
In the ship that he boarding, sailing slowly approaching Asemarang port. Some seagull and sea mew flying twisting and swirling near the ship make him smile. He take a deep breath to inhale the air that bring memories of his childhood. He remember when he's still a kid, in this shore he training swimming, drive boat, and sometimes practiced martial arts under intense guidance by his uncle.

The port seems bustling and lively. Some people wielding sword and spear walking there like doing some patrol duty. When the ship docking in port, two people of them approaching the ship. He feel suspicious with situation, but his suspicious vanish when he see that this two peoples wearing big red belt, sign of guardian of Asemarang port. They greet this man, who already embarks, politely.

"Good afternoon mister. Can we know who you are?" ask them.

While smiling the man take the necklace that hidden behind is shirt, showing it to the guard and introducing himself.

"Let me introduce myself, my name Mahesa Wulung from Demak"

Those two guards startled, the pendant in his necklace is a round metal with four direction edge, symbol of naval officer from Demak Kingdom.

"Our apologize sir, we don't know you came from Demak" said both guards with respecting bow.

"It's alright. I'm not come in official duty. In fact, I came with trading ship" Mahesa Wulung nodded to rely the respect.

"If that so, can we help you sir during your visit in Asemarang?"

"Thank you gentlemen, I want to take vacation for couple months and live with my uncle, Mr. Sorengrana".

"So, you are Mr. Mahesa Wulung that Mr. Sorengrana sometimes mentioned during military drill to us. Then please give our regards to Mr. Sorengrana when sir arrive there. Please use our horse there, you will arrive there faster".

"Thank you gentlemen" Mahesa Wulung take one black horse from mooring-post and ride on his back in a second, and spur it heading south through woodland.

"Deserve to be Mr. Sorengrana nephew, his horse-riding is so fierce" said both guard with shaking their heads.

After riding for half an incense stick, in the horizon Mahesa Wulung can see his uncle's small village. His uncle's house can be spotted from big oak tree that grow in the yard. But his uncle house look quiet.

"There's something wrong here. All windows and doors house in this village are shut tight" thought Mahesa Wulung while jump down from the horse. When his legs just reach the ground, from his back, a strong chilling winds blowing toward him followed by a shadow flashing from top of oak tree.

"Iron Shattering Fist!" Mahesa Wulung quickly turn his body aside. His left hand fold straight in front his head and his right hand pulled wide back at his head height, ready to launch counter attack, when suddenly there a shout "Hold on!!"

Mahesa Wulung startled and retracts his attack. In front of him, standing a beautiful girl. Her eyes fill with suspicion and surprise because her Iron Shattering Fist can be evaded by this young man, moreover he also about to counter with the same fist.

"Ha Ha Ha…Good Wulung, Good! You still mastering your skill proficiently" the sound came from right side of the house, and his uncle show up with cheerful face. This face is something Wulung has been missing for long because his uncle's face resemble his father that had been passed away couple years ago. Seeing his uncle face equal to see his father face in Mahesa Wulung mind.

With a hug full with passion, Sorengrana welcomed Mahesa Wulung. In his heart, he thankful to God because he can meet again with his nephew that have left him for some times.

The girl still standing awkwardly seeing Mr. Sorengrana hug the young man compassionately. Mahesa Wulung who notice that, asking to his uncle.

"Uncle, who is this girl? Why she suddenly attack me?"

"Ah I almost forget to introduce to you. This is my disciple, also your childhood friend. She is Pandan Arum". Said his uncle.

"Pandan Arum??" said Mahesa Wulung full with surprised.

"That little Pandan Arum who used to ask me to climb and pick Pavetta tree's flower to make a flower necklace? Fortunately uncle mention her name, I almost not recognize her".

"And Pandan Arum, this is my nephew, Mahesa Wulung" said Mr. Sorengrana.

Pandan Arum only nodded while blushing, sometimes she steal a glance toward this handsome young man that almost became her opponent. Mahesa Wulung also nodded with smile.

"Wulung, please understand what Pandan just did recently. Our village is in the middle of preparation against villains groups from Roban forest. They are spreading chaos, especially in northern shore from Pekalongan until Asemarang. They take heavy taxes from village around there. This is blatantly challenging Demak authorities. Moreover, rumors say they allied with pirates from Black Island, an island within Karimun Java archipelago.

"How come you keep our guest outside. Come inside and continue your talking inside" Said Mrs. Sorengrana who just come from inside the house to his husband.

After greeting his aunt, Mahesa Wulung followed his uncle to continue their conversation inside the house. Pandan Arum following Mrs. Sorengrana to the kitchen to prepare hot drinks and some snacks.

"Wulung, for your information, with the recent chaos in this area, we doing military training to prepare against any possibilities that can happen. And as you see just now, I teach Pandan Arum the basic for Iron Shattering fist" Sorengrana pausing his speech and take a sip of hot coffee.

"So with your arrival, I hope you can help us to subdued this chaos and training people in this village in weapon handling"

"Alright uncle, I don't mind with this duty. Moreover, within my vacation in Asemarang, I also receive secret mission to investigate chaos in northern shore. Maybe like what uncle just said, it had relation with pirates group from Black Island". Mahesa Wulung sighed.

"Aside from that uncle, can you tell me how my father, Mr. Sorengyudha, die?

"Alright, I will tell you, but please try a bite of your aunt's home-made snack"

Both of them stop talking for a while and eat snack that been prepared in front of them.

"It's happen few years ago when Demak Fleet under command of Viscount Junus or known as Sabrang Lor Prince assisted by Sultan of Johor and Sultan of Aceh doing assault to Malacca that occupied by Portuguese at 1511. Even though they failed to drive out Portuguese from Malacca, this attack can elevate our kingdom pride. Moreover, since then Portuguese did not dare to expand their territories. When their fleet return to Jepara naval base, his ship act as rearguard of the fleet. When passing Karimata strait, their fleet ambushed by some Portuguese Galleon ship which allied with local pirate. Proved with existence of some Jung ship with red dragon flag. Your father's ship foughts valiantly. I remember your father's word before he leaving that he choose to destroyed with his ship rather than surrender to enemies. Also as rearguard, he intended to prevent other ship in the fleet get attacked. He make his ship as shield for other ship in the fleet. He managed to sink one Portuguese's ship and made another ship in heavy fire with his cannon but he outnumbered and enemy succeed to sink your father's ship that fight valiantly until the end".

He paused for a while because his throat feels dry. When he look at his nephew, he see tears flow in his nephew's cheeks.

"Be strong Wulung. You will continue his spirit, so your father effort is not in vain. This country need brave youth like your father "

"That's right uncle. I promised to myself to continue my father's spirit. Maybe one day I can destroy those pirates that killed my father"

Their conversation ends here because Mrs. Sorengrana called them to have lunch together.

After lunch and rest for a while Sorengrana talk to Wulung

"Wulung, the day is almost dusk. The weather will get dark soon. Can you take Pandan Arum home? You not forget her home right? Sekayu village is in the south from our village. Her father, Mr. Soratani will be glad to meet you".

"I still remember the way, uncle" Wulung goes to front yard and untie his horse bridle, meanwhile Pandan Arum appears from backyard held a brown horse approaching Mahesa Wulung.

"Brother Wulung, are you willing to visit my humble house for a moment?" ask Pandan.

"Not only deliver you home, to climbing and pick Pavetta tree's flower like our childhood time I am also willing!" said Mahesa Wulung

"Ah brother Wulung, you still like to make a joke on me. Take this! This! This!" Pandan Arum pinching Wulung's arm several times.

"Ouch..ouch…enough..enough…I'm surrender"

Mr. Sorengrana and his wife only can watch both youth with smile on his face.

"It's good to be young. Reminds us when we were young, right wife?"

"Uncle and nephew are just the same. Take this hihihi" said Mrs. Sorengrana pinching his husband's arm.

They both enter their house after Wulung and Pandan out from their sight.