God's Favourite Child

Unconsciously, Zhang Xiaohua felt deeply attracted to the girl who was singing. He stepped out of the car after he parking and slowly walked towards the girl.

It was only now that Zhang Xiaohua saw that the girl was about 20 years old. She was of medium build and wore a beautiful black shawl. Her skin was slightly tanned, and her facial features were very delicate. She wore a blue-and-white alternating crew neck sweater and short skirt. Constantly singing and dancing on the mobile stage, she seemed to be a folk singer who lived off performing arts.

Zhang Xiaohua had also seen many such mobile stages in his past life. They were nothing more than a few folks who formed a folk song group and dance troupes. He had even performed in one of those groups when he was aspiring to become a singer in his past life.

Generally, businessmen would invite these buskers to perform near the front door of the store to help attract customers. When there was no business, these street performers would take the stage somewhere else, perform and rely on passers-by donating to earn some living expenses. It wasn't an easy lifestyle.

After a period of singing and dancing, the girl hurriedly stepped down, and another artist was introduced by the host to replace her.

Zhang Xiaohua came to this space to try and sign the girl as a singer...

Walking around, Zhang Xiaohua soon found the girl again.

Seeing her so close up, the girl gave Zhang Xiaohua a new impression—simple!

Zhang Xiaohua didn't need to ask around to know that this girl was from one of those rural villages. Although she gave off no unique temperament, she had a sense of naivety and calmness to her that made people feel comfortable in her presence, unlike some of the girls in the city who were just rowdy and arrogant.

Zhang Xiaohua first gave the girl his business card before he introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, I'm the boss of HuaXiang Entertainment Company. If you prefer, you can call me Zhang Xiaohua. Do you have some time to talk?"

The girl first watched Zhang Xiaohua vigilantly and then looked down at the business card. The colour of vigilance on her face remained undiminished, even slightly increasing when she heard he was from an entertainment company. It seemed that his identity as a 'boss' wasn't favoured in her mind.

"You... What do you want to talk to me about?" asked the girl shyly.

"Are you interested in joining our company and becoming an artist?" Zhang Xiaohua asked with a laugh. At the same time, he had already determined that the girl would not refuse. After all, HuaXiang Entertainment had already started a household name that many viewed in a good light. HuaXiang Entertainment had popularised Wang Jingwen, so unless this girl was a fool, he really could not think of any reason for her to refuse...

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." However, this girl didn't hesitate and refused straight off the bat.

Zhang Xiaohua's face currently looked like he had eaten shit.

Damn, what a ruthless girl! Destroying all of this granddaddy's face. He had truly received a harsh face-slapping.

"Girl, are you alright in the head? I'm the owner of HuaXiang Entertainment Company. You must have heard of HuaXiang Entertainment, right?" Zhang Xiaohua spoke exasperated. At this moment, he not only thought that this girl was simple, but also very cute.

He had to sign this girl no matter what.

The girl actually shook her head saying that she had never heard of the company.

Zhang Xiaohua was at a complete loss of what to do next, that was half of his sales pitch gone.

It seemed that the company's name still wasn't loud enough, it was necessary to speed up development.

Although stunned at this, Zhang Xiaohua was not angry, always keeping a happy and smiling face, he asked, "Wang Jingwen, you should at least have heard of her, she is the singer of 'Broken-Hearted Woman'."

Suddenly hearing Wang Jingwen's name. The girl immediately became spirited and nodded. It seemed that she and Zhang Xiaohua had finally found a common topic.

"Of course, I know her. I listen to Wang Jingwen's songs every day. She is my idol, I'm her biggest fan."

Zhang Xiaohua didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This child actually knew only Wang Jingwen, but did not know that Wang Jingwen was an entertainer of HuaXiang Entertainment, and that the person who created those songs and made Wang Jingwen famous stood right in front of her. She truly had eyes but couldn't see Mount Tai.

With a wry smile, Zhang Xiaohua asked again, "So, don't you want to have a song that belongs to you like Wang Jingwen, and become a big star that everyone knows?"

The girl listened and she flashed a definite look. She felt that Zhang Xiaohua's question was a bit idiotic. Wang Jingwen was said to be the best singer of the last decade, an idol in many women's hearts and the goddess in men's hearts. Who did not want to be like her and become a star recognized by the people of the country?

At the same time, the girl found it strange, why would the other party ask this question? Could he really make her like Wang Jingwen?

The girl could not help but be amused by Zhang Xiaohua. Obviously, she did not think that Zhang Xiaohua had the ability to make her a superstar like Wang Jingwen.

"What is it that big brother actually wants in the end? Would you please say it already? I have to perform on stage again soon." The girl did not answer Zhang Xiaohua's question because it was a bit impractical for her.

Zhang Xiaohua also didn't want to bend around the subject. Faced with honest people, it was better to be honest. "Wang Jingwen is a singer under our company. If you promise to join our company, I'll help you become like Wang Jingwen. You will have your own songs and your own audience, and you will become a super star in pop music. It all depends on you to make the decision."

After Zhang Xiaohua finished, he waited for the girl's answer quietly and thought that he had explained enough. This girl should be able to understand the chance he was offering, she could change her life with a couple words of agreement.

After listening to Zhang Xiaohua's words, the girl's eyes gradually became suspicious, and her face was covered with even stronger vigilance. She stared at Zhang Xiaohua with her eyes and looked slightly displeased. "So, are you like a talent scout?"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled, he still didn't understand what she was trying to get at, but he was currently acting as one, so he nodded and said, "I'm the boss of the company but after hearing your voice, I knew I had to sign you."

Unexpectedly, the girls face immediately fell, saying, "I have met many scouts before already. They all said the same thing, that they would make me a star. But those people actually wanted money and for me to perform 'favors', I'm not that desperate to become famous, so sorry, please leave..."

When the girl finished, she brushed past Zhang Xiaohua and completely treated him as a liar.

Zhang Xiaohua understood now. It seemed she had encountered many so-called star explorers who swindled money and favors while deceiving others. The girl was wary of him for this reason.

"Well, I'm not that sort of person. If you ever change your mind, you can come to the company and find me according to the address on the business card. Then I may introduce Wang Jingwen to you." Zhang Xiaohua shouted at the girl who was walking away. He went back to his car and drove to the company.

When Zhang Xiaohua started to walk away, the girl was about to tear apart the business card, but she stopped herself. She felt that the other person didn't seem like an evil guy.

The reason was that Zhang Xiaohua's sentence "I can introduce Wang Jingwen to you" before leaving actually made the girl extremely excited!

She didn't believe he actually worked with Wang Jingwen, but she couldn't help but get excited at the idea, so she decided to keep the card anyway. She could use it to show off how she got scouted by an entertainment company to all her friends later.

With the decision in mind, the girl carefully put the business card in her pocket and decided to find her best friend later to shamelessly boast.


Upon his return to the company, Zhang Xiaohua asked Yuan Datong about the progress of the production of the thirteen songs, and Yuan Datong made a pledge that within two weeks, he would certainly complete all the recordings.

With the guarantee of Yuan Datong, Zhang Xiaohua also calmed down, so he picked up the phone and contacted Zhou Yi, saying with exhilaration, "Zhou Yi, I have decided to invest another million in your company. If there is no problem with this, I'll transfer the money to your company's account. Just add more shares to the contract, and also, don't forget to send me proof of the shareholdings tomorrow."

On the other side of the phone, Zhou Yi was ecstatic and hurriedly reassured him before he hung up.

Zhang Xiaohua had invested 2 million in Sparrow company within just a day. This money would play a vital role in upgrading the equipment. At the same time, Zhou Yi couldn't help but admire Zhang Xiaohua's way of doing things. So young, yet so bold and decisive, investing 2 million in one go. This was a real big boss!

"Xiaohua, where did you get so much money?" Yuan Datong asked in surprise.

Within a day, this kid invested 2 million in Sparrow which was indeed impressive.

Of course, Yuan Datong knew that it was part of his strategy.

Regardless of how much money he spent on Sparrow Records, the money would eventually return to his pocket when he took it over.

"I got paid my dividends from New Century." Zhang Xiaohua said while transferring the money. A few moments later, one million was sent to Sparrow's account.

Looking at the remaining balance in his account, Zhang Xiaohua's face gradually became gloomy.

After two months of hard work, he didn't even earn a penny for himself!

Still Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but smile. He turned to see Yuan Datong in front of him, and smirked: "Brother, you still have the rest of your money right? Why not help me ou-"

"Oh shit! Completely forgot Emma and Wang Jingwen needed me. Sorry, gotta go." His voice hadn't even faded as Yuan Datong instantly fled upstairs, running like the wind.


Zhang Xiaohua was speechless, and his heart was broken. This kid was clearly an unreliable friend. When 'Mary' asked him for half a million yuan, this kid actually gave it without blinking, and now that he wanted only 20 yuan for fuel, he actually ran away so quickly...