Sneak attack

Two young people ride their horses slowly. Afternoon winds blow their faces, giving a fresh feeling.

They not rush their horses, just let them trotting. When they about to approaching bamboo groove that grow near roadside, suddenly Wulung whisper to Pandan,

"Pandan, be alert, there's something suspicious behind that bamboo groove. Listen carefully"

Unfortunately, Pandan's skill is not as high as Wulung. She only hear bamboo leaves rattling under the winds blows, nothing else. Meanwhile, Wulung inherited a skill from his father 'Wind Insight" that enable him to move swiftly like wind and hearing something from sound a far that carried by wind.

He can feel something else moved behind bamboo groove, not only rattled bamboo leaves but also rattling twig that stepped by human feet.

"Heeey…who's there! Hiding in bamboo groove! Come out quickly! Don't play hide and seek like little kids" shout Maseha Wulung strengthened by his inner force that make his sound thundering between nearby trees.

Suddenly, a white light flashing from bamboo groove.

"Watch out Pandan!" shout Mahesa Wulung

Pandan who already in alert, hurriedly act to evade. She put her back in line with horse back. She can hear the arrow whistling few inch above her head. Suddenly she remember, Wulung that ride beside her can become the arrow's next target.

"Heee cowards! Get out. I already receive your arrow" shout Wulung.

Pandan surprised to hear that, she thought Wulung get injured from the arrow, but actually he still sit firmly in his horseback. His left hand rose above, holding an arrow between his fingers.

After shouting, Wulung rush his horse toward bamboo groove. Sadly, he one step too late. He only see a shadow running like fly from that place and disappears in dusk' darkness. Seeing nothing can he done there, Wulung turn his horse toward Pandan.

"Let's continue our way home Pandan. Seem there's someone who didn't like my appearance here. Luckily, we can avoid his ill-intentions and this arrow can be used for further investigation".

"Thank you brother, you save me" said Pandan Arum.

They rush their horse to get Pandan's home as soon as possible. They ride side by side with fast pace.

"That's my village brother! Two big oak tree which branches twisting each other is my village's gate"

After passing the village's gate, they goes to west side of the village and stop in front of a house with a mango tree in front yard.

A middle aged man with kind face and robust body greet their arrival. He is Mr. Soratani, Pandan's father.

"Father! This is brother Wulung. He accompany me go home. He just arrive from Demak. You haven't forget him right?"

"Yes, yes, I haven't forgotten him. He's son of the late Mr. Sorengyuda right? Please son, we talk inside"

They entered the house together.

"Wulung, I saw you held an arrow in your hand"

"Right, this is the arrow" said Wulung, showing the arrow and tell the story about their ambush near bamboo groove.

Mr. Soratani frowned. He stared at the arrow within his hand carefully. He raised his hand high to get clear view.

"Wulung, come closer and take that oil lamp with you. Let's examine this arrow together. Now see this arrowhead. It's have sharp edges backward, this is unusual because in Asemarang, we only use ordinary arrowhead. Our arrowhead only has sharp point without backward edge. This kind of arrowhead, only used by villains group from Roban forest.

Mahesa Wulung silenced after hearing Mr. Soratani explanation. His brain thinking hard, try to figure all event that he has been experienced since arrive on Asemarang port.

"I remember now sir, when I arrive at Asemarang, there's someone keep watching me from liquor stall. It seems he's one of villains from Roban forest and this night ambush has relation with him".

After talking for a while, Wulung decide to stay at Mr. Soratani's house because it's already late night.

In the morning, Wulung bid farewell to Mr. Soratani and his wife.

"Please don't hesitate to visit us again. We will receive you with warm welcome" said Mr. Soratani

"I will. Please excuse us now". Mahesa Wulung replied. He and Pandan Arum about to leave heading Mr. Sorengrana place for military exercise.

The sun releases its rays in east horizon. Bustling activities can be seen in KarangAsem village, place where Mr. Sorengrana resides. Some people go to their respective fields. Some others, especially the young ones, gather in Mr. Sorengrana's yard. They carrying spear, sword, and some carrying bow and arrow.

After Mr. Sorengrana giving suffice instruction, they start to training using various weapons. Under big oak tree, Pandan Arum training her Iron Shattering Fist moves. Mahesa Wulung stand near her, watching her practicing.

"Younger sister Pandan, let's sparring. So we can cover our deficiency" said Mahesa Wulung then jumped in front of Pandan, releasing right hand attack toward Pandan.

Although surprised, Pandan Arum quickly get herself a hold, with her agility twisting her head to right side and make Wulung's attack only landed in empty space and at the same time make counter attack with left leg kick toward Wulung's torso.

Under this attack, Wulung tread his legs to the ground while channeling his skill Wind Insight. Like have spring in his legs, Wulung jump highly to air and when fall ward, he spread his arms wide like bird spreading its wings. His fingers make a claw. This moves he got from observing sea eagle catching its prey. When the eagle spread wide its wings, it would make a fast dive and catch its prey within seconds.

Facing this kind of attack, Pandan retreat couple steps and channeling her Iron Shattering Fist moves. But she surprised when her attack almost reach Wulung chest, suddenly he make a backward somersault and landed in ground with firm stance.

"That's incredible brother, your moves is so good" said Pandan with admire.

"Thanks Pandan. You too can be as good as me if you training diligently"

When the sun reaches its culmination in the sky, training halted for some break. Some people go to wash their face that covered with dust; other people prepare some drink and food to replenish energy.

Pandan Arum and Mahesa Wulung take a break under big oak tree. The air feel cooler under this big tree. Wulung laid his body near big root and close his eyes. His mind wandering to everywhere. When his mind still wandering, a gong sound can be heard and his arms being shaking.

"Wake up brother, don't fall asleep. After this uncle will training archery. When in Demak are you still using bow?

"Of course Pandan, I still carrying bow wherever I'm sailing, and practicing when I have spare time. Even though we have high skill, but if we never practicing, that skill will become obsolete and in the end unusable".

In other place Mr. Sorengrana seems busy giving instruction for those in training. Sometimes he must repeat his instruction for them to understand.

"Come on, come on..focus when you drawing your bowstring, aim in line with your eye sight and to forget to control your breathing!"

When they busy training, suddenly a white light flashing followed by a whistling sounds come from nearby bushes.

Mahesa Wulung with his Wind Insight can predict that sound is Sendaren arrow that heading toward its mark. But who is the target? When he following the whistling sound he know that the arrow heading toward Mr. Sorengrana.

Within a blinking eyes Mahesa Wulung pull an arrow from quiver in his waist and shoot toward the whistling sound. Seems almost impossible, another white light collides with the first white light producing a big bang sound, and in the ground, not far from Mr. Sorengrana, laid two arrows. One of those arrow broken in the middle of its body.

Mahesa Wulung grab it and somehow shocked

"Hey Pandan, uncle Sorengrana! Look at this arrow. It's similar with arrow that used by people who ambushed us yesterday. According to Mr. Soratani, this arrow usually used by villains from Roban forest.

"You save my life Wulung" said Sorengrana while examining the arrow that Mahesa Wulung shows.

Two people that send to investigating return and reporting to Mr. Sorengrana

"Mr. Sorengrana, we don't find anyone unless some footprints over there"

"Teacher, please wait a minute" Pandan Arum pointing at the broken arrow "There's something attached there"

Mr. Sorengrana receive the broken arrow. There's a cloth pieces that tied in the arrow body. When the cloth opened, there's something written in red liquids. Apparently the text was written by blood.

What's written in that cloth pieces is:

- Mr. Sorengrana, if you desire to live longer, don't even try to meddle our business -

There's a lion head symbol in the bottom of the text.

"You' re right Wulung, this is those villain from Roban forest doing. And this lion head symbol is mark of their leader Singa Lodra" said Mr. Sorengrana.