
The next day, Xu Fengnian sent someone to Tianhe Stadium early in the morning to discuss the price. They settled on 1,500 yuan per day. Recently, there were no sports events and the stadium was just abandoned, so they gave it out to HuaXiang Entertainment for a period of 15 days.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiaohua went to the field to inspect the stadium, and selected the location for the construction of the stage.


At 8:00 the next morning, Zhang Xiaohua held a meeting.

"Emma, ​​inform Zhou Yi to bring all the equipment and manpower to Tianhe Stadium and set up the stage. I will also be responsible for guiding the work. I want you to focus on helping out in the rehearsals, so hand the propaganda work to someone else." Zhang Xiaohua said.

"Okay." Replied Emma.

Zhang Xiaohua served as the on-site director, equivalent to the general director of the concert.

"Manager Xu, how did it go with HCTV Station?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.

"Well, considering everything, it went pretty well. Since we refused them, naturally they were a bit dissatisfied. But since everyone is in the business field, and only looking out for their own interests, they accepted our decision. They decided to give our promotional videos a prime time slot in the afternoon and evening. This will not only help us promote but also help them draw in a few more views, I guess." Xu Fengnian replied.

Zhang Xiaohua nodded and turned to Qiu Ze: "There are no more projects for your department for now, so can you assist the Advertising Department temporarily? Spread news of the concert."

Qiu Ze nodded solemnly.

Zhang Xiaohua continued: "We are still two weeks away from the concert. In order to build up competition and let people prepare, I plan to sell the tickets only three days before the concert. Manager Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Fengnian thought for a moment and said: "With the popularity of Miss Ling, it is completely feasible to sell out all the tickets in time. There is no need to worry about sales. How do you plan to sell the tickets?"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled slightly: "In addition to opening two ticket offices at the entrance of Tianhe Stadium, I also want to make deals with those online ticket sites, so we will need to broker a deal with them..."

When Xu Fengnian heard this, he looked up and smiled at Zhang Xiaohua, who did the same back.

The others were lost in confusion at their glances.

"When we finish the meeting, I will go down and talk to Xu Hui about them brokering the deal for us." Said Xu Fengnian.

Zhang Xiaohua nodded, looked at Mi Jia and told her: "I need you to go find Hao Jie and ask her to send someone to measure Ming'ers size and ask her to create some custom dresses, we need several sets of costumes for concerts and the clothes must be produced within two weeks."

Mi Jia nodded and asked: "What price should we give in terms of cost?"

Zhang Xiaohua and Xu Fengnian looked at each other and both of them laughed.

Mi Jia's face was filled with confusion at their laughter.

Xu Fengnian saw her confusion and began to explain: "Manager Mi, what is Ling Ming's current position in the music scene?"

Mi Jia replied in confusion: "Miss Ming is currently the hottest star in the scene."

Xu Fengnian nodded and asked: "So let's say such a popular star asked to wear your brand of clothes for her concert, would you charge her?"

Mi Jia, understanding the situation, blushed.

"Oh, I see... letting Ling Ming wear the clothes designed by Hao Jie is equal to her advertising the clothes for Hao Jie. A win-win situation," said Emma.

"I understand, I will go see Hao Jie as soon as possible and explain the situation," said Mi Jia.

"Oi big head, l want you to hold a press conference tomorrow, talk about the details of the concert, so we can get the word out faster."

Yuan Datong glared at Zhang Xiaohua.

"Boss Zhang, can you please call me by my proper title, General Manager Yuan. Give me some face, okay?" Yuan Datong squinted at Zhang Xiaohua, his face filled with resentment.

"Titles can wait for later, remember big head, things that the boss hands over to you should be done as soon as possible, but also done well. I want you to use that big head of yours and go prepare properly for the press meeting tomorrow," said Zhang Xiaohua while smirking, the originally serious atmosphere changed instantly.

Yuan Datong glared daggers at Zhang Xiaohua. He was starting to regret not wearing slippers.

Ignoring Yuan Datong's death glare, Zhang Xiaohua stated to wrap up the meeting:

"Everyone has worked hard. I will give out bonuses at the end of the month. In addition, I will stay at Tianhe Stadium for a few days. There is still a lot of work to be done. The company's affairs will be left to Manager Xu for the time being, while I'm absent. Manager Xu will report to me if anything major happens. That's all for today meeting adjourned."