The Holy Guardian

Chapter 59: The Holy Guardian

Amphere Harrison

I slowly bathed Airi's corpse on the waters of the spring, as the silver-haired woman commanded. As soon as my body left those waters, particles of light started gathering like flies to her corpse. Her whole body is now glowing thanks to these fairy dusts that feasts like iron filings which were attracted to a magnet.

Five beautiful shrine priestesses surrounded the spring and started singing in latin. It seems like a praying ritual of some sort, and their voices are giving me chills. Moreover, the five priestesses have the same red-eye and black-sclera as the silver-haired woman in front of me.

"The boy has a lot of unanswered questions. I am willing to answer some of them right now." The silver haired woman smiled with sarcasm, as if she was reading my mind all the time. "I suppose I haven't introduced myself to the boy. I am the Holy Guardian of the Cathedral Exa. The boy can call me H.G."

I smiled wryly and grunted. "That doesn't help me know your identity a bit."

"Hey, watch your manners!" Richard thrust his elbow to my stomach and whispered to me. "She has the highest position in the cathedral. No one knows her real name. All we know is that she is biologically immortal, and she lasted for ten millennia!"

I was astounded! Ten millennia? Impossible! But these guys are also responsible for reviving Richard when he was killed by Kyle three years ago. Just what the hell are these freaks?

"It's okay, kid Richard." The holy guardian H.G. laughed. "The boy may speak his mind as much as he wants."

"How can the prayers help to revive Airi?" I asked. My report (About Dragonoid Revival) was about the priests using sacred magical items to revive a dragonoid. But this process is rather strange.

"No. The boy is wrong. We are just singing, praying for her soul to go back to her heart. The healing spring will give her regeneration of a thousand fold. You will have to wait for twenty four hours to see if the prayers work. Our prayers are able to guide the soul back to the body in a hundred percent success rate, provided that the following requirements are fulfilled... One, is that the body must've been dead for a maximum of five hours. Any later than that, and the song shall fail. Two, is that the dragonoid must be willing to return back to the mortal's world. A dragonoid who had a peaceful death can never go back. And finally, the third, is that the dead dragonoid must have a hundred-percent compatibility heart rate to a mortal, who he/she is deeply in love with, in this world. It doesn't matter if they signed another contract or haven't used Vesryn Pulse."

That's a really long explanation. I'm quite sure about the first two requirements, but the third… I don't know. I haven't checked our compatibility rates for the past three weeks. The last time I know is about 99%. We haven't even unlocked Dracaryx yet. Dracaryx and compatibility rates are somewhat relatable, so I'm not so sure about that.

"What about that unbelievable battle prowess?" I changed the topic. "Whenever I or my friends are in grave danger, your image shows up inside my brain. I know you have something to do with it, and I thank you with all my heart for that. It just doesn't add up…Why did you choose me?"

H.G. laughed with sarcasm, as if she was the princess of mockery. "The boy is wrong again. It was never my power. The Eye of Deus is yours and yours alone. I'm just an instrument to activate it. Don't be wary of your eyes. Treasure it. It is a gracious gift from God."

Two hours later, I was walking in the cathedral hallway in deep thought. H.G. certainly gave me some answers, but most of them are ambiguous. Did she say that my eye…The Eye of Deus is a gift from heavens? What do they actually do, except from controlling Vesryn Pulses and having enhanced reflexes? Those singing priestesses, do they have the Eye of Deus too? They have the same eye as mine, albeit they can completely control it.

One of the beautiful priestess of the cathedral offered me medication for my chest. She told me to drink a tea which was made from the healing spring. Magically, my wounded cells started regenerating five hundred times faster than before. I watched the hole in my chest enclose itself without any effort. But my right eye can't still see, so…

Tracing my family tree, I never found anything about weird crimson eyes. It was not bloodline magic either. My bloodline magic is supposed to be slow-mo vision, by the way. It only activates in me whenever the Eye of Deus kicks in. My father can activate it willfully. That is why I'm so special.

Using Richard's portal, we went back to the Dragon Knight Academy. Kyle Leviticus' funeral is now on going, and it will be best if we appear there halfheartedly. I'll just come back for Airi tomorrow. I'm completely trusting my dragonoid on their hands.

Everyone, including us, is wearing black formal attire. Kyle's coffin is a white porcelain with golden medieval design on the edges. There were gun and sword salute, playing of the Empire's Anthem, and then awarding the medal of valor to this general. A hero's tale has been published which has his name on it, his adventures, his contributions to the Third Dragonoid War, etc. It may have an appeal to children, but that book won't fool us grownups. Everyone, even all his colleagues and fellow generals, know that he's one of the worst sexual abusers of all time.

General Holster appeared on the stage and honored himself. "From now on, I will be the one in charge of the elite group Chevalier Unit. I'll continue General Leviticus's hard work, and see to it that his goals be fulfilled." Suddenly, he made a roll call. "Amphere Harrison, please take the stage."

I was so nervous as I stood in front of everyone. I don't have any idea on what's happening here! I shouldn't have appeared this funeral in the first place!

Finally, General Holster spoke. "Due to your chivalry and zealous efforts in the Twilight City Incident, I shall promote you to Dragon Knight 1st Class." Then he reached out a platinum sword badge; the sign of the Dragon Knight who has surpassed the trials of our fate.

"Thank you, Sir." I saluted. Then everyone clapped their hands. Reina, Richard, Kyrie, and Rudolf had their smiles for me.

I have worked hard for the past years just to attain this promotion. But I didn't imagine that I won't have any relevant reaction upon receiving this badge at all. I thought I would be happier, but no. I'd rather stay in 2nd or 3rd class, than be a hero in 1st class if it means having Airi suffer. I'm just a fake hero celebrating a fake glory, just like how Kyle was.

Suddenly, the mood changed. General Holster spoke loudly through the mike. "We are here to welcome our very own princess to award more honors for the hero of Twilight City!"

The trumpets blew loud as the young princess made her entrance. Is she…She's Princess Serenity Elkyria herself! Her sparkling golden hair dances as she walk to the platform and stood in front of me. I immediately genuflected, acknowledging the presence of her majesty. I bowed my head and I closed my eyes.

"Sir Amphere Harrison, 1st Class of the Dragon Knights. You are now awarded with the replica of the legendary relic, the Twilight Sword." The princess loudly proclaimed with her sweet voice.

The Twilight Sword is a marvelous gift from the royal house. It is a white sword covered with golden flame ornaments that would shine and sparkle whenever light touches it. It maybe looks majestic, but it's just a trophy. Actual usage of it in battle would certainly break it like glass. It's just an ornament.

She gently put the sword on my hands, had her palms on my forehead and blessed me as a hero.

But then, I heard something weird as her highness murmured softly to me.

"…I know I'm asking too much…But please lose your next battle in the tournament."