Block Path and Dangers Lurk Everywhere

As the general finish giving orders to his men directly proceed to his temporary living quarter and started to prepare the same deed as the soldiers.

Inside his quarter a small round table is in place and on the top of it lay a detailed map of the forest along with the information of its every location marked on.

General Airo: I wonder if we should enter via east route or west route.

If we proceed to east route it would make our journey to the deepest region more easier than the west. Due to its wide even road and a clear view of the path, But I want to pay respect to the ruins where my comrades died in combat with those thieves 3 years ago. It was a mistake on my part giving out orders without a proper information and it result in them being ambush and locked in a deadly situation.

Due to those bastard using a forbidden item to attract the wild beast from the deep region that we fail to recover their bodies and the old ruin became their grave yard.

At least now as the their general I should pay respect to them to honor the sacrifice they had did.

Few hours later the general walk out of the quarter and saw his men lined up and ready to march waiting by his command.

General Airo: Ok men ready! let's roll and head out.

Along with those command the soldiers started to move and head to the Sentry tower gate

Sentry Guard: Prepare to open the gate

General Airo: Men we will be marching towards the west route so get your ass moving.

Soldiers: Sir yes sir

Sentry Guard: Farewell general and may you have a safe journey.

An hour past since the general and his men move out and now they reach the entrance of the west route.

General Airo: Men get ready in your position.


Kiba: Yes general


Koba: Yes general

General Airo: Get in front of me. Kiba I want to lead the squad 1 the squad 1 will be responsible for scouting the path ahead of us even the left and right and our back. So if you saw something make a call and warn us.

Kiba: Yes sir

General Airo: Koba you will lead squad 2 your team will be responsible in securing the perimeter and also back up the scouting team if they are in danger.

Koba: Yes sir

General Airo: The rest of you make sure to follow your leads command

Soldiers: Yes sir

General Airo: That is all! lets proceed

After assigning command the general and the rest proceed to enter the west route in which they had a few battle encounter with the local wild beast living the area like Sonic bat which is capable of emitting ultra sonic to attack. A pack of shadow monkeys with razor sharp claws that would sneak up to you and deal fatal attack. A few Bull fanged hog of course and a few others. Of course all of these are quite easy for such an experience or should I say veteran soldiers to handle.

Up ahead one of the scout member suddenly turned pale at the sight he saw. His leg was trembling while alerting his other comrade. 500 meter from his direction he saw a massive creature with a dragon like wings, head of a lion and scorpion like tail. He couldn't help but pale from the sight of this monster because his knowledge tells him that he won't make it out alive after encountering this kind of foe. This monster shouldn't be in here in the first place, It's place should be in the deeper regions of the forest but alas the boundaries that humanity place was not meant to be followed by a monster. Especially a monster with sufficient strength to wander around the forest.

Scout Soldier: Reporting to squad leader Kiba. Sir 500 meters from my position I spotted a Manticore, a Dragoniclion Manticore to be exact.

Kiba: Is what you said true?

Scout Soldier: Yes leader

Kiba: Retreat to a safe area don't alert that monster I'll go report to the general and the rest. My god what is that monster doing in place like this?. I better inform the general fast of the situation.

Reporting urgent matter sir!

General Airo: At ease Kiba, What is the situation now?.

Kiba: Sir one of our scout spotted a Dragoniclion Manticore nesting near the route up ahead. At this rate we will surely alert that monster if we proceed. We await for your command sir.

General Airo: Things are getting stranger now. I wonder if that strange light the sentry saw is causing a disturbance in the habitat of the beast in the deeper forest region. Still it's odd for that kind of monster to be here. For what I remember Draginiclion Manticore love nesting in area with abundance of magical energy and this shallow forest region isn't fit to the discription.

Kiba!.... Koba!.....

Call all the others tell them to gather here at once to plan out our assault to that monster. We can't let it nest here in the shallow part where it can bring harm to the nearby townsfolk. We will do our duties to our citizen eliminate any possible treat.

Kiba / Koba : Sir yes sir.

Minutes later the group of men gathered in one area and kindly awaiting for their general's command. After the general makes preparation for his plan he arrive near the group of soldiers and started to relay his plan with them.

General Airo: Gentlemen all of you should have been informed of the danger lying ahead. I have here the plan and all of you are going to take part in it. As you all know Dragoninlion Manticore are extremely dangerous and ferocious in nature and confronting it will be very dangerous specially to you guys. So here what I want you guys to do and I want everyone to be attentive. This type of monster is very cunning and very vengeful so if we go there and try to eliminate it we have to make sure it won't escape us and be dealt with. If this monster only was in the deeper region right now we would have ignore it and walk around to avoid it, Unfortunately it was nesting here in the shallow region so it will be a danger to all nearby town.

I want you guys to secure the perimeter around its nest and try to block it or delay it when it tries to escape. I will be the one who will confront it, but in case it tries to outsmart me and attempt escape I'm counting on you guys to block its path of escape.

Are we clear on these?. I repeat are we clear on these?.

Soldiers: Sir yes sir.