Heart Resonance

Chapter 86: Heart Resonance

Amphere Harrison

I'm tempting myself not to finish this traitorous little turd. I had this photon saber ready to slit Cleru's throat. He's seriously incapacitated to move because I have pinned him down with my robotic arms. There's nothing he can do right now. Not even anyone here in this room would want to save him in this situation. General Holster, Richard, Dennis, Sherman and Adrian are just watching for my next move.

"Who is Necross?" I asked the insolent Princess's Knight.

"Necross…He often changes his form. But you can identify him as the man with rainbow eyes. He's Nox."

Suddenly, the door opened. The Princess, Airi, Jasmine and the other ladies became the witness of this interrogation. Jasmine rushed to stop me but then the princess held her hand and shook her head, silently saying that she should just wait for the next thing that happens.

"What did Necross needed from you?"

"My blood. I have the Saint's Essence on my blood." Cleru mumbled.

"I injected a little portion of Priestess Exceria onto Cleru to boost his healing factor." Jasmine intervened. "Since he's using his Martyrdom of the Peasant ability to win tournaments, I couldn't help but to do it. It also gave him the power to activate Elform and summon a portion of Priestess Exceria's powers. And it was H.G.'s orders."

I withdrew my sword and dematerialized my Deus Ex Machina arms. I stood up, but continued to glare at this piece of shit peasant-knight. Jasmine and the princess made a relaxing sigh, thanking the heavens that there's no additional blood in this room. Cleru slowly stood on his own.

"I won't blame you for Rudolf and Reina's deaths. I'll let your guilt run on your conscience. I won't expect you to cooperate with the Task Force, since you hid so much vital information in the first place."

Then I turned away, and left the room. Airi followed me. She had a glance on my teary-yet-dry eyes, and then bowed silently. Since we're sharing the same heartbeat, I know she could feel my sorrow.

We went back to the Guardian's Haven and stayed there for almost three days. We had Rudolf and Reina's funeral for those days as rain pours down non-stop. For those days, I never cried, because I'm already out of tears.

My team advised me to take a day off to recover from my loss, even just a little. The other guys in the team were in charge of researching the Demonic Cathedral as Cleru mentioned. Even Exceria is with them. That is why I and Airi are here, left out, like a sitting duck, taking a vacation with anxiety on our minds.

Because of this depression, we can't help but to investigate ourselves. The first step we took is the Cathedral Exa. We went to the underground to ask all the questions left in this riddle to Vesryn…Err H.G. But when we arrived at the underground fountain, something was odd.

She's where she usually is, sitting and floating in the clean waters of the spring. Vesryn's left eye no longer contains the Eye of Deus or its essence. It's now on white sclera. And there are cracks all over her face and body, as if she was made as a living ceramic.

"The boy has come to the Cathedral for the last time. But I shall never give you any answers, for the revelations have been exposed. But I will lend you all the strength for the final battle." Vesryn said as if she wasn't aware that she has some strange skin condition.

"What's happening to your body!?" Airi asked in awe.

"This?" Vesryn looked at her arms with a smile on her face. "My immortality has expired. The Eye of Deus is finally removing me from this world, for I have fulfilled my purpose."

Purpose? Was that the story she told us? About a mysterious shadow that gave her godlike powers and asked her to fulfill the prophecy?

"At last, my death is at hand. I shall join my love on the other side." Vesryn continued. "But first, I shall give the girl the true power of her form. The Chimeratech Dragon."

Vesryn lent out her two hands, requesting my girlfriend to take those. Airi slowly walked forward and did what she was asked to do. As soon as their hands touched, their heart glowed with golden essence. Balls of light started popping out of nowhere as it danced in the underground wind. Vesryn's body was eaten by the golden light as time goes on.

"T-This power…It's so immense and warm….totally…" Airi muttered. Her scarlet hair stood up and slowly, an ancient rune which has the sign of V emerged on her forehead, which was glowing in neon blue. Airi also had her sclera transform into black ones- The essence of the Eye of Deus.

Little by little, Vesryn's body converted into tiny golden dusts that mixed in the wind. And her existence ceased. But even she's no longer present, her voice echoes throughout this very cathedral.

"With this, you shall be able to fulfill your duty to protect your knight, your love. You shall be able to use and feel the power of other's hearts, may it be your friend or enemies. And that, Airelina Frembell, is the Heart of the Savior."

Airi turned at me with tears on her eyes, but with the liveliest smile on her face. I know we just witnessed another death, but I know that death is not always a bad ending. Vesryn has suffered almost an eternity suffering for her sins and helping destiny to forge, waiting for my arrival. And I think it is now really the time for her to rest in peace.

"Let's go home now, Amphy."

We went back to an inn near the Dragon Knights Academy, where we live. Same as the other days after my friends' deaths, I stayed awake and can't sleep. I always end up staring at the ceiling for eight hours and then have eyebags for the next day. The day off is not even helping me like it should be.

But this night is different. Airi jumped to my bed and then landed on top. Normally I would yell at her and karate chops her forehead but I'm in no mood for that anymore.

"Totally can't sleep?" She asked. I can't read her facial expression because it's already pitch-black.

"Yeah." I covered my eyes with my left arm. "I can't believe Rudolf and Reina is…"

"You still have me, Amphy." Airi touched my cheeks with her soft hands. She pushed her face forward and then her lips collided with mine. And then she continued. "I can feel that you're scared, but nothing will ever happen to you. I won't let anything happen to others either! I'm here. I will always protect you. Totally!"

Our heartbeats became so fast, and my hypothalamus gave me a sudden joy. I grabbed her shoulders, and quickly changed position as soon as possible. Now that she's below, I kissed her forehead and her lips once again.

"Airi…I love you…"

"I love you too Amphy… Totally…So please stop being so down anymore."

I was no longer on my logical thinking self. I was already caressing Airi's bosoms, and then continued to undress her. And then I hugged her warm body tightly. I can sense her every heavy breath on my face. I can see her sparkling red eyes that are truly fascinating. I can feel her tender lips that tells me that she want some more. I can feel her warm sweat running on her fair white skin, her soft hands groping my abs.

We spent the night with love, which made all the worries and sadness in my heart all gone.