Vipers Nest

No one was capable of replying to Zhang Xiaohua,and they all looked to Cao Dequan with suspicion and anxiety; after all, this could become a major scandal if not handled with care. Cao Dequan and Cao Feifei were also surprised. They did not speak for a long time as they were caught off guard by Zhang Xiaohua.

They didn't expect that this kid had already been to the taxation office and could clearly account for the company's assets through taxation. Obviously, he was well prepared, and his evidence was quite conclusive.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the accountant at that time and shook his tax bills smirking, "It took you half a day's effort to get this useless fake account, but in the end, it was not as good as what I got from the tax bureau in two minutes time. What were you talking about earlier? I bet you thought you were so smart, acting all smug."

The straight spine of the accountant had collapsed instantly, and his big head was almost buried in his crotch. He was obviously a cowardly person.

"What about you guys? Got any more bullshit to say? Or do you want to save that for the press conference?" Zhang Xiaohua was blog and indifferent.

In the face of Zhang Xiaohua's ambiguity and the skepticism of the shareholders, Cao Dequan dared not quibble. His brain turned sharply as he was desperate to find a way out; otherwise, he would lose the position as chairman.

If he couldn't even deal with a little boy this time, how would he as chairman of the company convince the public later?

However, Cao Dequan couldn't admit that he had severely deducted Zhang Xiaohua's dividends, at least not in front of the shareholders. Cao Dequan would be forced to step down for falsifying accounts and misappropriating shareholder finances; in addition, one of those bastards may just report him as well. After all, this was a legal liability for the company, and if the relevant authorities were to follow it up, then everything that Cao Dequan did would be exposed to the general public.

He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't afford to be careless.

Cao Feifei suddenly said, "Liu Xiangchao, how could you do such a thing? Forging accounts and even daring to deceive the chairman, it seems you have become daring in your old age as well as confused."

The accountant cried out without tears. This time, he really buried his head into his crotch. Cao Feifei was clearly trying to frame him by placing all the burden on his shoulders. Otherwise, Cao Dequan really might be forced to step down.

After Cao Feifei speaking, Cao Dequan needed no encouragement before jumping on board to shift the blame. He put on a fierce expression, squinted at the accountant and shouted:

"Liu Xiangchao, how could you commit such a low-level error? Right now, go prepare Xiaohua's money as soon as possible and send it to his account. Furthermore, since this is your mistake, the money will be deducted from your bonuses from now on until it has been repaid."

Cao Dequan got up from his seat and quickly left the office as if he was fleeing from something. He stared at Zhang Xiaohua on the way out with grim eyes. He seemed to be telling him clearly with his eyes.

This is not over yet!

However, Zhang Xiaohua did not show any weakness at all and immediately rolled his eyes.

He showed disdain for Cao Dequan and accepted his challenge.

In his mind, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but be surprised by the craftiness of this father and daughter duo. They actually managed to save their own skins, and those last words of Cao Dequan were quite artful. By managing to divert the blame to the accountant while also playing down the severity of the issue by lessening his punishment to just losing his bonus, it was clear that he viewed this accountant as important.

One played the ruthless character while the other threw out a slight olive branch; what a shrewd family. He couldn't help but acknowledge them both. He thought he had them cornered, but damn...

Well played indeed! What a good move...

Soon, Zhang Xiaohua and Cao Feifei were the only ones left in the huge conference room as all the others had already excused themselves, but the moods of the two people were completely different: one was happy, and the other infuriated.

"Why haven't you left?" Cao Feifei held her arms outstretched and stared at Zhang Xiaohua as if he was a thief, and she feared that he would steal something.

"What are you so desperate about? You father and daughter actually played such a brilliant move, finding someone else to carry the blame. I really must admit that I thought I had you guys there for a second, and it's my fault for overlooking such a blatant move. I didn't think you would be so shameless and throw your own employee under the bus. Seems you rule with an iron fist over the company, for now at least..."

Zhang Xiaohua's eyes blinked and looked over Cao Feifei's body. The more he saw this girl, the more he had to admit that although she was evil to the core, she had a perfect figure, and it could produce the most unique impulse...

It's a pity that she was rotten.

In the future, they were destined to have only tears and bloodshed between them.

"Zhang Xiaohua, I'll tell you now, don't think that just cause you are holding Wang Jingwen that you have won. You might have won this battle, but the war isn't over yet. As for who will win or lose in the end... it's still not decided. What's more, depending on the strength of your broken company, do you actually think that you can fight us now that we know it's you behind the scenes? Also, remember that you haven't just offended our New Century Entertainment but also the Jinsheng Group. The situation at Star Hotel last time still hasn't been counted for yet. So I advise you to watch your back."

Speaking of last time, Cao Feifei became triggered. She wanted to smash Zhang Xiaohua and demolish him to the bones and leave him to die without a burial!

It was no wonder; after all, Zhang Xiaohua had made them lose six million, nearly seven million that night, causing Cao Feifei to be tortured by Ling Feng for a week. During this time, Cao Feifei had to beg and beg, again and again. Speaking honeyed words to Ling Feng for over a week and even having to give him a good taste… before they managed to smooth things over.

But the only things that Zhang Xiaohua could think of were those delicacies from Star Hotel, and completely pushing Cao Feifei's threats to the back of his mind. He had to say that he really felt refreshed that night, and he especially missed that comfortable presidential suite.

After licking his lips, Zhang Xiaohua said shamelessly: "You don't need to say anything else, I really do miss that Ling Feng guy. When he goes to Star Hotel next time, remember to text me, I must sneak in with him again, he really is a generous rich second generation wastrel."


Cao Feifei felt a burst of chest tightness, so much so that her pretty little face was flushed in crimson. She failed to utter a word, stuttering from anger at Zhang Xiaohua.

Cao Feifei had met many shameless men, but she had never seen someone as shameless as this guy!

How could he be so thick-skinned? He had no honour at all!

Now, Cao Feifei really missed the previous Zhang Xiaohua, even though Zhang Xiaohua was clearly in front of her eyes, she couldn't find a shadow of the Zhang Xiaohua she knew. It felt odd seeing such a familiar face with such a completely different attitude.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaohua checked his account and found that there was already one million transferred into his account. He didn't want to stay any longer in this viper's nest. He took a lazy look at Cao Feifei and got up, leaving the meeting room without looking back.

Cao Feifei was still suffocating from anger but quickly ran to the front door following him, looking at Zhang Xiaohua back gradually drift away from her view.

Her eyes filled with hatred gradually became cold, she mumbled: "Zhang Xiaohua, I'm not finished with you yet. I'd like to see what you are gonna do when you don't have Wang Jingwen anymore. We will see if you're still so haughty then..."


On the way back to the company, Zhang Xiaohua drove while recalling the two angry faces of Cao's father and daughter. For Zhang Xiaohua, this may be more beautiful than watching their panicked faces. But this was far from his goal: his ultimate goal was to destroy this Cao family until they had nothing left. They owed him a blood debt...

Some time later,while driving past a shopping mall, a splendid song suddenly passed into his ear, and he inadvertently stepped on the brakes. He immediately turned to the direction of the shopping mall, and his eyes locked onto a mobile stage. At the same time, a young girl was trying hard to sing on the stage. Unfortunately, people didn't seem to appreciate the girl's singing; all passing by without a care.

However, in Zhang Xiaohua's mind, the voice of the girl was unique, husky while clear, it sounded very sensuous containing no traces of impurities, and the girl still contained a pure beauty; although not drop dead gorgeous, but still attractive, with a little dressing up and a few songs...

She could be the next Wang Jingwen.

Becoming popular overnight in the north and south of the country, acting as a shining star in the music world!

He had already discovered his next star.

He truly was God's Favourite Child...