
Prologue :

In the year 2040 virtual games is at its very peak. It's been 24 years since the virtual game was introduced in January 1, 2016, since then many game companies develop online virtual games that expand worldwide and is participated by people in every countries around the world, man, woman, young, adult or middle age as long as they have the virtual helmet and software game memory that they want to play. The company that develop the virtual helm sold around 1 million unit in a year and still continue up to now.

During these years many virtual games have leave its mark as one of the great virtual game you can play and are being broadcast in the news studio for game channel and also sometimes an interview for the player in the hall of fame. But none of these games come close to the greatest virtual game ever created that shattered the record of its every game competitor played by 80 percent of the virtual helm user in the world. The virtual game called " TERRA-GAIA " or player often call T-G, a game where the player can choose a race they want to be, starting from the following:

Human - The race with the most balance set of statistics, able to learn almost all existing skills except for those innate ability which comes from other races.

Dragonian - A race of ancient tribes who is said to be a descendant from a mighty dragons, they worship the dragon god Velexian who resides in space and is said that when angers he would sent a hail of meteors which cause a great destruction, a dragonian has a innate skill of Polymorph which allow them to transform in the form of mighty dragon which unleash devastating strength and fire.

Elves - The races blessed with superb agility and accuracy which allows them to dominate other races via long range arts and skills, they possess innate ability Anti-Body which grants them greater body resistant against deliberating status effects like poison, paralysis, sleep, burns, frostbites, bleeding and others.

Dwarf - the sub species of human race, its due to their ancestors who decides to live under the protection of the earth and not above the ground that they develop an unusual size of course part of it was being bask in the earth element which allow then to have a sturdy nature, dwarf's excel in physical body stats they also have the innate skill of Earth-Pulse which allows them to locate various ores and minerals and also have a advance understanding of earth magic.

Beast-kin's - they are the race consist of different beast folk's, they are the result between cross union of humans and animal spirits like

Fox-kin who has a high affinity for fire and bearer of a innate skill trickster which allow them to copy someone's appearance and skills,

the Wolf-kin who has a high affinity for lightning magic and posses a innate skill of bloodline burst which tremendously increase their speed and strength in combat,

the Bird-kin who has a high affinity for wind magic and also had an innate skill of Songbird in which allow them to affect one's soul, and lastly

the Mer-folk's who has a high affinity for water magic and innate skill of water veil which is passively allows them to breath under water and withstand its pressure and when activate creates a barrier 3 meters around one's self acting as a force field.

Alves - like the elves they also have a pointed ear some says they are the sub species of elfin race, other's claim they are the origin of the elves race, but alas a record from an ancient civilization which was excavated pointed out the origins of a once and powerful magical civilization who dominated through powerful magic art's. Because they monopolize magic beyond others capability they begun to be siege over and over until they got wipe out and their descendant scattered in all different places. The alves has a low reproduction ability so rising after the siege seems impossible, and as time flew by they begun forgotten, although few in numbers alves posses the highest magical statistics among other races and also they own a innate skill second origin in which allows them to form another magic container in their body enabling them to store more magic power and also passively increase the output of the casted magic and unleashing more devastating magic.

Giant - the race that is twice the size of the human, posses a high physical capability and innate skill overgrowth which gives them tremendous strength.

Demon-Kin's - like the beast-kin's they are the result of the cross union between evil spirits and humans, with affinity for dark arts and innate skill demons eye which helps them see through all illusions and at same time induced a powerful illusions to those who see them.

These are the races that determine the strength and weaknesses of your avatars, by carefully analyzing what jobs may suit them well. A player can create up to six avatars if so they wish for it, these allow them to experience the different job systems and transcend to their next level like:

Swordsman - Mage - Smith - Archer - Priest - Chemist - Tamer

These are some of the basic jobs at the beginning of your avatar creation and it will be up to you on how you will do and what will you do to level up and upgrade them by wandering into the game. Some jobs require conditions to reach some are materials and some are luck in which who will get them.

What these world has in store for you is up to you to decide, be either become a lord of the kingdom and rule your lands, be a hermit or a wise sage, be an adventurer and roam the wild and dangerous lands, be a hunter who hunts powerful creatures for fame and fortune or be a champion that no one can defeat for honor and glory. One thing is for sure all of these can be done by the one with a powerful jobs.