
In order to build the concert stage, Zhou Yi brought more than 500 people over. With the guidance of Zhang Xiaohua, the stage was completed in just three days.

The total area of ​​the stage was 60 yards, occupying half of the football field, forming a square, each corner had an extension into the audience, so that Ling Ming could interact with them. Looking at it from above, the stage looked somewhat like a turtle.

There was a lift in the middle of the stage, and there was an open space below the stage. There were two temporary rooms for dressing and makeup.

In order to take care of the audience in the back row, a 72 feet high by 160 feet wide LED high-definition jumbotron hung up above the stage. The screen would be synchronized with the scene on the stage, to allow the audience in the back to clearly see the grand occasion.

Around the stage, there was a total of 20,000 seats.

The energy drink company had provided the sponsorship fee of 15 million, so as the organizer, Zhang Xiaohua wasn't stingy. The area beside the stage was covered with their energy drink posters and billboards, there was also a large poster with Ling Ming drinking the drink.

Ashima Dresses had produced 5 sets of clothing for Ling Ming, plus 3 sets for the TSD Troupe, free of charge.

It was rare to have the opportunity to cooperate with HuaXiang Entertainment. Therefore Daxia Brokerage also did its best to help out HuaXiang Entertainment open 10 ticket sales channels, some located in the downtown areas and some on online ticket sites, Zhang Xiaohua had promised to cut them into the action. Giving them 0.5% of the total ticket revenue for their labour.

The advertising was also being carried out in an overwhelming manner. Newspapers, news websites and the TV were filled with reports about Ling Ming's upcoming concert every day. For the public, it was a new concept for a concert to be held at stadium instead of a theatre.


September 28th.

There were still 3 days until the concert. The tickets were all sold out, there had been a total of 20,000 tickets up for grabs. The price varied from 2,000 yuan in the front row to 1,000 yuan in the middle row. The last row was slightly cheaper, a seat was priced at only 500 yuan.

Many foreign fans had come over to cheer on Ling Ming. The degree of enthusiasm was comparable to that of the Beijing Pop Festival.

However, at the same time, many people questioned the concert. They criticized having a concert in a stadium. Rumors had emerged that HuaXiang Entertainment was just attempting to swindle fans. Even the so-called 'experts' and 'analysts' online moved out trying to dissuade fans from getting tickets.

In this regard, HuaXiang Entertainment made a decisive counterattack, issuing a solemn statement: if the concert didn't reach the ideal standards of the fans, HuaXiang Entertainment would refund their money.

The statement gave the fans a reassurance to buy the tickets, resolving the issue.

Zhang Xiaohua had inklings that New Century had their hands in those rumors.

All the domestic entertainment companies, media, general public, fans, netizens, and singers were all focused on Ling Ming's concert.

Many reporters couldn't help but be curious. They wanted to go to the concert site to do some reporting in advance. The results were that they were all blocked off immediately by the security guards. This time, Xiong Zhuang personally led the team, and all the staff from Hurricane Security came out in full force. They took shifts to guard and patrol outside the stadium to keep the reporters out. This was all arranged by Zhang Xiaohua, the purpose was to keep up the mystery surrounding the concert.

September 29th, 8 am.

Under the escort of several security guards, Ling Ming entered Tianhe Gymnasium for the first time. TSD Troupe and Yuan Datong's group arrived afterwards, followed by all the technical staff. When everyone had gathered, the first rehearsal officially began.

Under the careful guidance of Zhang Xiaohua, the rehearsal was carried out smoothly, but thinking about how they would have to perform in front of 20,000 people, the members of the TSD Troupe were inevitably nervous.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaohua had no way to help, because tension was inevitable. They could only adapt, but this was one of the main purposes of the rehearsal.

It was nearly noon, during a break. All the members of the TSD Troupe had gathered together, they had a box of lunch in their hands, but no one was eating, they were talking in small voices their faces covered with anxiety.

"I can't believe we're really gonna perform in front of 20,000 people!"

"Yeah, I am so afraid of making a mistake. My hands are completely full of sweat!"

"When I think about it, all those spectators staring at us on stage... my legs begin to feel weak!"


As everyone chatted, they saw Ling Ming coming over: "I just came over to remind everyone to try keep calm, I just watched over the rehearsal tapes so far and there were a few mistakes we made cause of our nerves, but we need to calm them down and perfect this, we used to be street performers after all, I believe we can get over this. After all, if we weren't afraid to perform on the streets, how can we be afraid now?"

"Yeah, we weren't afraid to perform on the streets before now we have such a big stage, we should be proud, what are we afraid for?"

"Yes, even if we don't think about it for ourselves, this is little Ming's first concert, we must not mess up!"


Ling Ming simply said a few words, but she had awakened everyone's battle spirit in an instant, the color of tension that had appeared on everyone's face gradually disappeared. Instead, it was full of self-confidence.

Looking at Ling Ming, Zhang Xiaohua felt proud. She had developed so much over the past few months, becoming more confident in herself and adapting into a true star. No longer the extremely shy girl from the countryside, she had now become a real superstar!

After lunch, under the leadership of Ling Ming, all the members of TSD entered the second rehearsal run full of spirit.

Yuan Datong, Emma, ​​Xiaohai, Haozi, Jimmy, and Jack also each did their part, and they took care of the music side. Ensuring the live music performance was as smooth as water.

After two hours, the rehearsal process had become surprisingly smooth, with no mistakes.

Zhang Xiaohua was not idle, holding a notepad in his hand, he kept walking around the stage.

After pacing up and down for a while, Zhang Xiaohua convened the film crew and discussed with them where to set up the cameras.

He planned to make a behind the scenes documentary on the concert alongside the recording of the concert live to sell as a pack.

He had everything planned out already. But in the end, it would all depend on how well the concert went…