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The Realm of God

Last chapter: Leon has just revealed that he and Veronica are Half-siblings.


Veronica stood up with a sudden blank look - though her tears continued to flow. She sniffed harshly and rubbed her nose then removed her tears. Her eyes had no light in them as she looked away as if she didn't know where she was - lost. Leon felt her immense shift in emotions and cautiously stepped back. She immediately noticed his movement and locked onto him like a lion seeing a rabbit run in the bushes. Her head was raised slightly as if looking down at Leon.

"Why did you tell me..." she said barely moving her lips in a stiff whisper

Leon raises his eyebrow at the bizarre question.

"I would've not told you." she said

Leon freezes like he was struck by lightening. He never considered the possibility of holding this away from Veronica and pretending like nothing happened. Maybe even one day, he'll force himself to forget it as well. But, it would never work.

"Our parents know. They would find out about us eventually, and then they'd tell you." said Leon coldly

She chuckles sorrowfully.

"The great Leon Lapuzi, has a plan for everything. But when it comes to us, he chooses the easy way out." she said as her smile turned into a disturbingly harsh look.

Leon burrows his eyebrows at Veronica's accusation.

"Plan? I can't toy with this - this is the realm of God, there is no plan here, I'm not God." said Leon pleading to Veronica's senses - nothing he could do would change the fact that they were related.

Veronica looks down at her feet for no particular reason. She shrugs her shoulders and sticks out her lower lip.

"Not good enough." she said plainly - then immediately turned away and walked out of the room.

Leon quickly tries to follow after her

"Wait, Veronica!" he called in a sharp whisper in the dark corridors - hoping that the Principal doesn't hear him.

She continued to walk away in a superior slow stride. There was no stopping her, and Leon couldn't risk getting caught here. It wouldn't matter if Veronica gets caught, but Leon couldn't let Gideon down. He stares at Veronica's back as she disappears slowly into the darkness of the corridor, he clenches his teeth and holds himself back grabbing tightly onto the door handle. He takes a deep breath, closes the door and finishes what he came here to do - collect the remaining polls.


It was the next day. Leon informed Gideon that he lost Veronica and that he told her everything. Gideon told Leon to stay focused, and that today may be the most important day of his life.

"Sir, it's time." said the guard at Leon's penthouse.

It was 1:10 p.m. The parliament will meet at 2:00 p.m. and school ends at 1:30 p.m. - then the voting for the elections will take place.

Leon dressed up in a suit prepared for him by Gideon. He followed the guard and they left in the routine pick up and drop off fashion until they finally reached what seemed to Leon to be a military base. There were men walking around with guns and camouflage attire, large warehouses with fighter planes and several military grade trucks.

"I thought we didn't have an army" said Leon to the guard as they arrived.

"Every nation needs an army, even if it's not allowed one." said the guard plainly.

They were escorted by a military guard to a warehouse where there was a plain black helicopter. The guard stayed back as Leon was taken into the helicopter by the military guard. There was a pilot already inside playing around with the configurations of the helicopter.

"Headphones." said the military guard as he slams large headphones into Leon's chest. He then points to the microphone sticking out of the side "Keep it close to your mouth or no one is gonna hear you, got it kid?" said the guard.

The military guard then leans over Leon and fastens several belts around his chest and waist. They were too tight, but Leon was too scared to ask for an adjustment. The guard then points to the pilot "Paul." he said introducing Leon to the pilot. Paul looks back and puts a thumbs up to Leon. Leon hesitates then quickly returns the favor awkwardly.

The military guard then leaves the helicopter and gives the interior one last check.

"The mission starts at 1:40 p.m. - you'll be joined by two S.W.A.T members. Any final questions?" asked the military guard, as if Leon had asked any questions prior to this for there to be 'final' questions.

Leon shakes his head and the guard nods then quickly leaves as he closes the helicopter door shut.


Meanwhile at Unitare high school, voting was finally taking place. The whole school and its perimeter were swarming with royal guards and the secret service since Princess Joan Vinzent was there - to count the votes on behalf of Sinclair as per the new rules of the elections. Jessica Twint chose her mother to count for her and Leon chose Taylor. News media outlets were camping outside the school and weren't allowed inside as they hoped to catch a glimpse of the princess. Joan stayed in the lavish teacher pantry. It was emptied out for her and only Principal Elizabeth was allowed inside to keep her company. Wherever she went she was followed by two royal guards - the crown prince Thomas was keeping a close eye on her ever since she had tried to usurp him.

"I hope everything is as you like it." said Elizabeth to Joan in the pantry.

"Perfectly fine. How is our friend doing? I heard her car broke down, when is she planning on getting it fixed?" asked Joan cryptically

"Rest assured Princess, our friend has taken all the necessary steps for the reparation of the car." said Elizabeth, keeping the cryptic tone. They couldn't talk freely about Hilda Cottonwood's plans as the royal guards were listening.

Swirling a drink in her hand, Joan starts to ponder.

"Who do you think will win? The school election I mean." asked Joan

"It's hard to tell, the most recent polls have it very close." replied Elizabeth

"You've seen enough elections in your time here to at least give an educated guess." insisted Joan

Elizabeth pauses. She already knew the answer, but instinctively held back as her profession as a Principal meant she couldn't show any favoritism.

"Most elections are straightforward, I can tell you who would win a week before the election even starts. But this year, things are different. It makes predictions more difficult." explained Elizabeth

"I suppose this is a result of my brother's meddling in the election." said Joan

"Partly. But even if he hadn't interfered, there was a different kind of phenomenon that would've shook the elections regardless." said Elizabeth as she stared into her drink lost in thought.

"And what would that be exactly?" asked Joan

Elizabeth pauses.

"Not 'what'. 'Who'." she said as she looks up at Joan "Leon Lapuzi." she said finishing her thought.

Despite her dire situation and sheer stress of being surrounded by her brother's guards, Joan was able to pull out a smirk.

"You've finally let it slip Elizabeth, the person you believe will win this election." said Joan pointing at Elizabeth with her glass.


In the assembly hall, students lined up to vote at the several voting stations and booths. At each station there were student council members running the ballots. Leon had already given all the necessary names to the seven boys. These were names of the students who have not voted at all in the polls since the polling began. These will be the votes that Leon will use to ensure he wins. The boys had the names written in a small sheet they kept in their pocket, no one was going to check or pat them down so they needn't worry about being secretive. The first boy reached the front of the line at one of the stations and only managed to pick up four sheets of paper with sleight of hand- instead of the five that he practiced with Leon. His palms begin to sweat as he quick makes his way into the booth. He releases a deep breath after having held it for so long. He clumsily takes out the piece of paper with the names and starts writing on each of the ballot papers. His heart races as he wipes a drop of sweat atop of his eyebrow. His hand shaking as he tries to write the names in as different of a handwriting as he can manage under the pressure.

Meanwhile George Tomhawk, the son of the Prime Minister, sat at the back of the assembly hall with his girlfriend Layla Lance. They sat in the exact same place as they did last year when George won the election. It was a surprise that George had showed up to school today, but despite everything that happened to him, he sat confidently and unfazed watching the students buzzing around as they cast their votes. George was watching the booths with hawk eyes.

Finally, the first boy finished writing up all the names and voting for Leon Lapuzi on the four ballots - effectively giving Leon three extra votes from thin air. He folds them up as he was taught, pockets them in his hand and walks out slowly. He takes slow deliberate steps trying to act normal, but only drawing more attention to himself. He drops the papers into the box as the student council member looks direct at him. They look at each other's eyes for what felt like minutes. The student council member then smiles

"Thanks for voting!" she said as she turned back around to the next voter.

The boy releases a massive sigh and turns to one of the other boys waiting in line and nods with a smile - signaling that 'everything's gonna be okay'.

Another boy reaches the front of the line, manages to snatch five papers from the pile as practiced and quickly gets into the ballot. He was more confident after seeing the first boy pull it off. He took out the names and starts writing them down. Finishes quicker, folds the names and pockets them into his palm. As soon as he leaves, the student council member looks at George sitting in the back. George nods and student council member nods back. The boy doesn't notice this, continues to walk forward to place the papers into the box when a hand suddenly grabs his wrist.

"Stop right there." said the student council member.

The boy's heart stops, he freezes as everyone in the assembly hall turns to look at him - his face turns red and he begins to sweat in his pits, forehead, everywhere.

"Open your hands please." demanded the student council member.

The boy clenches his fists tighter.

"That's not, this is not - it's not fair" he said barely able to speak properly "why aren't you checking everyone else. This is discrimination! Why just me!?" he said desperately

He recoils his hand out of the grasp of the student council member.

"I changed my mind, I don't even want to vote anymore. You guys should be ashamed." he said turning away.

George stared at the spectacle then looked at one of the secret service guards at the door. He was there as part of protection of the Princess, but was also a personal guard for the Prime Minister's son - George. Just as the boy was about to leave, the same guard stood in his way menacingly towering over him.

"That ballot is school property, you'll have to hand it back before you leave." said the guard in a deep demanding voice

"W-what? It's just a piece of paper, you're joking right!?" said the boy with a shaky voice.

The guard simply stuck his hand out.

Running wasn't an option, he couldn't get far in a school infested with secret service. Disposing the ballots would be impossible with everyone's eyes on him. Defeated and helpless, with a painful feeling of embarrassment and despair, he finally unclenches his fist and gives up the ballots to the guard.

The guard takes the ballots, walks towards the student council member, drops it on his desk then walks back. The member examines the ballot to find four more papers around it - designed to scatter as soon as it was flicked into the box. And all the names voted for one person - Leon Lapuzi. The member raises the ballots in the air and makes an announcement.

"It has come to our attention that there are students trying to cast multiple votes, this will not be tolerated. You must unfold all your ballots from now on before placing them into the box and we will be watching your every move carefully!" said the member as his voice echoed across the hall - particularly echoing in the chests of the five remaining boys, who could no longer do what Leon asked of them.

Sitting in the back, George whispered to himself

"I told you Leon, one day - I'll pay you back for what you did to me."

"What?" said Layla unable to hear the whisper

"Nothing" he said smiling back at Layla who then places her head on his shoulder as they continue to watch the rest of the election.


Author's Note:

Please forgive me for my terrible lateness - we're almost done! (Please accept this super long chapter as an insufficient apology)

As for George - remember in Chapter 52 when Leon tries to sort things out between George and Layla after George finds out she voted for Leon in the polls he says:

'I hurt her for no reason and that's on you even if you did try to make things right. It may not be today, or tomorrow, or next year, but our paths will cross again - and when they do, I'll be sure to repay the debt. Get out of my house.'

George was able to do this to Leon because he's the only one who knew that Leon was messing around with the polls - since Leon confessed this to him in Chapter 51. It was on George then to figure out what Leon would do with this kind of power - and he managed to figure it out spot on. I think it's important that a story has consequences - Leon shouldn't be allowed to get away with whatever he wants and I think so far he's paid for most of his mistakes.

Please leave a comment, let me know what you think - I love reading your thoughts!

Thanks for reading :)