
After a busy day, everyone had completed their tasks.

Zhou Yi personally went to the local government bureau and got the school approved. Someone investing in a poor village was unusual, but more than welcome. No local officials would refuse it unless they were fools.

Yuan Datong, after running around and consulting several construction contractors, had settled on a relatively affordable and well-recognized contractor and introduced him to Zhang Xiaohua.

The contractor negotiated the price with Zhang Xiaohua at HuaXiang Entertainment in the afternoon. After both parties felt satisfied, they signed an agreement and the deposit was paid. At present, the contractor had already sent people to the building site and they planned to start the construction work soon.


At 7pm, Xinglong Hotel.

Tonight, Yuan Datong took it upon himself to treat the guests. He intended to wash the dust off Xu Fengnian and gather everyone together for some fun.

At this point, everyone had already taken a seat.

Yuan Datong wasn't stingy. He just earned 15.2 million today, so covering a meal was like a drizzle for him.

After the wine and food were served, everyone looked at Zhang Xiaohua and habitually waited for him to take the lead.

Zhang Xiaohua also habitually picked up the glass, but before he could open his mouth, Zhou Yi suddenly stood up and held a glass up. He looked at Zhang Xiaohua with gratitude and excitedly said: "Boss Zhang, I represent all the villagers in the village, we all pay tribute to you! Your great deeds, we shall remember for generations to come."

After the speech, Zhou Yi raised his neck and downed the full glass of alcohol. The pungent alcohol made him scrunch up his face.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled slightly and quickly drained up the glass of wine, and then smiled: "No need to be so polite. Not to mention that these things are within my ability, helping the next generation is the least I can do, say hello to the villagers for me."

Zhou Yi nodded and said with enthusiasm: "When the folks heard that you were going to build a school for the children, they declared you as their benefactor. The folks also want me to tell you that if you ever need anything, just say the word and they will be there immediately."

Zhang Xiaohua quickly waved his hand signalling it was nothing major.

"Boss, you also have our respect!" Emma stood up looking at Zhang Xiaohua and gave a toast to him.

Emma was heartbroken seeing the conditions of the children last time. She wanted nothing more than help out those children. Unfortunately, her ability was too small at that time.

Now, her wish was fulfilled by Zhang Xiaohua.

"Boss, we also respect you!" Xiaohai and co toasted him as well.

There was no press conference, no publicity, no hesitation in the eyes of the poor villagers. Zhang Xiaohua was definitely worthy of being called a 'noble person' and worthy of respect!

There were many stars who donated two hundred kilograms of rice to the disaster areas and held press conferences, for fear that others wouldn't know that they had done good deeds.

"Why do I feel that this meal has become a drinking contest? Are you guys just trying to get me drunk!?" Zhang Xiaohua screamed. What he couldn't stand the most was this kind of atmosphere. He was still unfamiliar with being the main character of the show.

"Look at General Manager Yuan, always so calm now. Before, you were so easily excited by everything." Zhang Xiaohua praised Yuan Datong.

Unexpectedly, his just as his voice fell, Yuan Datong suddenly stood up facing Zhang Xiaohua and holding a glass of wine, saying in a serious tone: "Xiao-Hua, good. I did not misread you, you have indeed changed, no longer the Zhang Xiaohua who was selfish and an utter failure. I respect you with this glass of wine!" After finishing, he downed his wine.

Zhang Xiaohua sneered at this. He just praised this kid and he came back with this, so crude.

Zhang Xiaohua could only return a cup of his own at his toast.

At this time, Xu Fengnian also picked up a glass of wine, but his goal was not Zhang Xiaohua. He looked at Zhou Yi, who was opposite to him and smiled: "Now Sparrow Records is almost on the track due to the leadership of HuaXiang Entertainment. Today, Boss Zhang has spared no expense spending tens of millions of dollars to complete the wish of the village and created a foundation for the future of your company. So I congratulate Zhou Yi!"

He leaned back his neck and drank up the wine in the glass. But his words put everyone in an awkward position. It seemed that he was deliberately saying that Zhou Yi's and Sparrow Records' achievements were all given to them by HuaXiang Entertainment and Zhang Xiaohua.

Zhou Yi was not a fool. Naturally, he also heard the meaning behind Xu Fengnian words.

However, Zhou Yi also knew there was a great deal of truth behind what Xu Fengnian said.

Zhou Yi couldn't deny that if there was no Zhang Xiaohua and HuaXiang Entertainment, then Sparrow Records would not have such achievements today.

Not wishing to cause a scene either, Zhou Yi nodded to Xu Fengnian and drank acknowledging his toast.

The others stared at Xu Fengnian with doubts...