Divine Suffering

Chapter 52: Divine Suffering

Estoff Wraith

I hope Richard's group will come here immediately… Because at this rate, all our dreams and hopes for the future will be destroyed.

The second brigade of the Arcadia's force was commanded by me to fight the ridiculously powerful lunatic general. At first, I was commanding about two hundred of them to fire their bullets to the six-winged retard, but everything is in vain. Kyle, with his inhuman, no, impossible speed took out eighty percent of my forces alone.

Kyle has attained the power to be as fast as light. No one has a bullet or sword that can even graze him. I'm just lucky to parry his blinding attacks whenever he rush his way through me. What's worse is that what he's been doing to Elumina! She's unconscious, but there is this cross of light behind her that makes her floating thirty meters above us. I can see in her face that she was exhausted.

"DRACARYX!!! Activate Spear of Judgement!" Kyle shouted.

There was that spear again, coming out from the portal that just appeared on Elumina's chest! The gigantic lance of light surged forward to annihilate my remaining dragonoid forces. There's no use in blocking it for everything it touches vaporizes in an instant. And there's not even time to evade it either, because it will hit you just before your brain synapses pull the order to your body.

Twenty seven dragonoids got hit by the spear. Most of them lost a limb, but there are also others who are unlucky enough to have their heads and body vanish. Everything in this place became as gory as possible. Screams of my comrades echoed throughout the night.

Kyle made an obnoxious laugh as he saw the absolute destruction of the army of the dragonoids. He really lost it. He has been enjoying slaughtering dragonoids since the beginning of his career as a dragon knight. General level Dragon Knights are certainly powerful. Because of their rigorous training and knowledge about magic and thaumatology, they can use Dracaryx multiple times, which is contrary to ordinary Dragon Knights who can only use it once a day.

But the drawback to the dragonoids in using Dracaryx is nothing to be laugh about. Dracaryx means stopping the heart of the dragonoid for a brief period. This is why it is only advisable to use Dracaryx once, or not if possible.

Elumina has been unconsciously uttering painful screams whenever General Kyle uses Dracaryx. He keeps spamming the Spear of Judgment to my armed forces. He didn't care what happens to Elumina after all. If I counted correctly, he already activated it for seven times.

"Kyle, stop it!" I screamed. "Elumina…Elumina is suffering! Stop this!"

"Oh, you think I care for that bitch!?" Kyle grinned maliciously. "Don't worry, I'll make it sure that our Spear of Judgment will be the one to finish your life!"

Kyle bolted forward and clashed with my blade once again. Whenever he attacks me, he slows himself for a bit for me to react. It seems like he's just giving me handicap in order to maintain my pace. It also means that he's just toying with me. I know in myself that I have no chance in defeating such a dragon knight since I'm no longer one of them. Gilliard's death also means my death in this war.

Suddenly, a ring of light; a portal opened in the face of Kyle. Because of the force and weight of his body, he fell into the portal and transported to somewhere else. He disappeared like a bubble. This spell…

"Sorry we're late, totally!" Airelina waved her hand at me. She was standing on top of a white snake-like Chinese dragon. Beside her is Reina Fleuret. It seems that the score has been settled between those two.

"Estoff Wraith." The beautiful blonde lady landed at me. "Our concern is mainly about Dragunov. We can't be staying here fighting our own general. I need to maintain a clean image if possible."

"I know." I snorted. "Dragunov has fled again together with the Ice Dragon and the Black Phantom."

"You said something about the Black Phantom earlier. It was Alder's-"

"It was Alder's corpse." I cut her line down. "I don't know what the heck is happening, but judging from his posture, his fighting style, and his Vesryn Pulse with Emy, the body is certainly Alder Windstrafe. But there are a lot of weird things after his resurrection. There is this hole in his chest, and he is always holding a heart-like object like it was something precious. His skin is covered with decaying flesh. And also, Alder is a talkative fighter. That Black Phantom never talks. All he can do is to make chewing noises. Like a zombie."

"That corpse must be under some spell or witchcraft." Reina said. "Richard and I will chase the Ice dragon. Airelina will be left here to be your back up against our general. Is that alright with you?"

"Totally!" Airelina energetically said. There's something going on with this moron.

The Portal Dragon created a breach in the dimension and exited from the scene, leaving me with this loud moron. I glared at Airelina to see if she has some symptoms of drug consumption. She's gloomy an hour ago, and now she's back to normal.

"What happened?" I asked her.

Airelina replied a smile and said "Amphere's condition is getting better. I know. Because I can feel his heartbeats in my heart." She hugged herself as dramatic as possible. "I'll be doing my best from now on, totally!" That's good to hear. That means she's in her primal condition to fight.

"We have to get Elumina out of that eerie floating cross." I said as I point the glowing x above us.

"Leave it to me, totally!" She said as she revealed her platinum wings and blasted off from the ground.

"I won't let you!" It was Kyle's! I suspect he's the one who is flying like a shooting star and blocked Airelina's path. Kyle then used his slim sword to thrust the scarlet dragonoid while dashing with an unbelievable speed!

Unlike earlier, this fight has a better chance. Airelina is the fastest dragonoid in the Dragon Knight's Academy in terms of aerial combat. Because of this, she can keep up Kyle's speed. Airelina barely evaded the sword's contact. She had her cloth ripped on her left waist. Seeing this, Airelina made a strong serious gaze towards her enemy and withdraw her glowing photon sword!

With a shout, Airelina dashed in a speed surpassing sound and made an upward slash! Kyle managed to parry it with his silver slim sword. But that's not everything! Airelina revealed her other photon sword and made a thrust, which slightly scraped Kyle's right cheek. Blood slowly dropped from above.

"You've become better, you cute runt." Kyle forced a smile. "But you can never surpass me! DRACARYX!!! Activate Spear of Judgment!"

Elumina screamed again due to excruciating pain as the lance of light surged forward. Surprised, Airelina never managed to evade it, and suffered a direct hit! There was a deafening crash on the highway just a few meters from my position. Surprisingly, Airelina's body was intact. I was about to consider it a miracle until I noticed some plate on her chest. A Shield Plate. Amphere should've given it to her earlier.

A direct hit from the Spear of Judgment made the Shield Plate deplete 100% to 0%. It is truly a one-hit kill spell if one is not protected with those useful plates.

But Airelina doesn't have the strength to fight anymore. All the muscles on her body are suffering from agonizing pain maybe because of the impact of the fall. She tried hard, gritting her teeth. But her arms and legs are not listening to her.

I took a centered stance in front of Airelina. I should've defended her earlier but I'm quite powerless right now. And what's more is that I have been seeing Elumina being hurt every fucking time that lunatic uses his Dracaryx!

"Kyle! Stop!" I shouted. There was a thought that entered my mind that will only stop Elumina's unbearable pain right now. Yeah, that's right. I should definitely do it. In times like this, being desperate to stop the suffering the love of my life is an absolute decision. I should finally do it, even if it will mean giving up everything else. My honor, my freedom and my ideals. I'll gladly sacrifice everything for Elumina's sake.

"Stop this, Kyle." I dropped my sword and raised my hand. "I surrender. Just make sure that you won't use Spear of Judgment again."

"You're my best friend after all." Kyle made a disgusting chuckle, and then a long pause. He closed his eyes, inhaled the contaminated air from above and then spoke again.

"That is why I have to kill you with this spell! DRACARYX!!! Activate Spear of Judgment!!!"