Story of Rudolf Azregon

Story of Rudolf Azregon

Rudolf Azregon

When I was a child, I never wanted to become a Dragon Knight. I'm approachable and friendly to dragonoids. I don't find them disgusting unlike my best friend. I find them as cool creatures and I see them as my equal.

What I don't like in being a Dragon Knight is the job itself. A Dragon Knight must be present in almost every battlefield. Sure, a Dragon Knight is an official in the military hierarchy of the empire, and that means I have to take lives directly or indirectly in the battlefield. Every life taken by my wits or by my hands will be a burden that every Dragon Knight should bear.

But I never thought that I would take a life just before I can enter the Dragon Knight Academy.

There was a time where I was accompanied Amphere to Goldcliffe City, three months after the power plant explosion that was made by the terrorist group Arcadia. Actually, I have a seminar at that time in a five-star hotel in that city (Because I'm the school president back in high school.) Amphere has his own appointment or something in an inn in the slums so we parted ways almost instantly.

The five-star hotel accommodated all student councils of the empire. The seminar is about some school rule changes and school charter changes that will be applied in the upcoming years. It includes both human and dragonoid schools.

That was the time I first met her. Platinum-black hair and cream-white skin. Her crimson eyes dominated my heart instantly. She was petite, but gorgeous at the same time. My heart quadrupled its pumping speed when she first said "Hi" and waived her hand at me.

She was Kyrie Fenrir, the student council secretary on a dragonoid school in the slums of Goldcliffe City. Aside from her good looks, I found her keen on her studies and caring to her fellow officers. She was a hard worker with charisma.

I just had a breakup at that time, so I have a hard time moving on. I think I've confused my feelings for my ex and my feelings for that charming woman. So I decided to call Amphere and treat him a drink in a local pub. I need advices from my best friend.

Amphere chose the inn in the slums. The adorable red-haired bartender (Who was Airelina) gave us a strong glass of beer whatever, I'm not an expert. I know we're somewhat minors but never mind. I'm just here to let off the steam that was stuck in my heart.

So I cried like a puppy in the middle of our drinking session.

"You need to move on dude." Amphere's face is now pale red. "Those hoes ain't loyal."

The endearing red haired bartender glared her crimson eyes at Amphere upon hearing those words. But Amphere just tolerated it. I had a feeling that this two knows each other. Anyway…

"Maybe we'll find some chick we both like if we scroll through your contacts." Amphere continued.

I revealed my tablet and searched for beautiful girls on social media, and then to the dating sites. There were a lot of potential girlfriends of my type, so I recorded their numbers on my phone. Amphere searched for chicks too. I know Amphere wanted to have a girlfriend too, because that dude's a complete virgin in terms of romantic relationships.

"Hey, this girl is cute too." I showed him the profile of Kyrie, who is currently on my friends list. Amphere immediately got the number and saved it on his contacts.

We both got wasted and slept in that very same inn for the night. The outcome is that I returned to the hotel with a hangover. I struggled to walk, to go back to my room in this hotel and sleep but when I was finally in front of my door, a beautiful maiden was there, smiling.

"U-Um, you're Rudolf Azregon, right?" She asked me in a worried tone.

"Y-Yeah. Why?" I wish I could hide my smell.

"The house speaker said that the seminar will be moved from 7 PM to 9 PM." She scanned through the papers she's holding.

"Oh, thanks for informing me." Then there was an awkward silence. She's completely blocking the door, and she's not moving!

"Ummm… you messaged me last night, right?" Kyrie's face reddened as she turned away.

"W-What?" I exclaimed. Maybe I sent a message while drunk and half asleep! This is so embarrassing!

"T-Thanks for that." She said. Then she rushed away.

I laid my back on my bed and checked my phone. Kyrie is really telling the truth. Good evening. I am just here to say that you're astoundingly gorgeous. That is my text message. Now I remembered everything. Amphere helped me construct this short and simple yet sweet message. I thought it was an embarrassing one.

That message even made Kyrie flattered.

I attended the seminar smoothly. My hangover's gone, I feel good, and I'm gonna get things done. I don't need to have another glass of beer for the next weekend. I think I'm over with that love problem! I'm gonna look forward and take a step to a new world!

When the meeting has been finished, I noticed that Kyrie has been pestered by three other student officials. They are dragonoids too, but they're up to something nasty. I can't just act and defend Kyrie since those dragonoids are her schoolmates. I won't meddle in some business if I don't have the right to.

Everything's different though if they started doing illegal.

They grabbed Kyrie outside the hotel, into a dark alley. Kyrie is resisting but she didn't call for any help. It's clear that she didn't want to harm these three crimson-eyed men. She just tried to struggle and break free, but she can't. They're too strong for her!

"Now, let's see what you're true form really is!" One of the men pulled out something in his jacket. It's an injection, containing a caramel-colored liquid.

As soon as he injected it to Kyrie's neck, she fell down on her knees. The three boys freed her, but she won't be able to run away because of the drug they just injected. Her black and white wings emerged. Her dark tail also made its appearance.

"What a rare one!" One of the men said. "She's a Chaos Dragon! You will be sold high in the capital, Ms. Secretary!"

"Let go of her!" This time, I revealed myself! I can't stand this scene any longer! Just by hearing that they're selling their own kind…It's disgusting!

"R-Rudolf." She crawled, trying to make a step closer to me but she can't. That drug should've paralyzed her muscles by forcing her heart to reveal her wings and tail.

The three dragonoids picked their own pockets and readied their Swiss knife. I'm now in a tight situation, but I can't just leave Kyrie here!

The first man prepared a stab, but I parried his arm and swung my elbow to his jaw which made him knocked out in an instant. The second guy and the third guy charged at me! One straight punch to the nose was all it took to defeat the second attacker. But the third got me on my stomach!

Blood ooze throughout the floor. My vision blacked out. But my strength didn't run out. I roared that echoed throughout the street.

The next time I knew it, I was already in the hospital, with Kyrie sleeping beside my bed. I got a single injury which is a stab to my right stomach. Thankfully, that didn't hit a vital organ. But Kyrie…She suffered a greater damage than me. Because of the drug injected to her, she will never be able to hide her wings and tail.

According to the news, I ended up killing all those three people. Unconsciously. The three dragonoids received a stab on the heart, each of them. That was just a small price to pay for what they did to Kyrie.

I was never acquitted guilty of murder because the law of the empire states that "No man shall ever go to prison in taking a dragonoid's life." Humans are the superior race after all.