Identical Hearts

Chapter 35: Identical Hearts

Amphere Harrison

If Reina's legal dragonoid is Richard, what happened to Eva?

"Yo!" Speak of the devil. It's her. She has this guilty smile at us when she surprised Airi and me. Then she decided to sit beside Airi.

"Don't 'Yo' us, totally!" Airi screamed. "What happened? Why are you not there? Why is Richard there? Why are you here?"

"Ummm…" Eva looked at the skies, trying to formulate a sentence. "Actually, I volunteered to resign as her dragonoid partner since I know that Miss Reina and my cousin are lovers after all."

"Cousins? Totally?" Airi and I jumped in question. I think the 'Totally Syndrome' is totally contagious.

Suddenly, I remembered the night where I fought in the Hyperion Inc. Research Facility. The Portal Dragon that was responsible for our escape is Richard himself. He never told us who used the Vesryn Pulse to him; he just said that a 'neutral party' aided our escape. That neutral party certainly fits Reina, since she didn't care about the terrorism or the oath she took in the Chevalier Unit.

Reina is just interested in the Crimson Dragonfly.

I turned to Airi who was now fully focused in Reina's fight. I know that someone, or something will reveal Airi's secret to Reina and there will be a time where they'll fight or kill each other. I don't care if Richard will switch sides and go with the Chevalier Unit (Though I still doubt that since Kyle killed him on his first life). I will stay on Airi's side and protect her, even if it means my life. Even if I have to cross swords with the man I promised to protect Airi with.

"DRACARYX!!!" Reina shouted. "Activate Hyperspace Fury!"

Suddenly, hundreds of portals materialized above the arena and then rays of light rained towards the enemy knight and his Boulder Dragon! Echoes of loud consecutive explosions ruled the arena!

What? I wasn't really paying attention! I missed everything from their fight!

By the way, Boulder Dragons are just like Earth Dragons who have no set of wings, but their arms usually a lot longer, resemble a gorilla's. Their scales are made of rocks, except that Boulder Dragons have darker blue complexion than a Earth Dragon which is usually colored desert brown.

When all the smoke faded, Reina's enemy knight and dragon are now lying unconscious in the ground. That was really quick. I totally missed the whole fight. Now I have to be wary of Reina and Richard too. They even have unlocked a powerful Dracaryx.

"The winner is Reina Fleuret!" The emcee proclaimed. Then the whole arena was filled with noise barrage from the audience.

The next fight would be mine, so I have to focus. I slapped both of my cheeks then ran down to the backstage. But because of hurry, I tripped myself, and rolled on the stairs all the way to the ground! Several people saw me, including some 1st Class Dragon Knights and celebrity dukes and duchesses. I really feel embarrassed right now.

"Amphy, let's go! Totally!" Airi landed just in front of me and pushed her face forward.

"Y-Yes." I got up immediately and rushed to the arena.

My next opponent is the most interesting and the most vague dragon-knight partners I've ever had.

Vladimir and Brixter Mysticpeak. No one knows who's the dragon knight or the dragonoid. All we know is this: they are identical twins, but their complexions are opposites. Vladimir is white, while Brixter is black. Vladimir has a red dragonoid eye on his left, but the other eye is just normal black. Brixter has the opposite: his red dragonoid eye is on his right. Their other similarities are that they have the same mushroom hairdo and they both wield a short sword. The short sword's colors also differ, the one is red and one is blue.

I had some of information regarding both of them, and also since I used to copy homework from this twins almost once a month. Apparently, the identical twins had some complications, leaving the two have their body parts missing. Both didn't have left and right eye respectively, and they share the same heart. So the doctors advised their parents to buy a pair of eyes and an identical pair of hearts.

Their parents bought body parts from the black market, which turns out to be a fraud. The body parts that were delivered were originally from dragonoid's. I don't know what happened next, but it appears to be that the operation was a success. They can even use Vesryn Pulse since they both have dragonoid hearts.

"Amphere Harrison vs. Vlad and Brix! Let the battle begin!"

The two charged together as soon as the buzzer goes in. The twins started with a hack in a synchronized manner, but luckily, Airi and I managed to pull out a synchronized block using our photon sabers! We answered their attacks with a high thrust and a side swipe in a harmonized dance. This managed the twins to pull back and get some distance away from us.

"See?" Airi smiled mischievously. "You may be twins and have identical hearts, but we are husband and wife who share the same heart through our love! Totally!"

Vlad and Brix almost burst from laughter but then I cut them off. "We're totally not lovers!" I thought my voice delivered a good message but then they realized that I already adopted Airi's way of speaking. Darn it, totally!

The twins attached the end of their sword's hilt, and then a double edged sword was born! The two are holding it together really tight. I have never seen this kind of swordplay before, but I know shit's going to get real. I activated my Heightened Clearance and six dynamos came out from my back, ready to protect me.

The two waltzed as they spun their double blade upward in the air, creating a mini typhoon-like wheel with some spark and lightning effects like those CGI from apocalypse movies. As they stroke their sword(s) forward, the typhoon wheel chased our location!

My dynamos made a hexagram formation, and telepathically commanded them to project photon barrier to protect us from the incoming hurricane wheel. These dynamos are as flexible as my hands and feet, so I made it in time. When I was being busy in blocking, Airi revealed her metallic black wings and dashed towards the twins for a counter attack! But then…

"Activating Double Vesryn Pulse!"

The two opponents had their body covered with golden white light and then it merged together as one. It produced a weak shockwave that made Airi fall down and roll to the ground. When the light faded, a truly shocking entity bewildered our eyes.

It was a nine-meter tall dragon with two heads. Not just that, it is immune to racism. The left part of the dragon is completely white, and the other half is completely black. It has a muscular set of arms and feet, and it also have standard bat-like black and white wings, maybe a lot similar to Kyrie's. But this dragon is a lot similar to Ultima Dragon with only one head difference. It is a Gemini Dragon.

Gemini Dragons are usually a dragon knight and two twin identical dragonoids, but their case is different. Their roles are completely merged. The two of them are dragon knight and dragonoids of each other. I wonder how the society treats them since the Dragonoid Rights Bill has to be passed yet. But since they're the sons of a duke and a duchess, maybe they had a better life than any dragonoids here participating in the tournament.

"Activating Vesryn Pulse!" I shouted. Then my Futuretech Dragon flew into battle.

The Gemini Dragon raised its hands and then an electrifying particle took its shape. Two swords materialized from its hands! I can't believe it! These twins are revealing so much awesomeness in this fight! Don't tell me they have a Dracaryx too!? …Urgh, maybe no. Dracaryx only applies if the partners are in opposite sex.

"Let's totally reveal our true power, Amphy! Shout Dracaryx!' Airi said through telepathy.

"That's absurd!" I shrieked. "We haven't unlocked it yet!"

"Nobody knows how to unlock it, totally! Just try it, geez!"

Well she has a point. We should try it if we already unlocked it. Nothing to lose, I guess. I inhaled a lot of air and then shouted with all my might.