Leave My Hair Alone!

"If Fairy Yin wishes, we can talk outside, say, that pavilion by the lake looks perfect for a small intimate gathering."

The frail boy in golden robes slowly stepped forward with his hands on his back, a dimpled smile hanging on his pale lips, simply nothing short of a young master preparing to take a leisurely stroll.

"Shall I have my servants prepare us several dishes for a banquet? Nothing too formal, just a meal between new friends."

What an actor!

Yin merely blinked at his words.

She did not expect that a mere mortal boy around six- or seven-years-old could manage to speak with such calm and steadiness despite her intimidating show of force. That kind of temperament and willpower are actually worth appreciating.

'Look at the rest, looking like dying bananas on the ground.'

The entire place was quiet. Despite the handful of adults surrounding her and the frail boy in golden robes, only the rustling of leaves and evening breeze could be heard. They were afraid of the boy's background, but they dreaded more catching Yin's attention. Most of them looked like they want to transform into a pebble or a blade of grass and fade into nonexistence. Only Ye Mo looked normal... well, if that sour face could be considered normal.

'Eeh, the old fogey is gonna nag me again later. Got to use Bro Hua as a talisman to ward him off...'

Yin took that chance to carefully study the frail-looking boy. Though the boy looked unaffected, it did not escape her attention that cold sweat was dotting his forehead. By the way he was panting, he would likely lose consciousness in a minute or so. If she weren't mistaken, even as he speaks now, he should be feeling dizzy and nauseous.

'Such a prideful person, and besides, he really cares about face too; even if he needed to fake it till he drops dead, he'd act like he is a carefree young master.'

Almond-shaped eyes, thin eyebrows the shape of swords, thin pale lips, an aristocratic face that looked like it was carved out of jade. If he grows some decent boobs in the future, this slender pretty boy could literally smack the faces of most young ladies and princesses in this place.

Hmm, what if he's just a cross-dressing girl...

Her divine consciousness stealthily poked his body here and there.

Damn, he's really a boy! Where is the plot twist?!

Well, the frail boy looked like he had potential to grow up to be a playboy. Although right now, he had a scholarly air around him, one could never predict what would happen in the future.

'Royals can be asses. Is this pretty boy taking me as a target for his future conquest? Too naive.'

Poking some more, there was not even a trace of inner qi in his body. However, what Yin discovered made her eyes sparkle.

'Good seedling! A pet worth nurturing!' She inwardly licked her lips in excitement.

As a gentle reminder, Ye Mo awkwardly nudged her. "Little Yin."

"Hmm?" she answered in a happy daze.

Black lines appeared on Ye Mo's face. This brat... He coughed loudly. "Everyone's waiting for your response."

"Ah!" It was as if she was suddenly pulled out from daydreaming. Well, not as if. She was really daydreaming. "Right, let's just eat tomorrow. Lunch sounds good. I need to get back right now or else, I'll miss Elder Sis Xuan'er's dinner."

Everyone was looking at her with wide eyes. They all knew that what the frail boy said were all superficial words and formalities. It was not really an invitation that could be refused; that Qing royal was telling her that they needed to talk in private! It was also an excuse so the rest could leave!

"Aiya! Don't hit me in the head —"

"This lowly elder will be impolite," Ye Mo sighed before grabbing Yin like a sack of potatoes and hoisting her up on his shoulders. "Forgive this little girl for today, Young Master Qing. She is just tired, and her injuries are not yet all healed."

What her injuries are not yet all healed? What tired? She's kicking up a fuss on your shoulders, like a cat ready to pull out her claws, tenth elder!

Everyone could only stare at Ye Mo with admiration, some with trepidation. They had just tasted suffering from Yin's astounding strength. For Ye Mo to intervene and treat that little she-devil like he was just disciplining someone from his own younger generation, especially with his own cultivation weaker than Yin's, his breadth of mind could be seen.

However, what they did not know was that it wasn't Ye Mo was acting like a hero. He had somehow understood Yin's crazy temperament. This immature little brat only likes to tease and have her own version of fun; though, she wasn't exactly dangerous.

One had to know that in Ming Yue Sect, half the Patriarch's Main Hall was destroyed, but surprisingly, even though there are injuries and casualties, no one was killed.

Even now, with Li Xiao Yang offending her and threatening to cut off her limb, she only injured him by slamming him on the ground. Sure, it was a loss of face, but at least it was not a loss of life. Someone who had no regard for human life would have simply killed a nobody who could not see Mount Tai.

Judging the situation, Ye Mo understood that if he does not get Yin away right now, she would likely stir more trouble. And although Yin was strong, that Young Master Qing was a character that could not be easily judged. What if he cooks up a plot that will involve Little Yin?

Ye Mo would rather just keep Yin locked up in his manor until this all blows over and the guests from Qing Blessed Lands leave.

"The tenth elder is being too polite." The frail boy made a solemn gesture. "I look forward to seeing Fairy Yin tomorrow at lunch. This young master will not see you off."

After saying more pleasantries, Ye Mo dashed away while tightly grasping Little Yin. He quickly walked up the stone path towards his manor.

After pulling Ye Mo's hair to no avail, Yin simply gave up and went ahead to braiding it again. Maybe she could insert some flowers in it later. "Old fogey, old fogey, you are really dumb."


"After I showed my strength, they would probably scheme against me. With you showing them you could control me, they would definitely target you."

"What are you talking about?" An annoyed Ye Mo untangled the braid on his hair. Yin simply restarted her project. "Would you stop doing that! Leave my hair alone!"

"Then stop carrying me, old fogey!"

"Make me!"

By the time that Ye Mo and Yin arrived in front of his own manor, they could already detect the heavy and delicious aroma of newly cooked food even though they were still outside the gate. Before the entrance guards could manage to politely greet them, Yin jumped off Ye Mo's embrace and ran inside.

"Bro Hua, Elder Sis Xuan'er, I'm home!"