Yggdrasil Fall

Chapter 63: Yggdrasil Fall

Amphere Harrison

Airi's powerful Chimeratech Dragon form is certainly useless if I can't activate my Vesryn Pulse. Because of the Spartacus Field; the twelve statues around the place renders all my technological magic useless. The only one left I can rely on is my own strength…And Airi.

Airi landed beside me in a determined manner. I see. Partial dragon form can't be dispelled by the Spartacus Field. Airi can still use her new photonic wing and mechanical tail, but she can't morph or transform any of her body parts into some weapons. Our only way of scrapping our enemy's Shield Plate is by our sword.

"We totally have another trump card." She walked in front of me and put her hands on my cheeks. I was about to react but then she immediately removed the cover of my right eye!

I made a painful cry and about to protest again, but then I realized that I can clearly see with my right eye. I thought I was supposed to be blind in that part for the rest of my life! I was about to celebrate, but then Airi clasped her hands and then gave me a soft push on my heart. For a weird reason, I felt I was absorbing the energy of the wind and the dusty land like I am some sort of sponge.

"H.G. taught me how to activate your Eye of Deus. You can now test it out, totally!"

Suddenly, a gigantic sword slash came from above! Yeah, I know that we've been taking our time, but the enemy saw the perfect opportunity to attack! But thanks to my Eye of Deus, I had the power to carry Airi and jump away from the blade smash.

The Gladiator Dragon did it again, releasing blinding thrusts, side hacks, and gashes which destroyed the flat landscape of the arena. I managed to evade it all, but it's getting bad. I was indirectly hit by the dragon's tail when she had the chance, which made my shield plate down to 11%. I dashed away to gain distance.

If this goes on, we will lose this fight. I have to think of a new strategy!

Think, Amphere. Think!

Airi, who was resting in my arms made a compassionate gaze at me. I muttered "What?" and then she shook her head. Suddenly, she grabbed my cheeks and made a kiss on my forehead!

"W-W-W-What the heck! It's not the t-t-t-time for this!" I had my face red as strawberries. My voice is even stuttering. I can't help but to feel loved even though we're in an important battle right now.

"That will do, totally!" She cheerfully got out of my grasps and deployed her wings. She flew upwards, gaining a ten meter altitude. I don't know what she's really planning, until she told me this words. "You should remember now your favorite fairy tale!"

Suddenly, there was a flashback on my head.

Back when I was four, I enjoyed reading mythology books that my father gave to me. There were the times where I share those books with Airi, and we will reenact everything in the book by playing with sticks and stones. I always admired the All-Father Odin, because well, he has the authority of the gods. Airi, on the other hand, idolizes Odin's Valkyries.

I was brought back to the real world as I heard Airi's chant.

"Through Ragnarok, only one Deus shall remain sitting in the Throne of the End

The souls of the wicked unleashed, weapons of civilizations collapse,

Breathen thou magic thy strength of radiance and darkness,

Mystic force that eternally sings the song of fire and ice,

Heavens shatter as the kings fall to their ultimate demise,

As the World Tree collapses!"

There was a jumpstart in my thought circuit and my mouth, my lungs, and my tongue speak the words of the ultimate spell!

"DRACARYX! Activate Yggdrasil Fall!"

I clasped my hands while the floating Airi spread hers. Nine black balls appeared surrounding Airi. As she opened her eyes, the black balls immediately transformed into world-like replica of the nine worlds of Yggdrasil. Planets of fire, ice, nature, steel, wasteland, darkness, technology, magic, and earth… Each world has a size of ten meters in diameter, and has a mass of about a ton each! The worlds rotated on Airi which makes her look more like a human planetarium.

Mark Anthony Octavius was certainly stunned. He let his guard down and let Airi's chant finish because he thought that it will be automatically negated by his Spartacus Field. He didn't know that it was a chant for Dracaryx! I can't blame him, because I thought I would never be able to use my Dracaryx too!

Airi spread her arms forward, pointing at the enemy dragon and knight. With her command, the nine planets surged in a flash! The gravitational pull of the ground made it easier to crash the planets at the designated location. In response, the Gladiator Dragon used its shield to block the incoming gigantic projectiles.

One by one, the planets exploded upon contact! The fire world Muspelheim landed first, making flames spread throughout the arena. Then the next is the ice planet Niflheim, which froze everything upon explosion! Then the other planets like Helheim and Midgard proceeded to make an overwhelming destruction! The last planet; Asgard, which is the cybernetic world fell last, making a burst of dazzling light similar to a small supernova!

The twelve statues of the Spartacus Field collapsed due to this overwhelming power, making it safe to say that I can use technological spells once again. In fact, my Yggdrasil Fall made so much damage that the whole dusty arena concaved, and left the earth in black color. The planetary collisions made a deafening shockwave that made the audience's items flew. Some of the cheerleaders had their skirt uplifted. Some guys had their popcorns fly to the heavens. All of them covered their heads as they shielded themselves the intense gust of wind my spell had created!

Airi lost all her strength and fell down, but I gently caught her. She then smiled at me. "S-So this is the power of our Dracaryx, Amphy… It's totally devastating…"

She's totally right. My shield plate got affected by the shockwaves of the explosion, making it left at 3%. And it makes it a lot harder because I witness something in front of me. The fight is not yet finished. In the rubbles were Abigail in her humanoid form and her knight Mark. His shield plate is at 5% They still look formidable even though they got directly hit by our Dracaryx. Or are they?

"I am impressed, Amphere." Mark held a forced bitter smile. "You're the only one who has pushed me to reveal my bloodline magic."

He revealed his glowing dagger from his coat, which was engraved with runes. "Octavius family are experts of anti-mage assassinations. No wizards can ever kill us, because we have the ability to absorb magical powers and store it to this rune dagger. I managed to absorb the only planet that directly hit us. But unfortunately, I wasn't able to absorb the other planets because of your overwhelming power. Honestly, that's the only spell I can't contain."

I gritted my teeth and turned to Airi. She smiled obliviously and talked weakly. "I'm sorry Amphy… This is my limit. I can't even lift a finger now. They…They're all right. The first times are always painful…Totally…" Then she chuckled with a blush. The way she delivers it gives it a lewder double meaning.

"There's a reason why I'm dubbed as a General level Dragon Knight." Mark continued as he held his chest. Abigail's body was covered in light and she transformed back again to a gigantic Gladiator Dragon! "It's because I can use Vesryn Pulse whenever I wanted."

"You're not the only one who has a hidden trick on your sleeve." I smiled like a dog, trying to give him a threat. But he should know that I wasn't bluffing. I made a matching gaze at the eight-meter warrior dragon.

There is an electrifying current in my veins as I examined the dragon's eyes. Strength from nowhere entered my body, and I felt that there is some way that my mana is flowing through Airi while I carry her on my arms. The enemy dragon, my dragonoid, and my heart share the same heartbeat resonance.

I smashed my fist to my heart and glared with blazing willpower! "Overloading Vesryn Pulse!"