Demanding an Explanation

"Eat a little slower, eat a little slower."

"Aiya! That is mine, you old fogey!"

"This is meat. Put more vegetables on your plate."

"Uncle, your plate also has no vegetables."

Fresh and tender meat from spiritual beasts, a rare catch of seafood from another city, different heavenly plants, ancient mushrooms, spicy herbs, vegetables, seeds and roots... it was a feast!

As expected, Ye Mo and Little Yin started quarreling after annihilating the first round of food. Wu Xuan'er had to placate both sides before the table flips over. Good thing she and the cook had prepared more than usual today, or else she and her husband would not be able to eat dinner.

Ye Hua was the only quiet person eating on the table. However, he was only able to take a few bites before his side of the table became emptied in a flash. When round two commenced, he immediately put food in his wife's plate before stepping back and consoling himself with a cup of wine he had to pour himself. His wife was too busy managing his uncle and Little Yin.

When the third batch of food was placed on the table by the servants, Ye Hua only repeated the process of guarding his wife's share of food, before managing to steal a few bites on his own and then quietly drinking wine.

Wu Xuan'er put more of the stir-fried crabs and marinated chicken strips on Little Yin's plate when she finally noticed her husband quietly nursing a cup of wine in the corner. With a chuckle, she picked up more meat on her chopsticks and served some on his plate.

"Wine is bad on an empty stomach, Hua-gege," Wu Xuan'er smiled as she took a jar of wine and poured more on his cup. "I cooked a lot so you are not allowed to starve yourself."

"This is the old fogey fault," Yin butted in as her chopsticks stabbed onto the chicken meat. Her mouth was oily, an unsightly thing to see. "Even Elder Sis was not yet able to eat."

Ye Mo could not stop himself from coughing. "How could this be my fault?! It is yours! We used to eat peacefully around here!"

"Excuse me. We are fighting because you are bullying me!"

"Uhh, is giving you more vegetable bullying?" Ye Mo felt another incoming headache.

Wu Xuan'er had to interject, this time she had to side with her uncle. "But Little Yin, a growing girl needs nutrients from vegetables. Uncle Mo is thinking good for you."

"Yeah? Then, why is he monopolizing all the meat?" Yin raised a brow. "I demand an explanation!"

"What explanation?" Ye Mo felt that instead of a human girl, he just adopted a heaven-devouring taotie. "You have cleaned off half of the food, and you're saying you demand an explanation? This food came from my salary, okay? I should be the one demanding one from you!"

Yin only rolled her eyes. Then, she took out two spatial pouches from her robe and handed one to Ye Hua, the second to Wu Xuan'er. Seeing this act and the nasty smirk on Little Yin's face, Ye Mo felt like he really needed to teach this bold and sassy girl a lesson.

"Elder Sis Xuan'er, Bro Hua, this is MY salary from today's outing," she said in a lowered voice. "Can you help me sell them off so we can have money to buy food for the three of us?"

"You brat!" Ye Mo grabbed her and pinched her cheeks.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Yin then tossed the third spatial pouch to Ye Mo. Letting her go, Ye Mo caught it with suspicion clearly written on his face. "That one is yours, old fogey. Only the contents, as they say that spatial pouches are expensive. The pouch is still mine."

"I'm not returning..."

"Ah, forgot to tell you, that is the Phoenix girl's dowry." With mischief in her laughing voice, Yin rose to her feet and sprinted out of the hall. "Since you accepted those, marry the Phoenix girl and make sure she gives you a son! Hee hee!"

As she immediately left the hall, she did not see Ye Mo's embarrassed face that looked so red, it seemed like he was completely painted in cinnabar. Ye Hua and Wu Xuan'er laughed at his appearance.

"Stop laughing!"

"Uncle, you were teased by a little girl." Ye Hua stopped laughing to give face to his uncle, but his lips were still twitching. When he saw his uncle giving him a flat look, he chuckled and simply poured wine in his uncle's cup. "We should always have our meals together like this."

"Do you want Xuan'er to toil in the kitchen the entire day?"

"Ah, my mistake..."

Wu Xuan'er finally started eating now that it was peaceful on the table. "Aiya, why did she leave? We are not yet done eating."

"Let her be. She's old enough to know what to do."

Wu Xuan'er was startled. Her brows furrowed. "Uncle, she is only five. Actually, we should get her a maidservant to serve her."

"You do not know how she practically turned the entire Ming Yue Sect upside down. Even those from the Qing Blessed Lands got played by her."


The Ye Hua husband and wife had no inkling of the happenings outside. Of course, in their eyes, Little Yin was still that helpless orphan with an uncontrollable Spiritual Body who just returned from being healed by the Ming Yue Sect.

"Alas, which reminds me, I have to go." Ye Mo knew that he was going to be grilled alive by the Patriarch and the other elders. However, he had to go and make sure that they do not summon Little Yin to a meeting. Who knew how that brat would tear apart those elders' faces? "I need to report things to the Patriarch."

Ye Hua could not help but inquire. "By the way, who is the Phoenix girl, uncle?"

However, Ye Mo was not able to answer because suddenly, his face paled. He had just spread out his divine sense to look at what that little brat was up to; however, what he saw terrified him.

He suddenly stood up and was about to escape the room through the windows when Little Yin returned pulling with her a tall and beautiful lady in red phoenix gown.

"Old Mo, your wife is here! She came to eat dinner as promised!"