Business Empire

After listening to Zhang Xiaohua's words, they suddenly cheered and jumped up, bursting into tears!

With this money, whether it was their personal life issues or family issues, they could substantially resolve it all. They would no longer have to worry about money!

"Boss, thank you, I love you!" Emma's beautiful eyes sparkled with crystal clear tears.

Zhang Xiaohua waved his hand. In his opinion, without the help of these people, he wouldn't have such achievements today.

This was also the reason why Zhang Xiaohua had implemented the shareholding system. He wanted to let these people know that the company wasn't just his own, that it belonged to everyone, and only then would there be cohesiveness, motivating everyone to go all out and put all their strength into their work.

The result was obvious. Everyone was doing their best to do things for the company, living up to Zhang Xiaohua's expectations.

At this time, Xu Fengnian also happened to arrive back.

When he first entered the door, he strode to the water dispenser and downed three cups of water. Satisfied, he went to Zhang Xiaohua and said with exultation: "I have already talked with the dealers in the field. They are happy to help us provide sales. This time I ran to eight cities and won 300 sales points."

"This is the distribution map of the sales points. I have marked them. You can take a look."

Xu Fengnian took out a distribution map from the briefcase and handed it to Zhang Xiaohua.

Looking at the dense red dots on the map, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but feel happy. This meant that the company had already occupied 20% of the national market and in the future he could increase the production and distribution network.

Looking up at Xu Fengnian again, he saw that Manager Xu looked thinner, and his face was yellow and languid. He was covered in dust. At first glance, he knew that he had suffered on his journey.

Unconsciously, Zhang Xiaohua felt a little more grateful as looked at Xu Fengnian's eyes. But he was even more grateful to Cao Dequan, the old bastard who unexpectedly swept Xu Fengnian out of the house.

Not to mention anything else, just Xu Fengnian's relationships in the industry alone was already a massive fortune. This point has been fully confirmed at this moment!

Zhang Xiaohua invested money in Ling Ming's music video some time ago, so the company had no extra money at all. Therefore, since Xu Fengnian came to the company, Zhang Xiaohua hadn't yet paid him.

Now that the company had come into money, Zhang Xiaohua naturally would not continue to delay the payment. Sliding the mouse and typing on the keyboard, he soon transferred 350,000 yuan to Xu Fengnian's account.

In a short while, Xu Fengnian's mobile phone sounded a ringtone indicating a new text message.

When he opened the message, he saw a notification from his bank, saying that his account had just been transferred 350,000 yuan. Xu Fengnian's monthly salary was meant to be 100,000.

So far, he had been working for the company for three months, so it is reasonable to get 300,000 salary. What was the 50,000 yuan for?

"You have made a great effort for the company. Helping the company to get so many business opportunities. So I transfered you a bonus of 50,000 yuan." Zhang Xiaohua smiled.

Xu Fengnian really made a great contribution this time and successfully opened up the market, greatly improving the company's business scope. Therefore, it was no exaggeration to give him a bonus of 50,000 yuan.

Since it was the company's own bonus, Xu Fengnian accepted the money, now he could guarantee his family's living standards and off his son's tuition fee. For this reason, Xu Fengnian was also grateful to Zhang Xiaohua.

After that, Zhang Xiaohua transferred 4 million yuan of dividends to Ling Ming's account.

As for the remaining money (a total of 245,950,000), it belonged to Zhang Xiaohua's private property, and from this moment, Zhang Xiaohua has truly become a wealthy!

But in Zhang Xiaohua's heart, this was just the beginning. The peak was still far away.

Zhang Xiaohua thought for a moment and decided to take out 100 million yuan as operating capital of the company. The remaining money was temporarily transferred to his account.

The company's bank was called [Huaxia's Merchants Bank].

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua's account reaching nearly 200 million, the staff at Merchants Bank immediately included 'Zhang Xiaohua' as a super VIP customer, and the account name opened in the name of "HuaXiang Entertainment" had also been included in the ranks of key customers.


The following task was to prepare for Ling Ming's concert on October 1st.

However, before this, Zhang Xiaohua believed that there was one more thing that needed to be done before preparing for the concert.

Speaking of it, generally when a person came into so much money.

There were only two kinds of results...

Either be a miser, keeping the money in the bank, and earn more benefits of it.

Or squander it buying a car, buying a house to play with a woman.

But Zhang Xiaohua was not a miser, although he also wanted to enjoy the money, but this wasn't the time.

However, there are some things that had to be done.

Looking at Zhou Yi, Zhang Xiaohua seriously asked: "If you needed to build a school in Sparrow village, how much would it cost?"

Zhou Yi first stunned, but replied truthfully: "There is more than a thousand children in the village, according to this number, and the minimum building standards, if a school was built, it would cost at least 3 million yuan. There are no schools in the surrounding area around the village, also there are four other villagers with no schools nearby as well."

Zhang Xiaohua smiled slightly and said decisively: "Don't follow the minimum standards, build it according to the highest standards. If someone has to suffer it can't be the children. I will give you 20 million yuan, first build the school large enough to accommodate the children from the village, then use the leftover for other schools in the other villages. You go back to the local government and apply for a school license, and then recruit some teachers, don't delay the time, you must hurry, the children can't afford it."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Xiaohua, but at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Zhang Xiaohua was extremely eye-catching, and no star could match him!

To pursue others interests, and help those children gain an education, was the type of noble idea we are all raised on. But how many people in the world would actually do so at the costs of millions?

"Thank… you." Zhou Yi was in tears.

Yuan Datong was also greatly moved. Zhang Xiaohua gave them too many surprises, but so far, this surprise was the most moving!

However, in Zhang Xiaohua's heart, he thought that he had only done one thing he should do and nothing more.

No matter how much suffering there was in the world, children mustn't be allowed to suffer the same fate.

They were the future leaders of mankind.

Since ancient times, these two sentences had become famous and could not be ignored by anyone. Of course, except those corrupt animals!

Seeing Zhou Yi's wood-like movement, Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "What are you doing? Don't you have things to do?"

Zhang Xiaohua looked at Yuan Datong and continued: "You shouldn't be idle either. Head to the Education Bureau, Cultural Bureau, the Land Bureau and get the necessary licenses. The most important thing is to find a few construction contractors, choose the land, lay the foundation and start."

"Zhou Yi, if you needs us to do something, just tell us." Xiaohai and co echoed.

Zhou Yi wiped his wet eyes. Building a school for the children had always been his wish, but because of his limited finances, this wish hadn't been achieved.

Today, his wish, no, it should be said that the wishes of everyone in the village and the surrounding villages had been realised here. And Zhang Xiaohua's actions, this grace, Zhou Yi really didn't know how to repay him for it.

Zhou Yi arranged tasks for Yuan Datong and co.

Soon, everyone scattered, some to contact the builders, some to the Cultural Bureau, some to the Education Bureau, some to the Land Bureau.

At this time, only Zhang Xiaohua and Xu Fengnian stayed at the company.

Xu Fengnian was so tired recently that he had no extra strength to run around, so Zhang Xiaohua made him stay behind.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua looked around at the environment. Inadvertently, he smiled a self-deprecating smile. He said to Xu Fengnian: "Uncle Xu, you are a business manager, but you're here drained out, you have been wronged!"

Xu Fengnian's spirit was shaken and he waved his hand: "The company is still in the development stage. Hardships in the early stage are normal. Besides, running the business often involves running around outside."

"The company did experience difficulties in the earlier stages but it is different now. You should take a good rest in these two days, and then you will have to trouble me to find a good office building. It's time to move out!"

Xu Fengnian smiled and nodded.

If the company wanted to have better development, the facade was also important. It was like a person's face. If your face was always dirty, who would befriend you and talk business?

Now that the company was on the right track, staying in this place would really hurt the company's image.

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua at the moment, Manager Xu was sure that he had not followed the wrong person. In front of this young man, nothing seemed impossible, sooner or later he would be like a carp leaping over a dragon's gate, creating a business empire!