
Chapter 43: Objection!

Airelina Frembell

Only one day in the detention center, and after that, I face the court. Totally no prep time. This is the law regarding to the trials of dragonoids in court. Because I'm a convicted murderer, destroyer, and a terrorist, I can't and will never find a lawyer. It totally looks like I'm just waiting for my execution day, which is tomorrow. I can't win this.

No one visited me yesterday, not even that betrayer Amphere Harrison. I should've killed him, but I think I can't. I love him, and there's no way I can hurt him like that ever again. I feel guilty of stabbing him in the chest. It gave me restless nights. I haven't got any sleep for the past two days actually, and I have these black eyes on my pale skin. My face now looks like a panda. Aside from that, I cried for the whole day, and I still can't stop my damn eyes. I've been wiping my tears for every ten minutes. I'm so pitiful.

"The court is now in session for the trial of Airelina Frembell" The judge said as he strokes his gavel. Then he looked at the empty defendant's counsel's side. "It looks like no one will defend our lovely lady here."

"I WILL!!!" The voice echoed throughout the four sides of the court as a shadow entered the main door. This man…

"I will defend the defendant." Amphere loudly proclaimed, which made all the dukes, the knights, and the authorities astounded. Totally all of them, all who are the audiences in this very room. The duchess Carousel, Eva, Rudolf, Kyrie, Reina, Richard, Kyle, Elumina, Amphere Harrison's father, Gaz, the apple store vendor Lorelei… Even I got my brain explode. W-What is he trying to do?

Amphere betrayed me. He got me arrested. He sold me out. He hated me. And now he's acting like my lawyer?

"Since there is no legal counsel for this trial, I assign myself as one. I am the dragon knight of the accused dragonoid." Amphere politely genuflected in front of the desk of the judge. "I ask permission to stand as the defense, your honor."

"Permission granted." The judge hammered the gavel. "Prosecutor, your opening statement."

"The defendant, Airelina Frembell is accused of murder, homicide, and multiple damages to property. She is known for multiple aliases such as Aleria Turner, Aisha Frisk, Florisse Casterdyne, and many more, …And the infamous Crimson Dragonfly. She is accused of being a member of the terror group Arcadia which is led by Estoff Wraith. There is one and only hard evidence…The interrogation of the Black Phantom."

The tape played that gives facts to the people here in this room. I'm more troubled about the voice. I-Is that Alder's? That's totally Alder's voice. He sounds like he was in pain and suffering. I keep wondering… How did Alder Windstrafe know everything about the Crimson Dragonfly?

When the tape ended, Amphere shook his head in disappointment.

"That is terrible evidence, your honor." He said arrogantly to the prosecutor. "Certainly, Black Phantom is a key member of Arcadia who can light up these mysteries, but how am I gonna cross examine the witness if the witness is already dead?"

Amphere presented a folder of documents containing the profile of Alder Windstrafe. "This is the evidence that proves that the Black Phantom is the late Alder Windstrafe! This are the documentation of the Chevalier Unit's interrogation with the said masked man. Unfortunately, Alder tried to 'resist' and the Chevalier Unit didn't have a choice but to kill him."

"We have a witness to back it up." The prosecutor proclaimed.

Then the lunatic general come to the stand. They asked him about his name and profession, and pledged in front of the judge to say the truth, the absolute truth and nothing but the truth. Then he told everything he saw from that day… The day where I was brutally defeated by this knight in the powerplant. And not even that…

"…I also saw the defense, Amphere Harrison, on the site. He protected the defendant, and flees outside the scenario." This retarded man… Now he's using everything he knows against Amphere!

But Amphere held it so chillaxed that he clicked his tongue as if he was waiting for this very moment. "I'm sorry, General Leviticus. Your baseless allegations needs more evidence."

"I don't need evidence, I saw you at that time." The general kept his smug.

"In the court, evidence is everything!!!" Amphere slammed his desk and glared with blazing willpower. "The fact that you are bringing this story in this particular point makes us doubt your credibility! Why reveal this now and not in the past? Huh, general?"

"Y-You!" General Leviticus clenched his fist and then finally busted. "This is my trump card to get you into prison, the two of you! You…Amphere Harrison… should know your place! So this is your plan after all! You're just going to clean your hands in this comedic play! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU AND EVERYTHING IN THIS COURT! FUCK YOUR FARCE, AMPHERE HARRISON!!!"

Amphere coldheartedly turned to the judge. "Your honor, this witness is not credible. I have his medical records, and there are several testimonies say that he has some kind of mental disorder that leaves him in unstable state. Aside from that, the general has personal grudges on me, so I take it he's trying hard to get me to prison."

The judge nodded with a promising answer. "General Kyle Leviticus is now held in contempt due to his use of inappropriate words and being impertinent to the court. This witness is no longer credible." As he strokes his gavel again, the bailiff and the police officers went around the crazy general. Knowing that he has no power here in this very room, he walked out with suppressed rage on his steps.

"But that doesn't mean that his testimony about the defendant isn't true." The prosecutor cut my lawyer. "The evidence lacks proving Airelina Frembell as a member of Arcadia, indeed. But the evidence only proves one thing. THAT AIRELINA FREMBELL IS THE CRIMSON DRAGONFLY, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LIVES OF A WHOLE CITY!!!"

"OBJECTION!!!" Amphere shouted with all his might. "Airelina Frembell is indeed the Crimson Dragonfly. She is guilty for taking out thousands of life and destroying the whole Vanilla City. But there is a major flaw that makes Airelina Frembell a victim to all these happenings, just like those innocent souls."

Everyone kept silent and turned themselves to Amphere. "According to the tape, Crimson Dragonfly is the Dracaryx of the defendant's late unofficial knight, Duke Zac Schneider. Dragonoids are not bound to be protected by our law, at least as of this point. Dragonoids are treated as pets, or more properly, slaves. They don't have the right to own any property. And that means that dragonoid are treated as dogs."

Suddenly, Amphere went to my side and grabbed the back of my silky hair. I feel like my scalp is leaving my head and it totally hurts! H-He's harassing me in front of this very court as he continues to speak! "A dog is also considered as a property, and if the dog runs amok, the owner will be liable for any damages. This beautiful dragonoid is my property, and no one else's. Anything my dragonoid does, will be redirected to me!

As the facts said, at the time where the Crimson Dragonfly Incident, Airelina Frembell's master is Duke Zac Schneider, which makes Duke Schneider fully liable for the lives of the whole Vanilla City!"

The audiences murmured and whispered to each one another, trying to process Amphere's reasoning. Amphere finally handed me down as he calmed himself. "I rest my case, your honor."

This man… He totally defended me with all his might. I can see sweat dripping from his chin as he makes a deep sigh. Then he whispered something to me like "I'm sorry."

"A-Amphy-Amphere…totally…" I muttered. I'm astonished by this man. I don't know what he's thinking. He's completely unpredictable. And that what makes me love him even more.

"Order in the court!" The judge smacked his gavel. Thinking that he finally has the decision, he prepared for the final statement.

"I find the defendant, Airelina Frembell…"