Heaven and Hell

Chapter 49: Heaven and Hell

Estoff Wraith

Endless noises. Gunshots, screams, and even explosions are everywhere. I have ordered two hundred Arcadians to chase Duke Dragunov, and I am currently waiting for my back up of five hundred from the other cities. It seems like the government troops are fighting my army for a while now. Fortunately, one of the largest hideouts of Arcadia resides below us, the Twilight City. I commanded fifty Arcadians to watch the S.S. Maryjane while I fight my most inevitable foe, Kyle Leviticus and Elumina Cryst.

Fifty meters above the ground, where angel and magma dragon dance in the edge of atmosphere. Gilliard, my Magma Dragon has been spitting out burning boulders in a size of a soccer ball, but all of it was effortlessly evaded by the Angelic Dragon Elumina. Elumina knew how to elude those mortars after all because Gilliard is only aiming the apple on her head; the devil general.

"What the fuck are you doing, Elumina! Release your Lightrays to that garbage!" Kyle protested. It's been fifteen minutes since we have this aerial battle but the Angelic Dragon always stays on the passive. She didn't want to fight after all.

Elumina never made a reply, which made Kyle furious. He angrily stepped on his dragon's forehead repeatedly that it was already hurting her! That lunatic shmuck! I can't stand this shit!

"Hey, Kyle!" I gritted my teeth. "Your enemy is not Elumina! Your enemy is me! Let's take it one versus one! A fight to death!"

Hearing this, Kyle turned to me and held this sadistic smile. His glare is like a warfreaked child. "Well then!"

Gilliard dived with a fabulous speed until we reached the neares rooftop building of the Twilight City. Elumina and Kyle followed as well. As Kyle and I took off our dragon's head, we cancelled our Vesryn Pulses just to ensure that our dragonoids will not be able to interrupt this fight.

I revved the handle of my broadsword as I prepared a centered stance. My broadsword is not just a simple blade; it has the handle of a motorcycle. Whenever I throttled it, temperature of the blade increases. The broadsword was covered with smoke and reddish flame color.

Kyle readied his fencing stance. His slim sword glowed with golden light, and light particles fall off whenever the sword moves. He has been murmuring some latin words and after five seconds, he shouted "Lighten my spirits up, o divine being."

Six wings of light, which resemble a dominion angel, surged from the back of the enemy general. This bastard, still borrowing Elumina's powers! I will not accept this! I tightened my grip in my sword and uttered a war cry! Smoke came out from my shoulders, and slowly molded a lava spaulders and chest plate to protect me from any upper body blows.

Both of us bolted forward as soon as our power-up transformation is over! The slim sword and broadsword clashed, making a little shockwave around the area. I have the power of the earth's core, while Kyle has the power of divine light. I can say that this is a battle between heaven and hell.

Except that in my perspective, I'm the one righteous. And Kyle is the evil one.

I hacked forward to the left, but Kyle used his wings to avoid my attack and fly. He tried numerous thrust using his glowing sword, but I managed to parry each and every one of his blows. He tried stabbing my spaulders and chest plate, hoping that his sword can make it through my skin, but he's wrong. My magma armor is one of the strongest armor in all Alterra. Realizing this disadvantage, Kyle flew backwards and landed ten meters away from me.

Kyle chanted another set of words until he reached the spell name. "Lightsurge!" He shouted, as a meter-thick ray of light flowed to my direction. I used my broadsword to slash through the beam of light! As soon as the blaster ended, I roared as I prepared for a serious blow! But Kyle's agility with seraphim wings is topnotch. I know he can fly as fast as light, so I can't expect my attacks to hit him.

He is also struggling with the same problem. As long as I'm not lowering my sword, his spells won't work on me. My magma spaulders repels magic, and Kyle's slim sword attacks are too weak to graze me. If this goes on, it will be considered a stalemate. This is just a battle of stamina. The one who have his power-up expiration first, loses this fight.

"You may be thinking that we're even." Kyle laughed hysterically. "That is why I have to cheat in this fight!!!"

There was a chill down on my spine as the lunatic general pronounced these words: "DRACARYX!!! Activate Spear of Judgment!"

"N-No!" Elumina screamed. That Kyle… forcing Elumina for casting Dracaryx! Unforgivable! He's always depending on his underhanded tactics! This guy doesn't have any honor left on his soul at all!

Elumina's chest glowed with golden light, as though there is a portal from her heart. A sharp triangular-shaped blade slowly appeared from the portal…and then everything happened so fast. In an instant, the blade from my lover's chest rocketed in a speed even faster than a Planck instant. It appears that the blade is a spear, with an infinite length. It surged forward to my direction. The ridiculous speed of the projectile made avoiding or blocking the spear unfeasible.

Is this…the end of the line for me?

"Estoff!" It was Gillard's voice.

Before the spear reached my throat, Gilliard tackled me away from the way of the blade. In the process, Gilliard was the one who took the whole projectile on himself. He got his right shoulder evaporate as soon as the Spear of Judgment touched his skin. The spear of light keeps going and going until it reached the outer space. After five seconds, the Spear of Judgment faded.

"Gilliard!" I rushed to my dragonoid's side. It's no good. His shoulder and neck are severely damaged. Blood started gushing out from his body. I can see well that a part of his spinal cord has been eliminated by that overpowered Dracaryx…

Kyle made an obnoxious laugh as he fly like a fucking angel, looking at me below. He was carrying the unconscious Elumina. "This is the combined power of me and your love Estoff. This is why you should give up!"

I growled in response and shouted his name with hatred. "KYLE LEVITICUS!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!"

Kyle replied with a disgusting smirk, and then glided away in a speed of light, just like a shooting star. I wanted to punch his face on his full teeth for everything he has done until now! I'll never forgive him!

"E…Estoff…" Gilliard mustered all his remaining strength to talk. I wanted to stop him because it might worsen his condition, but he held this steady glare at me. He coughed for three times, which made some blood sprinkle to my face. "…Go get your girl…Tiger…"

"Don't joke like that." I said.

He reached a pistol from his pocket and put it on my hand. "…Promise me…you'll perform…Vesryn Pulse with your Elumina chick…promise me…"

As soon as his hands hit hard on the floor, the colors on his eyes faded. I uttered a loud cry for the loss of my friend. It may not be a long journey, but Gilliard is still my silent buddy in the end.

After a whole minute, I wiped away my tears and left the dead body of my dragonoid rest on this rooftop. I am planning to go down from this building and rendezvous with Amphere or Richard's team, but then my radio came in.

"Estoff…" It's Richard's voice. "We have a big problem."

"Gilliard has died. What else is worse than this?" I answered with sarcasm.

"So it became worst." Richard made a very long pause. It was as if a whole hour before he continued to talk. "Amphere and Rudolf too."