Price of Vengeance

Chapter 83: Price of Vengeance

Richard Astherson

Little did Amphere know that the little duchess is so gifted that she can imitate a bloodline magic. It was all a mystery on how she can do that, but Eva has told us this very secret since she's with the duchess all the time. That is why she's a valuable asset to our team. I had a portal for Duchess Corasell and her Fairy Dragon to escape the scene. We can't afford an underage girl to take part in this bloody battle.

As soon as Amphere reached Airelina, Reina, who was riding on top of my dragon head, created a gigantic portal. Exceria the Pulsar Dragon boosted forward and entered it, only to be transported a few meters below the couple. The Pulsar Dragon immediately caught them and went back to the portal, which she was immediately teleported right beside us.

I glanced to Amphere, who was holding the scarlet dragonoid on his arms. Airelina was very pale and weak, and she can't even open her eyes. She must be tired for using that Dracaryx for too long. Seeing this, Amphere clenched his hand, and murmured. "That Zac…He'll pay for this!"

Back where the humongous smoke is, there is a bright red flash of light. After a few seconds, a titanic shadow appeared from the gray smoke. The shadow of the demon. It has twin red eyes that shine like those beasts who were lurking in the shadows.

It slowly revealed its whole body. This dragon form… Is that the one Kyle Leviticus transformed into, after he swallowed a black heart? Their appearances are the same- black as ever. It has a ram-like horn that was looped two times in its head. The Light Bringer Dragon has made its appearance once again.

Just what are those black hearts? They are always held by those zombies! They can be used as a nuclear explosive! And they can also be used to transform a human into a demonic dragon!

Amphere gave out the most terrifying stare I've ever seen, and he isn't even activated Eye of Deus yet. His brown eyes are filled with anger and hunger for blood. He immediately shouted with all his might.

"Expanded Clearance! Deus Ex Dragonica!"

Suddenly, metal plates emerged, shaped, and elongated from his back. He summoned Deus Ex Machina, but some parts are a lot different. Instead of a humanoid skull, it resembles the upper part of a dragon's head. The arms are more like armor with claws. It has only two arms, but the original two other arms were converted into shield-shaped wings.

The dragon version of Deus Ex Machina attached itself to the Pulsar Dragon in a cybernetic yet disorienting manner. The white dragon is now covered with adamantine armor which has chimera-technology capabilities. The additional shield-shaped wings released glass-like photon feathers, and then there is a loud shockwave that bursts from that very dragon.

"Amphere will deal with that demonic entity." Reina said. "And we'll have to fight that one."

Reina was pointing two hundred meters north of us. There is a forty-meter tall dragon that looks like a tan home lizard, but standing in two feet. There's nothing notable with this dragon except that it really looks like a naked human from afar. But without a doubt, I know this dragon. It is the Titanus Dragon, known for the largest specie of dragon in existence. Only the Monolith Dragon beats it in terms of size.

That must be the dragonoid lady, Noira. Because of the Duchess's ability to cancel their Dracaryx and Vesryn Pulse, Airelina and Noira got separated. Maybe what we're seeing right now is a magical anomaly since that girl is still on her dragon form, even though he doesn't have a knight who is maintaining a Vesryn Pulse.

Seeing it, I sensed from my heart that Reina is trying hard not to burst out of anger. That particular dragonoid…Is one of the culprits for her mother's murder after all. This will be her revenge, and I'll completely help her do it.

"Let's finish this in an instant." I telepathically communicated to Reina. Reina slowly nodded.

With this signal, I immediately opened a giant portal for us to teleport near the Titanus Dragon. When we transported ourselves in our effective range, Reina held her heart and shouted. "DRACARYX!!! Activate Hyperspace Fury!"

Hundreds and thousands of portals opened up the sky, and it completely surrounded every inch of the Titanus Dragon's body. Then eternal beams of light came surging, making a huge series of deafening explosions that could met eardrums. Even Noira's screams was never audible due to this detonations.

Before I was able to revert back to my humanoid form, Reina opened up a portal to teleport us safely into a five-story building that appears to be intact. When we gaze at the place where the gigantic dragon should be, we were filled with relief. When the smoke was cleared, the Titanus Dragon disappeared, without a trace.

Meanwhile, the Cyber Pulsar Dragon and the Light Bringer Dragon are having an intense dogfight in the air. They look like stars colliding, spiraling and firing projectiles at each other. I had it all difficult because my visions are starting to blur. I can't even stand on my own, and Reina is just carrying my shoulder.

There was a time where the two clashing dragons went two hundred meters away from our building. Through our communicators, I heard Amphere's angry words. "I will not let you use Airi ever again! DRACARYX!!! Activate Requiem Aeternam!!!"

Rudolf told me the story of the most powerful Dracaryx: Requiem Aeternam and its execution. But I'd say that this Requiem Aeternam is different from what Rudolf witnessed.

The armored Pulsar Dragon raised its arms and a gigantic golden sword materialized. It made a light ray that absorbed light particles from the sun, and before the Light Bringer Dragon was about to react, the sword immediately slashed the demon's body in clean half.

Then there is a crack in reality, in both space and time. A bright sun-like dimensional hole opened and created a flashbang light. There was neither deafening sound nor explosions. As soon as the light went out, the Diablo Zac Schneider ceased to exist.

When Exceria passed out and reverted back to human form, Amphere immediately caught her with his other shoulder. He activated his dynamos as a raft and tried his best to balance his body, with two dragonoids sleeping on his shoulders. When he reached the rooftop where Reina and I were taking a break, he gently put down the two girls on the floor. Then Amphere held his two eyes. He screamed as if he was in an excruciating pain.

The concerned Reina immediately went to his side. "You okay? What happened!?"

Amphere slowly had his palms revealed, and there were blood. "This is the feedback of using my Expanded Clearance."

"Too bad for you."

It was a voice from behind me, having a grim smile. It was a woman with red eyes and tattered clothes. Her right arm seems to be abnormally large in size. I never thought that Noira was still alive, after all the light rays she took! With her menacing bloodshot eyes, she revealed from her other arm a black heart!


Airelina, Exeria and I are completely immobilized because we just used all our Dracaryx. Amphere has his eyes bleeding. The only one who is able to move is Reina! She immediately unsheated her short sword and stabbed the crazy dragonoid's heart. Blood spurted out from Noira's mouth, yet she still continues to smile.

Reina swiped her fingers from behind Noira, and a portal opened. Reina was about to push the suicide bomber to the portal, but then she realized that the abnormally gigantic arm got her whole body. The grip was unbelievably tight,but Reina remained calm after all.

She looked at me with a bright smile. "I'm sorry Richard. I love you. But I should pay the price of my own vengeance."

"R-Reina!" I shouted. W-What the hell is she thinking!?

She pushed herself forward. Using her weight, she succeeded in having Noira and herself enter the portal. I was about to crawl my way to the gateway, but it was immediately closed and disappeared. Then, about ten kilometers away from the ruined city- the mountains, there was a mushroom cloud explosion that disrupted the natural gusts of wind.


This can't be.