Leon

"Remember when I asked how you felt about helicopters?" said Gideon


"Tomorrow you'll be escorted from the penthouse and taken to a helicopter. You will be the only one other than the pilot in the helicopter." said Gideon mysteriously.

"What? What is this for?" asked Leon confused

"This is part of Hilda's plot to usurp power from the Vinzents and give it to Jessica Cottonwood." said Gideon

"Mother...?" said Leon

"Yes. She will make her bloodline the new royal family." said Gideon

Leon freezes in shock. Such a statement made so nonchalantly by Gideon struck right at Leon's chest.

"How?" said Leon into his phone sharply as Veronica watches from a far perplexed

"The emperor - Thomas' grandfather - is completely against Thomas' plans to give power back to the monarchy. He will give up power to another family, the Cottonwoods, in a public statement. But first we must take him from the palace. Thomas won't be expecting it - the helicopter will land and the emperor will willingly enter."

Leon remembers the story of the Backpates - the previous royal family - that was forced to give up power to the Vinzents.

Leon eyes were wide open. His heart was racing. Tomorrow was already a big day for him - but he's just found out that there may be an entire shift in power and that he may be at the center of it.

"Why I am needed on the helicopter?" asked Leon

"Leon. When you were at your lowest, who was there for you? When you needed help, who outstretched their hand? Who was the one who told you what you deserved to know?" said Gideon ignoring the question.

Leon paused and kept silent. The answer was obvious - but the questions were almost forced. Leon knew Gideon took care of him - but it seemed like he was forcing gratitude from Leon.

"Don't worry, I don't want any favors. You can't do anything for me, not yet. All I ask is your trust. Your role in the helicopter will become clear soon enough - but for now. I ask that you do as I say." said Gideon in an almost demanding tone.

Leon takes a deep breath.

"I understand." said Leon committed. He was fully prepared to submit to Gideon. It's all he could do.

Gideon ends the call. Leon looks down at the phone lost in thought - thinking about everything he had just heard.

"Leon?" said Veronica suddenly cutting him out of his thoughts. He had almost forgot Veronica was there.

"Sorry about that. Where were we?" said Leon

"Who was on the phone Leon? Why are you in this penthouse alone and who gave it to you? And what's this about a helicopter?" said Veronica with sharpened eyes as she takes several steps towards Leon.

Leon burrowed his eyebrows at Veronica's sudden aggression. Then quickly relaxed understanding her reaction was justified.

He collects his thoughts, takes a deep breath and prepares to lay everything down raw on Veronica.

"That was Gideon Faraday. He's the second highest ranking member of the shadow council, right under my grandmother. Long story short, he's using me for something, he thinks I don't know or maybe he knows that I know and doesn't care. Regardless, I'm using the fact that he needs me for something to use him for my own reasons. That's the whole truth." said Leon throwing everything out suddenly and coldly.

Veronica's eyes move back and forth in bewilderment as she takes everything in.

"What does he want you for?" asked Veronica suddenly looking back at Leon

"I don't know yet, but tomorrow - I'll be in a helicopter, and maybe then I'll find out." said Leon almost ironically

Veronica was about to ask another question but Leon quickly cut her off

"Anyways. We can talk about this later. Right now I need to get my hands on those polls." said Leon

"I'll go to school, pick them up and leave straight away." said Veronica defeated. She didn't want to step foot in the school with everything that was going on. But was prepared to suck it up for Leon.

Leon heard her defeated voice.

"No. You don't have to go through that. I have better solution." said Leon rubbing his chin "We'll break into the school tonight and pick them up." said Leon with a mischievous smirk

"The gates and doors are all locked down - not mention night guards." said Veronica.

"I forgot to mention - Gideon Faraday is the Head of the Secret Service - I'll call in a favor, he'll make sure the guards help us." said Leon.


After negotiating with Gideon, Leon managed to convince him to let him and Veronica go to the school. He was told to be careful since Thomas is watching everyone's movements. After several car transfers and rerouting, Veronica and Leon finally arrived at school. It was a hazy night with cool breezes clearing the air. It was a calm chilly night. The school looked completely different at this time. The lights inside were left on but the quietness was unusual and almost haunting.

The first thing Leon noticed was a car parked right at the front - he vaguely recognized it. He wasn't sure, but believed it was Principal Elizabeth's car. The two left the car they were escorted in and went to the front gate. A guard came out and gave them a single key without saying a word. Then went back into his guard-room to open the gate for them. Leon looked inside the guard's room at the security monitors and noticed the cameras were turned off. The two went through the gate, but Leon stopped suddenly and turned back to the security guard.

"Is the Principal inside?" he asked whispering

"My shift just started, so I don't know." he said apathetically

Leon gave the car one last look, then continued to walk towards the school - this time more cautiously.

"You think it's her car?" asked Veronica as they walked towards the school door.

"I'm not sure, but who else would be here at this time?" he said

As they entered the school, they felt exposed. They weren't supposed to be here and it was as if they trespassed into a sacred temple. Their eyes darted in all directions with every step they took, extremely cautious and ready to jump at the slightest sound. Their paranoia was even greater now that they believed the Principal was lurking somewhere in the school. Leon could only imagine his parents were on high alert looking for him - getting caught by the Principal would be the worst thing that could happen.

The two managed to make it to the newspaper club room without any trouble. Their hearts were still racing and their bodies still tense. Veronica sloppily took out the keys to the newspaper club room and inserted it ever so carefully trying to not make a sound. She opened the door slowly and the two walked in closing the door behind them immediately.

Veronica smiled with overwhelming excitement - releasing all the tension that she had built up. Then, there were footsteps. Leon and Veronica both halt their breathing instinctively. The sounds grew louder and closer to the door.

The click and clacking in the hallways was clearly the heels of the principal. Just as the sounds grew their loudest, right next to the club room door, the sound stopped.

Veronica and Leon froze. The air around them became heavier. A single sweat appears atop Leon's brow tickling down the side of his eye.

They couldn't hold their breath for much longer.

The click and clacking suddenly continued, and the sound grew fainter and further causing Leon and Veronica to release the pressure on their chests. They were breathing in and out heavily catching their breath. They both smile at each other as their racing hearts calmed down - their eyes met. Veronica and Leon both lean in closer. Their lips meet - but as soon as they do - Leon pushes himself back quickly falling to the floor. He looks down as his eyes rapidly vibrate and he pants heavily.

"What is it Leon!? This is the second time you turn me away!" she shouted in a loud whisper.

Leon looks up at Veronica as he sat on the heel of his hands with a petrified look.

"Veronica... We can't do this..." he said as his mouth became dry

"Excuse me?! Everything that's happening with Justin, my parents, my life - everything was because of you! Because of what you did in that car - and now you want to run away?!" she said moving closer to Leon with her face scrunched up - trying to be angry but holding in her tears.

"Veronica you don't understand-"

"Then explain!"

Leon looks away trying to avoid the whole confrontation.

"Leon!" she demanded again

"Okay, okay." he said trying to catch his breath and raising his hands. He gets up slowly.

"Veronica..." he pauses, still mustering up the words to talk "how many children, of your generation, from big families like the Tundras... how many of them were born from donor fathers? I know Taylor and several others-"

"What? What does this have to do with anything." she said cutting him off. But in the back of her head she remembers Johnathon Jaylin, another kid from her generation born from a donor father.

"Listen Veronica, I need to explain everything so you understand. Haven't you ever wondered how your parents, who are first cousins, were able to produce two perfect children - two perfect twins?"

"Leon, cut the crap, and tell me what's going on."

"When my father was in his early days, he needed funding, your father was giving him that - but he could only give so much before he'd be breaking the law. My father needed a loophole to let your father go above his funding cap. He needed to provide a service that would hold up in court as something that would justify a large amount of money.... And... and... your father, he needed, well, he needed genetically viable children, so they-"

"No, no, no, no, no-" she rapidly and hysterically spouted out

"Your father needed genetically viable children, so they worked together to come up with a solution!-"

"Shut up! No!-"

"My father was your family's donor. The only reason you and Justin could be born without any genetic defects." said Leon as his mouth frowned and his eyes began to water. Unable to complete each word without stuttering.

Veronica falls to her knees, trembling. Staring blankly into thin air, unable to process.

"Veronica, this can't work because..." Leon pauses and sniffs into a deep breath "because you're... you're my sister...."