
Listening to Wang Jingwen's remarks, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but blink.

Although Wang Jingwen did not say anything, Zhang Xiaohua was not a fool as he naturally got the meaning behind Wang Jingwen's words.

Simply put, she just wanted to use her own body in exchange for the right to do the song's vocals. Otherwise, she wouldn't have said something like "to talk alone" with him. Her implication was heard by Zhang Xiaohua and it was very clear.

Indeed, according to Wang Jingwen, regardless of whether the other party was the boss or the director, as long as the other party was a man and the first was a woman, and both parties had certain needs to be met; this choice would naturally produce agreements.

This kind of agreement allowed both parties to gain benefits. Their interests may involve money, and it may also involve physical aspects or spiritual aspects. This habit was widely known and was not a secret at all. It was referred to as the "hidden rule."

In fact, for Wang Jingwen and even many female stars, they used their own "capital" to trade and then got what they wanted, there was nothing wrong with it. It was precisely because of their own needs. 

For Wang Jingwen's style of work, Zhang Xiaohua was not surprised. Things like "hidden rules" were not rare in his previous life, and the news was reported almost daily. It is no exaggeration to say that, as long as there were people, these kinds of rules would be formed. Especially within the entertainment circle. For this, Zhang Xiaohua had already seen many times.

However, although these kinds of rules were universal, there were many hidden dangers. At least on Earth, this kind of thing had destroyed the reputation of countless people. Once exposed, it would be a lifelong blemish, which would be lingering every day.

Zhang Xiaohua's heart was caught wandering by Wang Jingwen's remarks, but for the time being, he did not dare to take the risk.

Caution saved lives.

Now that the business was still in its infancy, he didn't want to wreck his business by risking it, or it could have an adverse effect on his own reputation, including the entire company and even his entire development plan.

Zhang Xiaohua was a man who wanted to become the "King of the Entertainment World". He couldn't destroy his reputation by doing something stupid and dangerous. Moreover, Wang Jingwen was definitely not trustworthy. Only the Gods knew whether or not she would leak their affair just to get back at him.

I still want to start low-key. As for the unspoken rules, well, we can always reconsider it later...

However, since he intended to sign this Wang Jingwen, he must first train her like a horse. Otherwise, who knew if she would return to her previous attitude.

"Give me your glasses." This shout resounded like thunder and instantly penetrated her eardrums!

For a moment, the audience was deathly quiet.

Wang Jingwen felt like she was attacked by a thunderbolt, but she did not dare to refuse. She quickly took off her sunglasses and finally showed her entire face to Zhang Xiaohua.

Almost at the same time, the clear skies of the 10,000-mile sky were suddenly raging with lightning. Dark clouds covered the entire city which was now enveloped in a dark and shady atmosphere. Immediately afterwards, they heard a crack of thunder. To break the silence of the void, the reverberating sounds of heavy rain echoed through the darkness.

Yuan Datong was also shocked by Zhang Xiaohua's sudden change in pace.

He always felt that Zhang Xiaohua who he knew today was like the weather in April. It was always erratic, unpredictable, and he couldn't help but notice how unfamiliar he was becoming to him.

Looking at Wang Jingwen's face full of makeup, Zhang Xiaohua shook his head in disappointment. Moreover, in order to completely destroy the arrogance of Wang Jingwen's heart, he only said, "You are not my ideal singer anymore."

After listening to this, Wang Jingwen hurriedly asked, "I'm sorry, boss, but I would like to ask, what is your ideal singer? Although you said I'm not her, I will try to change my image until you're satisfied, boss."

In fact, Zhang Xiaohua had listened to Wang Jingwen's voice through the music video before, and he was very satisfied with it. However, as a singer, just a nice sound was not enough. She must have a good image unless she was going to become a behind-the-scenes singer and not show up in music videos or at public events.

This Wang Jingwen was an impeccable beauty, but in comparison to the pure image Zhang Xiaohua had in his mind, it was too different. 

Especially the layer of foundation on her face, it was so thick that he estimated that even if someone were to have cut her with a knife, it wouldn't be able to hurt her face. It was stunning but vulgar. It was really difficult to see any hints of shyness or purity.

She needed to change her current image completely.

"Do you really want to sing this song?" Zhang Xiaohua already knew her answer. The purpose was naturally to give Wang Jingwen a touch of hope. He would thoroughly tame her.

"Yes, I really want to. I ask Boss to give me this opportunity, and if I ever become rich in the future, I will never forget the benevolence of Boss today!" Wang Jingwen resolutely guaranteed.

Zhang Xiaohua gently smiled. He was silent as he slowly turned and looked out the door.

As he looked at the heavy downpour, Zhang Xiaohua's face inadvertently showed a smirk., Then, he ordered in the tone of superior: "Well, go outside. Stand in the rain and wash all that heavy makeup off your face. Then we can talk about cooperation."

"I would like to ask the boss, you... What do you mean by this?" Wang Jingwen mind was full of confusion. 

She really didn't understand what Zhang Xiaohua meant.

It was just makeup, so what did it have to do with singing?

Singing was due to vocal cords, not by the face.

Zhang Xiaohua did not explain nor did he need to explain. What he wanted was Wang Jingwen's complete obedience rather than her doubts. He looked indifferent as he replied, "Will you go or not? If you go, then you still have the opportunity to come back in, and we can have a talk. If you don't go, then it's embarrassing for me to forgive you, and that means I can't give you the right to sing this song. I don't like people that will not obey me!"

Wang Jingwen finally understood what he meant.

His last sentence already explained everything.

In order to get the rights to sing, Wang Jingwen could only choose unconditional obedience. So in full view, she slowly went to the door, opened it and walked into the wind and rain.

Soon after, she was dripping wet from the rain, and the heavy makeup on her face was gradually washed off. She was drenched inside out, and the thin-waist dress was tightly pressed against her skin. As if it was already integrated with her, her almost jade body was more clearly visible. Yuan Datong and the other males almost fell apart from the excitement. Even Emma could not help but erect a thumbs up. The woman's body was really worthy of being the envy and jealousy of others!

Through the veil of rain, as he looked at the slim woman in the storm, Zhang Xiaohua was also quite shocked.

It must be said that although Wang Jingwen could not compare with the Heavenly Queen level celebrities back on Earth, she had a few special temperaments.

She could be as beautiful as a rose, or as cool and proud as a plum blossom, and at the same time, she could be as pure as a lily. She gave people a feeling of diversity.

Even if Zhang Xiaohua was very clear that women like her were very fickle, he didn't worry too much. As long as she could help the company grow, he would use her.

Once the company had a reputation, it wouldn't be them who would be looking for stars; instead, it would be the stars who would come to the company and line up. This way, they could save time and concentrate on creating more songs with Yuan Datong. It could also be described as a double-edged sword.

All in all, everything was under control so far. The next thing to do was to use this Wang Jingwen and take the first step towards the peak!