
After several moves they fought each other, Master of White Land seemed to take the stance of his ultimate strike. Seeing this Mahesa Wulung momentarily surprised, but he also immediately channeled his inner strength and took a similar stance and ready to launch the strike.

"I should also use Iron Shattering Fist rather than just die silly!"

That's what Mahesa Wulung's thought while jumping forward. For an instant, two shadows flashed and collide with each other in the same manner, and both seemed to be pushed back and forth a few steps. That is the greatness of two Iron Shattering Fists that collide into one. Each of those who were pushed now was also prepared to continue the battle. That show they were really tough and fierce.

The old master is now attacking Mahesa Wulung using her cane while Mahesa Wulung when saw his opponent using a stick weapon, he quickly grabbed his waist and immediately grabbed his hand in a cris. They also fought again with great fighting spirit. One time the old man hit his stick towards Mahesa Wulung's chest. Unfortunately, the attack with the stick only hit into the empty spot because of Mahesa Wulung's hurry in that crucial moment darting to the left side, while the cris on his right hand moved to stab towards the belly of the white-bearded old man.

What surprising to the Mahesa Wulung, when his cris about prick the old man, he quickly changed the motion of his wand gliding down to hold the young man's cris that being stabbed. Then the two weapons collided and attached to each other. Both Master of White Land and Mahesa Wulung for a moment were silent as if they were resting, even though each weapon still held in hand. Only if we scrutinize the faces of those two people, we can see each other tensing up tightly, looking at each other without blinking in their eyes. They are pitting their inner energy.

Neither of Mahesa Wulung or Master of White Land stopping channeled their inner power, the power flowed through the weapons that held in their hand. After a long time, Mahesa Wulung felt his hand which holds the cris hilt fending his teacher's wand in place, becoming a mutant and trembling. It's a sign that although he had the same skill as his teacher, he still remained one level lower than his teacher. Mahesa Wulung still persisted by exerting all his strength to resist the pressure of the teacher's wand. On his forehead, there were increasingly big and bigger sweat spots and flowing like a creek.

While the tension was going on, there were also other events which added to the tension which was increasingly tense. One loud whistle followed a series of rays that quickly directly towards Mahesa Wulung. But Master of White Land immediately moved his wand that was overlapping his disciples' cris with a half circle intercepting the beam. A moment later there was a loud crash, followed by a small object falling on the ground beside them, a wedge, a kind of small pointed knife.

"Who's doing this outrageous thing?"

Shouted the old man in a half angry tone.

There, about a distance from a javelin throw, the weeds were revealed and a large, thick-lipped man with a mustache and a thick beard appeared, then walked towards them.

"I'm sorry, Elder, that was what I did ". Said the new coming person

"I had seen this young man so daring to attack the Elder".

"Gangsiran! You appeared again now ... and still dare to go rampart. You almost hurt this young man". Said the old man.

"But ... but I saw that he attacked Elder with unsheathed kris. As your former student, I want to show my gratitude". The person said while bowing his head because he avoided the old man's sharp eyes.

"I don't need your help Gangsiran, and have you forgotten that I drove you out of the hermitage and forbade you from entering the White Land hermitage area! "

"I still remember the prohibition, master. I was drunk with wine at that time, and now I am repented and will ask for forgiveness from you, the Lord. Let me be your student again". asked the person.

"No! You have corrupted the teachings I gave. Now it leaves quickly from here before I get angry!" so rebuked the White Land Master to Gangsiran.

"I 'm not willing to see your arrival here!"

Hearing that, Gangsiran lay down on the ground before the Elder with kneeling down to show his sincerity.

"Teacher, please forgive the teacher, I am already converted. Allow me to correct the mistakes I have made. Let God curse me if I still dare to pervert".

"Teacher, who is he? "

Asked Mahesa Wulung who had been paying attention to this quite moving scene.

"He was my former student, his name Gangsiran . He had been living in the White Land compound for some time. Learn all the knowledge of life, about esteem, nobility and so on. Before he becomes my student, he promised to obey me, because he really wanted to be my student. But he likes to drink liquor and it is not just once or twice, he steals the chance to get down to Borang village, even to Asemarang to play gambling. That is why he evicted me from the hermitage",

The old man said and for a moment he took a deep breath.

"But did teacher really refuse his request earlier? Didn't he have converted and promised to fix his bad behavior, teacher?" said Mahesa Wulung feeling moved to see Gangsiran's face.

"Fine, I'm not a cruel person. Alright, you're Gangsiran. I accept you again as my student as long as you truly repent".

"Oh, thank you, Master, thank you".

Gangsiran exclaimed happily. His tears ran from his eyes because he feels so happy and touched.

"I will truly obey the orders of the Master".

"Well, Gangsiran, look carefully this young man that you almost hurt before, He was my student and also the niece of Ki Sorengrana and the son of my late student Ki Sorengyuda".

said the old man.

"So he ... he is the niece of Ki Sorengrana. Ah, I know him. Please forgive me, for my behavior earlier. I thought that I really attacked Master because I saw you both looking seriously in that fighting"

"Never mind Gangsiran, just forget about that. After all, we are still safe and no one injured, nothing less. "

Replied Mahesa Wulung. Both of them shook hands tightly. The exercise was ended by them and the three walked home down the hill, through the forest and finally, they arrived on a small road leading to the White Land hermitage. The sun gradually shifted to the west and became more and more inclined until it finally disappeared in the west behind the trees as if swallowed by the mouth of a giant. In the sky, the thousands of stars were glittering and the night arrived.

Darkness swallowed the remote White Land compound.