
Wang Jingwen thought for a moment and decided that what Zhang Xiaohua said was not entirely unreasonable. Anyway, since she was here, it would be better to see what kind of work they could come up with.

Turning around, Wang Jingwen raised her eyes and stared at Zhang Xiaohua. He didn't speak but went to the parlor sofa and sat down slowly. Afterward, he leaned back into the cushions of the sofa, and his arms were wrapped around the back. He looked taller.

After a moment of silence, Wang Jingwen said, "Okay, I'll give you a chance. If you can come up with some decent work, then maybe I could consider cooperating with you. However, if I am not satisfied with your work, then we have nothing else to talk about."

Wang Jingwen's remarks immediately triggered Emma and the rest.

Everyone was determined to send this arrogant woman out. However, Zhang Xiaohua didn't allow them to, so no one dared to mess up and could only swallow their anger for the moment.

Zhang Xiaohua did not say anything but just smiled, he then took out his cell phone and found the previously downloaded "Broken Hearted Woman" intending to put this song on for Wang Jingwen.

Since the song was already registered in copyright, Zhang Xiaohua was not afraid of Wang Jingwen secretly plagiarising it after she heard it. He was more afraid that she would be unable to extricate herself after listening.

Sure enough, when the melodious and beautiful music slowly resounded, Wang Jingwen couldn't help but be drawn in instantly. The melodious music was like magic, which forced her to straighten her posture and repress her attitude. She no longer had a temper. It was as if she went from the goddess of fire to an ordinary mortal. She was completely attracted to the song.

When the chorus of the song started, Wang Jingwen was even more drawn in and could not help but sing with the wonderful melody as if she was not hearing this song for the first time. The song was catchy, and it was like a natural law which made her follow the chanting. She was fascinated and intoxicated, unable to extricate herself!

Over time, the song gradually came to an end.

In the next second, Wang Jingwen was still full of ideas, but the beautiful melody had disappeared and only silence remained.

Although this song was just a sample, it was clear that it had successfully captured Wang Jingwen's heart.

Judging from her experience, she predicted that this song was currently only a sample, and she could understand that the theme of this song was about heartbreak and losing the love of your life. It should be interpreted by a female singer.

The most important thing was that this song had not yet been released; otherwise, she would surely have heard it on all the radio stations. It would have definitely become a hit.

Therefore, Wang Jingwen could conclude that the current song was just a sample.

In other words, from the fact that these people invited her to come over today, it was very likely that they wanted her to sing this song!

At this thought, Wang Jingwen suddenly felt her blood heating up,and her enthusiasm for music had finally rekindled. It was back after having disappeared for two long years. She saw this song as her ticket to an infinitely bright future!

She wasn't sure if she would still be lucky enough to become the singer of this song.

However, she was sure that no matter who sang this song, it was bound to be popular and become a hit.

Wang Jingwen had to admit that the author of this song was simply a musical prodigy. The lyrics were simple but profound; the melodic sadness was fascinating, and it seemed to be about complaining. It also revealed a woman who was showing all her emotions. The strong, unique art had a fresh style which was full of emotions, giving it a new look at love and music. It was definitely a rare classic!

As he saw that Wang Jingwen had already been baited, Zhang Xiaohua could not help but smile proudly.

Seeing Wang Jingwen's attitude which had undergone earth-shaking changes, Yuan Datong was also proud of himself and he spoke with a thorny tone: "How is it, Miss Wang Jingwen? I do not know if our work can satisfy you. If you are not satisfied, then you know where the door is. We won't send you out."

Thinking about the arrogant attitude she had just shown and the hurtful words that she had said, Wang Jingwen's face couldn't help but become red. She felt that she had no choice but to concede her defeat and beg for forgiveness.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua's attitude also changed unconsciously.

Just now, he couldn't say that he was not annoyed as that would be absolutely impossible.

If this Wang Jingwen and Faye Wong didn't look so similar, he would have kicked her out of the building a long time ago.

Just before, Zhang Xiaohua didn't have any chips to deal with, so he had to accept all that nonsense. Now that Wang Jingwen had become a tamed cat by listening to the song, he would no longer need to be polite to her.

What's more, she was just a little star who was too confident, and she had been so arrogant and rude. If he said he wanted to sign her, would she even bother to reply?

Therefore, before she was hired, she must first receive a setback. At the very least, she must be made aware of who the Lord was and who was the servant.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at Wang Jingwen in an upright manner and was not at all polite. He suddenly said, "Are you stupid? Why are you still sitting here? Didn't you look down on our small company? So, why aren't you leaving? Hurry up and roll out of my sight!"

After she understood the meaning of Zhang Xiaohua, Wang Jingwen was stunned and stood up from the couch. At the same time, she knew that she was the one that was rude in the first place. She had created a grudge, and her face became downcast. Her face flushed red in embarrassment, and she did not take the initiative to speak. The shame in her heart couldn't be described in words and at this moment, she was like a little girl who made a big mistake. Her head was low, but her face was calm and her fingers were tightly held together. She stood silently as she waited for the 'adults' to speak.

"Do you really want to sing this song?" Zhang Xiaohua looked like an old god making judgment. He looked at Wang Jingwen in front of him and casually asked one sentence. It seemed that he had seen through Wang Jingwen's mind, and completely took the initiative.

Wang Jingwen found it really hard to resist the temptation brought by this song and forced herself to put aside all of her attitude. She immediately nodded eagerly and tentatively replied, "If I can cooperate with your company… Uhh, no... If you can give me this opportunity, I promise Boss won't be disappointed. I just wanna know, which of you wise men and woman composed this song? And what is the title of this song?"

Not waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to speak, Emma suddenly interrupted: "The song you just heard is titled 'Broken Hearted Woman', and the lyrics and composition were created by our big boss. It is produced by our HuaXiang Entertainment Company, and we hold the copyright. As for the singer of this song, oh, actually, this was the purpose for which we invited you today. However, I didn't expect you to be so difficult to serve, and I really don't know what to say about you."

"Hahaha, I did say that she and the music videos had totally different images from each other. Someone like you should really have taken up acting because you have more promise in it than singing." Yuan Datong pointed his finger at Wang Jingwen. He got to say what had been in his heart for a long time. At this time, he said it in a single breath, and, oh how refreshing it was...

Wang Jingwen's face was flushed with a crimson red for a few minutes. In her heart, the confession was even more shameful.

"Yes, it was indeed my rudeness earlier. It was because I was blind, and I didn't realize the truth. I'm really sorry!"

Having said this, Wang Jingwen first gave a bow to everyone present, fully expressing her apologies to everyone.

Later, in order to restore the situation, she had turned to Zhang Xiaohua again and said in an extremely sincere manner: "Boss Zhang, I was rude before. If Boss Zhang wants to have a better understanding of me, we could find a quiet place to talk alone, and we can discuss the cooperation side of things slowly... In short, I can guarantee that I will not leave Boss Zhang disappointed!"