
Wulung feels he just dreaming after seeing what happened in front of his eyes. Then to make sure he's not dreaming, Wulung bite his lips which feel hurt, so he really did not dream right now.

"Heh, heh, heh, you're not dreaming, Wulung , that's really what you're up to."

said the Master of White Land, laughing heartily, his white and long beard was shaking with his laughter.

"Ah, Master. I almost cannot believe it all". Said Mahesa Wulung.

"I cannot imagine the consequence if my target is a human being."

"That's right, Wulung, it's actually has a terrible result. That's why you cannot use the "Iron Shattering Fist" indiscriminately, especially against the common people, I mean people who do not have any martial art knowledge. I think only master Macan Kuping who possessed a skill in par with "Iron Shattering Fist", He was the teacher of Alas Roban's villain band, Singalodra. When we were young, we were once involved in one battle. Even though he had my deadly shot, but his skin was just screeching and he was still able to escape. Is it because he does great endurance or maybe also my strike haven't perfected and mature like now."

Said the old man while stroking his whitebeard.

"Well now Wulung, try to punch with the side of your palm! " he continued.

"Next to strike is that black stone. Use it by you as a target"

Mahesa Wulung's eyes which follow the direction as shown by the old Master's finger, wide open in

surprise to see the black stone meant by the teacher, it turns out that the size of a languishing buffalo.

But now he no longer feels hesitant about facing opponents like anything.

That is, after taking a stance and channeling his energy to the side of his right palm, Mahesa Wulung with a beautiful jumping but causing a hot wind strike and hit the black stone with the size of a buffalo and this time, the strike was more powerful than before. This black stone with a blast erupting and breaking into sand powder after being hit by the side of Mahesa Wulung's palm. Once again Mahesa Wulung was amazed to see all this. He didn't expect to have such a powerful punch at all. In his heart he gave thanks to the Almighty God above, for this extraordinary powerful skill. He also promised that he would not carelessly use this skill, except for those who were mainly villain guy who disrupted and undermined the authority of the government of Demak and made misery for their fellow humans.

"Well, Wulung, from all of that, you only face opponents who are not moving, but those who will become your opponents will be none other than humans like us and maybe he also has powerful skill. For that, now oppose me, we have the same skill even though you still have to practice more."

Mahesa Wulung heard the teacher's order, being subject to a doubt. If he now knows the greatness of Iron shattering fist and must use it to fight his own teacher, he will worry about seeing the consequences.

"Hee Wulung! This time you have to fight me with all you might. If you not, you will taste yourself with the 'Iron Shattering Fist' to death. Come on, fight me!"

Master of White Land exclaimed loudly, the sound echoing loudly against the cliffs of the surrounding valley. At that time the black clouds that were running in the skies brought water vapor fleeting towards the south obstructing the morning sun so that the valley was briefly dark and briefly darkened by black clouds. The water vapor that was scattered in the air had refracted the sunlight into seven curved colors that added to the valley's rapture. He remembered the story from his parents who said that the rainbow was a ladder used by angels to come down to earth because of the need to do something.

"Do the angels want to see me fight against my own teacher? Ah, what a crazy thought! Let it be, if they go down for this, they will be disappointed because I will not be willing to fight my teacher!"

Mahesa Wulung dreaming not yet finished and was broken by his teacher's loud voice.

"What are you waiting for Wulung, Is that how you deal with an opponent? "

The old man snapped. His forehead wrinkled and his eyebrows met while his eyes glowed with


"But in here there was no opponent, teacher. There's only the two of us here and the teacher was not my opponent!" Mahesa Wulung answered

"Forget the pleasantries, Wulung. If you have not met your opponent, I will fight you like your first opponent"

Mahesa Wulung amazes seeing his teacher's temperament, then he remembers that powerful people who have high skill often have strange characters. So he decided to fight the old man.

"Well, teacher, if that is your will, I will fight you. But before that, I apologized first",

Said Mahesa Wulung, nodding submissively, saluting Master of White Land.

In the middle when he saluted the teacher, suddenly he felt a strong wind blowing and his instinctive movements made him quickly dart sideways while on standby. Fortunately, he has learned the attitude of "Stone Monument". If not, surely he will be slammed down. The harsh wind which comes with the power of the blow none other than from the teacher himself.

Now he changes his attack with his left leg kicking towards the old man's stomach. Got this attack, the white-bearded old man immediately jumped backward his right hand slashed the left leg of

Mahesa Wulung. But the deft Mahesa Wulung quickly pulled back her leg attack until the old man's attack didn't hit his target. As soon as they fought fiercely, their movements become faster and faster and harder to follow by the eyes.

Mahesa Wulung fought fiercely like a raging bull while the bearded old man was like an eagle striking its prey.