The Concert (1)

October 1st, National Day.

7:30 in the evening, the Tianhe Stadium was already crowded with people. The queue extended all the way around the block, causing serious traffic congestion along the road to the stadium.

Inadvertently, the relevant departments had to send people to maintain order, so the police was dispatched to standby at the scene in case of any accidents.

Tens of thousands of fans were holding tickets, some were also holding light sticks in their hands, and others were holding up posters of Ling Ming, all waiting to enter.

The issue was in the fans who didn't have tickets but came to squat outside the gymnasium, hoping to see Ling Ming entering.

Some stood outside trying to buy tickets second-hand, they even offered triple the original price to buy the tickets, but unfortunately no one was willing to sell. This concert was one of the grandest events of the year after all.