The ultimate strike

The way Master of Whiteland giving his teaching is not ordinary ways by sitting at school and giving practice at the hall. He takes his new student, Wulung, to go somewhere else. Once a while, he's asking Wulung to race sprinting with him. For people who don't know him, they must think him crazy because in the old ages still playing a run and catch like kids.

"Wulung! Try to follow and catch me!"

Wulung a bit hesitate hearing this order. Did his teacher really order to catch him? After a while, Wulung finally jumps forward to catch his teacher. But before his hand able to touch his teacher, suddenly his teacher flashes above and landed behind him

"Hee, if you move so slow like that you'll never able to catch me" while giving a light pat on Wulung's shoulder. Although only a light patting, this pat make Wulung almost fall.

"C'mon he he he, catch me quickly Wulung, if this is the way you fight your enemy, you'll die in one move"

Wulung turns his back in flash and spring upon his teacher to catch him, but his teacher can evade it by jump backward with laughing. Now he starts to run with sometimes jumping around to evade Wulung grab.

Seeing this Wulung didn't hesitate to channel his skill Wind Insight into his movement. Now both of them like a pair of deer that chasing around in the forest, jumping the river, down from the cliff, up to the hill, and while they doing this chasing around, Bayu Sekti also giving the pointer to Wulung.

"Pay attention Wulung. Keep your breath in order, when you jump, hold your breath and don't exhale it before you reach the ground"

One time, when Wulung jump across the cliff and almost fall because he can reach the other side, he feels his waist grabbed by his teacher and carried across the cliff

"Don't act with hesitation Wulung, it will cause harm to you later. You must think and act in a decisive manner"

"Thank you, teacher," said Wulung wryly. He indeed feels hesitated when about to jump over the cliff.

Next day, Wulung had given teaching to concentrate on the mind. For the first time the training was easy like standing straight for certain times and after that stand reverse up with the head in the bottom and both hands to support. And the last training is to stand straight unmovable under the waterfalls. When Wulung trying for the first time to stand under the waterfalls, he almost falls down but after mastering this technique, the drop of waterfalls only feels like a massage to his body. This stance call 'Stone monument' which enable the user to withstand against hard wind and vibration to the body, like a monument that will not crack under the heat of the sun and heavy raindrops.

For Wulung's training, Master of Whiteland didn't waver to give serious tempering for his disciples. Day by day, week by week, and for the last training, this old master training Wulung with his ultimate strike that not under Iron Shattering Fist that already mastered by his student.

"Wulung, for now on I will train you with deadly strike movement, I haven't given this moves any name but you can call it Iron Shattering Fist like what your uncle already teach you. By combining this two kind of strike, you will have a powerful strike like what Bima, the strongest warrior in Pandawa family from Mahabharata story has".

"Pay attention Wulung. Applied the' Stone Monument' stance that you've to learn which can withstand the heavy impact. I will test it with three strikes from some distances. Now be prepared for this test before you accept my ultimate strike".

"Your palm side will use to strike, two fingers, forefinger, and middle finger closed to each other pointing straight ahead and the other's finger fold to your fist, you can use to stab like a sword". The Whiteland master explains the basic stance for his ultimate strike.

"By focusing your mind and channeling your inner force and strength to your hands, after all, accumulate in your hand, then you can strike. Look at my first strike"

They both sit cross-legged face to face separated by some distance. The old man strikes his finger in front, and the effect is awesome. Although Wulung had applied 'Stone Monument' stance, he still almost fall from the wind strike. This only the wind, not the strike, Wulung can't imagine what will happen if he receives a direct strike from the hand. He may be unable to see tomorrow sunrise.

"Now you can defend by standing stance Wulung"

"I understand, teacher!" Wulung gets up and makes a standing stance.

"This is the second strike" The old man slashing his side palm to the front and the effect is not under the first strike. Wulung pushed back several steps only by its wind strike.

Wulung jump affront and channeling both Wind Insight and Stone Monument. He knows the third strike will not less than the first and second strike. It's maybe even more powerful than before.

"Now for the last time, accept this strike" the old man hit his palm side again with all his power. The power of wind strike this time is able to make Wulung falls back upside down for several meters. Although he was fall hard but with his Wind Insight, Wulung did not have serious injuries from that strike, only some small scratches.

"Hahaha, I believe you're persistent person Wulung. I can put my hope on your shoulder, for you to become a brave, loyal and good-hearted warrior. Let's go back and heal your injuries. Tomorrow you do a cleansing ritual before I start teaching you this ultimate strike. My only request is you can't be reckless using this ultimate strike, don't use it if not necessary. Can you grant my request Wulung?"

"I will master, I will obey all your teaching from the deep of my heart"

"Remember, even though someone has great power or authorities, but if he using it in wrong way, arrogant, and ruthless he doomed to befall. Like in Ramayana stories, Rahwana is powerful kings that can't be killed by God or human, but in the end, he falls and dies because misuse his power for his greed".

Bayu Sekti is so caring with his youngest student. He's not half-heartily during tempering his disciples. Day by day after that, he teaches Wulung for his ultimate strike. He feels proud and satisfied when he sees Wulung able to accept and learn his teaching. Because his talent or already have a strong foundation, no need for a long time before Wulung finally able to mastering that ultimate strike.

That morning, two people, one old man and one youngster walk from Whiteland martial School heading south. They walk side by side climbing the hills and after get through from the forest, they arrived in a small valley with a small stream on the middle of the valley.

"Wulung, after I train you so far, I want to know your progress. Show me how much you can be mastering my ultimate strike"

Wulung immediately takes a stance. His left foot step forward, his left hand folded in front of his chest and his right-hand raised in line with his head

"Now try to thrust your finger to that big banana trees in front of you Wulung! Use it as a target"

Wulung channeling his inner force and strength to his right hand, he focuses his mind to strike the target in front of him. With a quick jump, he trusted his right-hand fingers to that big banana trees. Something incredible appears when his fingers touch the banana tree. The green lust of banana tree leaf suddenly withering, change its color from green to brownish yellow like being exposed to the fiery flame. After that, the leaves become dryer and dryer and finally turn into ashes and falls to the ground.

Wulung almost didn't believe with what he sees, although it's himself that doing that action. During his study with his uncle, his strike never is such incredible, it utmost power only capable to knock down his enemy. But after combining with the ultimate strike from the master of Whiteland, not only knock the target down but also make it destroyed and become ashes, just by his finger's thrust.