The World Catastrophe Boss

Klause who was busy examining his new stats have now remember the matter with the ring the old man left.

Now that I think about it, Its time to examine this little object here. The instruction was to fill it with magic energy and will it in my mind to open right?. Let's try it then, here we go.

Klause applied magic manipulation that he learned to concentrate his magic energy to the ring.

Soon magic energy begun to gather in his palm where the ring is placed and a second later a mini space portal appear right next to his palm. Then the ring send a projection of its content through his mind.

Bloody hell it actually work, how cool is it. So these is what inside of it huh?. Some more books again huh, the old man must have really love to read and do his research. Oh lucky a few stack of gold, entering a city won't be a problem anymore. What is these strange stones? it looks like full of energy.


" Host! that stone is an active stone "

" Host! can use them to activate jobs or ascend them"

Woah! con's you can also see what I see in my mind?


" Yes host, we are connected body and mind"

Sweet then you can help me identify things easily. So those stones are active stones that I can use later. What about these crystal?


" Host! that crystal is a crystal memory "

" Crystal memory can record an event the user want to record and then later view them again "

So this is the crystal memory that the old man is talking is his letter. Con's how do i view it's recording?


" Host! can use them by filling it with magic energy just like what you did in the ring "

So that is it huh, just like the ring you say. Then let's try it then. So for me to take out an item from the ring I just need to wear the ring and grab the item I want inside the space.

Let's see!

Here we go!

Wow! this memory crystal feels nice to touch. Now time to watch a short film, I'm quite curious about the monster that poisoned the old man to death.

Weng! Weng! Weng! Weng!

Ok it's starting to project images

After a few minutes Klause was Shock of what was he seen, He was silent for a few moments upon what he had realize.

No! it can't be, that's impossible.

That is the monster that got the old man. That thing shouldn't be in here.

Cons are you seeing these?


" Yes host I can perfectly see, that bizarre looking larva is quite dangerous "

Cons you mean you don't recognize that monster? and yet you know about those items that I don't recognize.


" Yes host, I have the knowledge of some items from these world and ways of their use "

" As for the monster I will gain knowledge of them once I analyze and compile them in Monster File after you killed them "

So that's how is it. Ok cons I understand sorry for doubting you. Now back to the topic, to my knowledge this larvae monster is what you called a Magimite a termite monster that love to feed on magic energy. The more they feed the more they grow until they explode and damage severely or if not kill who they are attach and feeding to.

But as I said earlier it's impossible for this monster to exist here, after all it can only be summoned by Magimite Queen a parasitic monster that not only devour magic it also corrode the area it inhabits that no leaving thing can survived and will always find a new nesting place to strip of its life.

A Magimite Queen belongs to a world catastrophe category. According to its background story it has once destroyed a world by devouring all its life-force which angered the gods so much that they decide to punish it by not killing it but only to be sealed to the world it has killed. The world where it was sealed was known to us as boss raid dungeon.


" Host! I don't understand where your worries come from "

" Host! the enemy now is just a larvae, an insignificant minion of what you fear "

" Host! based on my opinion you can dispose of that monster easily provided with extra careful of its poison "


Cons you didn't make me finish my story. According to the legend the Magimite Queen was once a mere Magimite, the very Magimite you look down upon. Then it feed and feed and feed and so on until it begun to evolve into the very being that killed that world. Because of its insatiable hunger the queen breed to more Magimite minions which begun her crusade to strip every living with magic energy to bring to her with the help of her minions to feed to extinction.


" Host! so what your trying to say is that the larvae will in time turn to the second coming of world destruction "

Yes! that is exactly what I'm worried about. Although it has a several stages before it can turn into a queen who can breed. To my knowledge the queen can breed Magimite which you saw, then Magiserrimite who can consume magic energy twice faster than the later. Then come the Magirhinomite which act as the vanguard of the queen by converting energy to shield, after that the Magikalomite who can finally deal a fatal physical injuries with its two scythe like arms they act as the queen's foot soldier. Then comes the knight class Magihodomite which can use magic attack and Magimastomite which act as her royal guards.

Back in my days the only problem in this raid are her royal guards and her majesty itself. Facing a lone Magimastomite as an arch mage is not a problem but if you want a certain death then try facing 12.

I seriously hope that it follow the path of its own creation cause if not then we will be doomed.


" Host! monster evolution usually follow the evolution path of what it can summon or breed "

" Although sometime they take slight alternative path but for monster of the level of that queen will take many forms "

Thank you for the comfort cons but I hope your right. Now that we know what killed the old man let's make preparation on exterminating the pest. Time to see what other things the old man left behind.