Requiem Aeternam

Chapter 73: Requiem Aeternam

Rudolf Azregon

Fistpump, cock, punch, and burst.

These are the fundamental steps in making an absolutely powerful punch with a mechanical arm. Everytime I repeat these steps, I send three to five Arcadian to destination crap. They fly as if they were hit by a shotgun burst. The impact is so concentrated that my punch alone can wreck this airship deck.

"Chaos Claws." I murmured. My left hand became engulfed with black flame, which shaped itself into a gigantic talon. Since I cannot use Chaos Claws on my metallic arm, I switched my sword to it.

There were loud war cries as they witnessed my power. These red-eyed terrorist know nothing but bravery. They didn't care if they are battling a Pentagram Knight. It would be easy for me to completely annihilate them, but I have to stick on my objective. I have to minimize my kill counts as possible. They are not our real enemies.

That man is our enemy. That rainbow-eyed man is on the other airship. Amphere said that Nox is the name of that dragon knight. He got a lot of eerie and terrible magic techniques.

I punched and scratched my way through the horde of Arcadians. They fired their assault rifles at me, but I used my Chaos Claws to shield me from those bullets. The bullets immediately dissolved upon contact, and then I proceeded my way to knock down the gunners using my robot arm. I know Amphere's quite jealous about my new perk!

I looked in the skies, and saw the white Pulsar Dragon being covered with golden light. Amphere raised his photon saber as a navy blue light beam from the heavens came. And then he shouted with all his might!

"DRACARYX!!! Activate Requiem Aeternam!"

The blue beam that has been absorbed by the photon sword became thicker, as it changed its color to gold. A deafening sound and a destructive shockwave shook the stratosphere, making the wind go unstable. The airship went sideways and some became topsy-turvy as they barely endured the invisible hurricane created.

When the light beam faded out, the photon sword already has an infinite amount of energy stored in it. It is now glowing bright like the sun. Amphere positioned the sword sideways and prepared a chant.

"When the sky above was not named,

And the earth beneath did not bear life,

The Old Deus emerges from light, and proves his might!

Requiem Aeternam, Dona Eis Domine,

Et Lux Perpetua Luceat Ei!!!"

The four legendary dragons jetted forward and prepared their attacks as Amphere continues to chant! Famine Dragon unleashed dark chaos balls that exploded upon contact with the Pulsar Dragon. Death Dragon swung its scythe, and razor waves of wind was launched. Conquest Dragon threw the swords on its back continuously, and the Infection Dragon unleashed a long wave of green gas from its mouth.

But it did not affect the Pulsar Dragon and her knight. It certainly looks like they are invulnerable as long as they are both coated with golden light!

"Requiescat in Pace!!!" Amphere, with his full force, swung his sword to the right.

A rip in reality began. A gigantic golden oval sun was created, and everything became white. The next thing I know is…there are no more legendary dragon knights and their zombie dragons. It seems that they just vanished. No traces. No explosions, no flying blood or limbs, no deafening noise. It was the most silent Dracaryx I have ever seen.

The rainbow-eyed Nox was awestruck as he witnessed his zombie puppets vanish. He had his jaws hanging for three whole seconds. Then he muttered something like: "I finally saw you, Dragonoid Saint."

Pulsar Dragon immediately reverted back to her beautiful humanoid form and lost consciousness. Amphere caught her with his arms, but there was a problem. He's freefalling, and obviously he can't fly!

"Catch them!" I shouted at my Chaos Dragon to fetch them in midair. When my love finally caught those awesome two, she delivered it to the airship where I'm standing.

"Take care of Exceria, Kyrie." Amphere said. Then he left his substitute dragonoid to my dragon's head and jumped to my position.

"What the heck was that?" I asked. "Are those zombie dragon knights done for good?"

"They're completely erased from this universe." Amphere made a bland smile. "It's quite terrifying, but it's true. I just followed Exceria's orders to carry out and unleash our Dracaryx. I didn't know that her Dracaryx; Requiem Aternam can immediately send all the targets and their souls to the heavenly realm."

"You should've at least fought the four legendary dragon knights longer. They barely used any of their power, and here you are, immediately finishing them off. I really wanted to see if they have Dracaryxes or not." I pouted with a hint of disappointment.

"I really want to, but they are formidable enemies. They are legends, and a knight like me wouldn't last long against those four even if I'm controlling the most powerful dragon in existence. I'm just a wimpy knight who can use Vesryn Pulse on any dragonoid, that's all." Then Amphere held out a big sad sigh. "Yeah, I really wanted to see their Dracaryx too."

Amphere is really good in using his dragonoids' powers, and that's the truth. If there's something, I'm quite jealous of his Eye of Deus ability! My robot arm is nothing compared to his weird eye!

"Amphere Harrison."

It was the voice of the rainbow-eyed man, Nox. He jumped out from his own airship to this very airship just to have a closer view at my best friend. His eyes…It's hypnotizing because of the colors.

"You finally learned how to use the Eye of Deus, and you even bring the Ancient Priestess with you. I'm completely impressed." Nox made a laugh and clapped so slowly. "Did Vesryn teach you how to use your powers?"

Amphere whispered to me. "This guy seems to know a lot. He even somewhat spilled the bean for me."

"Let's beat the truth out of him, shall we?" I made a mischievous grin as I cracked my metallic fist.

"Heh. This is our first teamwork in a real battlefield, right?" Amphere said as he readied his single-handed sword stance. His crimson eyes glowed as the sun reflected its rays. I was seriously pumped up, so I coated my whole left arm with Chaos Aura. I also had my wide sword on my metallic arm, ready to make a dashing thrust towards the enemy.

Nox silently observed the two best friends. Realizing the situation, he drew a thick buster sword from his back. It seems that he's not willing to neither reveal nor use his dragonoid in fighting the both of us.

"Let's go!" I shouted at Amphere as the two of us bolted forward to clash with a lone enemy.