Love and Freedom

Chapter 54: Love and Freedom

Estoff Wraith

Amphere's eyes are now crimson red and his sclera are night-dark. He has been holding his wounded chest for a while now, and I can see that he's enduring the pain. Thanks to him, Airelina and I were both safe. I can't help but to be amazed in this kid.

"Activating Vesryn Pulse!" Amphere and Airelina shouted. With this, Airelina's body became a seven meter platinum robotic dragon. A Futuretech Dragon. Amphere lend his hand to me, which I immediately accepted.

"I can't wield a sword in my current condition. You will ride with me here on Airelina's head, and you'll serve as a dragon knight once again. Use that sword to attack Kyle. I'll be just supporting you with my dynamos." Amphere said, as he tried to hide the pain in his facial expression.

"Don't you dare order me around, kid." I chuckled as I revved my sword. "Watch and learn from your senpai, will you?"

Just before the Futuretech Dragon takes off, Kyle used his absurdly powerful spell yet again. "DRACARYX!!! Activate Spear of Judgment!" With Elumina's cry, the lace of light once again made its appearance and surged its way to us! It was so fast that it even broke the sound barrier!

Amphere had it ready. He has this skeleton mech's arm (I believe it's called Deus Ex Machina.) and positioned it to catch the spear! It was a ridiculous idea, but we didn't have any option either. Surprisingly, the gigantic mechanical arm caught the spear of light! The only problem is that it exerts to much force, still charging like an angry bull even though the spear has been constrained.

The gigantic arm slowly dissolved from the light that was emitted from the spear. Noticing this, he commanded the arm to redirect it a few degrees upward- away from us. Then he let the spear go, making a loud whirling noise as it dissolves the chunks of metals that was supposed to be the Deus Ex Machina's right arm. Now Amphere can only use the remaining left mecha arm.

"H-How did you redirect it!?" Kyle's facial expression is priceless. He never made the same astounded gesture before. And then he calmed himself for a bit as he stared at Amphere's eyes. "As expected from the kid who has inherited the Eye of Deus. I've been waiting to see that gem for a long time. Thanks to that particular ability of yours, I was defeated for the first time three years ago."

I turned to the glowing cross above us. Elumina still had her eyes closed, but she was panting heavily. She's already at her limits. "That Kyle…He's using Elumina as much as he wants…" I clenched my hand. One more Dracaryx and it will cost her life…

"Amphere. I need to get to Elumina." I said.

"Roger that, commander." Amphere replied without any hesitation whatsoever. Airelina finally took off and jetted forward the glowing cross! Our speed must've surpassed any fighter planes invented in this era!

Suddenly, Kyle, with the help of his six divine wings, bolted forward with a lightspeed! He made a blinding thrust to Amphere, but thankfully, Amphere used his sword to block the evil general's sting! Amphere lost balance and then made a forty-meter free fall!

Airelina spun on the midair in order to repel any attack from Kyle, and then dived for Amphere's sake. She manages to catch her knight with her cybernetic dragon arms. Airelina's joy was short-lived, because Kyle saw this as an opportunity to cast a spell.

"Lightsurge!" Kyle thrusted in the air, and a gigantic arrow of light surged forward to pierce the Futuretech Dragon's right wing. Because of this, Airelina once again crashed on the ground; leaving a small crater behind.

Airelina was so exhausted that she already reverted to her human form. And Amphere is still trying hard to stand, but the awful pain on his chest makes it impossible. In fact, the wound already opened again, making blood stains on his white uniform. There is no way that two can win this fight.

But I can.

While Kyle was busy, Amphere used his dynamos as my flying raft and transported me to the floating golden cross; where Elumina is bound. When I arrived, I touched her soft right cheek for the first time in ten years. The warmth of my hand rendered her awake.

"Estoff." Tears ran down from her eyes. "Save me, Estoff. I…I don't want to suffer anymore."

"I'm finally here, Elumina. I'm now fulfilling my promise to you. This is your freedom from now on, my love!"

Elumina and I…the two lovers cried rivers as we bumped each other's forehead. I caressed her golden hair and made our nose collide. And finally…a sweet kiss made all the agony inside our hearts vanish within the brightness of our love to each one another.

Her lips are still as smooth as ever. Every time we kiss, I see myself in heaven.

Images of our childhood flashed on my brain. The time where we first met in the vineyard. The time where I first gave her a paper crane. The time where we had a picnic in the gardens of the ruined cathedral. The time where she first cooked me a burnt meal. The first time we confessed our love to each other. The first time we kissed.

All these years, I have endured living in the shadows. For that span of time, she lived in a cruel care of his master. We have endured a lot. And this is the time where all our seeds; all the things we endured together will be paid off with the sweetest fruit! The sweetness of having two separated hearts reunited again is a lot sweeter than any star berry in existence!

Our chest glowed together as we held each other's hands.

When Kyle finally noticed it, he turned to us, and then flew to our direction with maximum speed. He was screaming "NOOOOOOO!!!". Too bad, he was already too late. Three light rings covered the both of us and rotated, shielding us from any harm. As soon as Kyle made contact to one of this ring, he was immediately ejected and crashed to a building.

Elumina started our everlasting chant towards our love.

"I rescind my contract with Kyle Leviticus, and form a new one with my love Estoff Wraith,

I pledge myself to be his healing light, and proof of his might,

Aid him in an everlasting fight,

And keep him away from endless night!

Activating Vesryn Pulse!"

Elumina's shackles from the cross finally broke, and her body was submerged with golden light! My eyes were filled with beauty as I watch her transform. I have seen her dragon form before, but this time it's completely different! It was the power of our resonating hearts!

I remembered my promise to her when we were in high school.

"I wanted to perform Vesryn Pulse with you. Even just once. But I heard that dragon knights are the only ones who can do that." Elumina muttered.

"Then I'll become a knight!" I jokingly smiled. "We'll perform Vesryn Pulse so that I can see your beautiful dragon form."

This is our dream that became a reality!

Eight angelic wings formed at the back of her long slender dragonic body. Her violet-white scales clearly reflect the beams of the moonlight. Holy aura was pulsating from her heart. There was a golden halo floating above her head. This dragon; the Seraph Dragon is truly a magnificent existence! She is the most gorgeous creature in the whole universe!

The sweetness of love and freedom…is the best feeling in the world.