The power of sound

White Land School's land is overgrown with bamboo weeds and shrubs, besides banana trees and others plants. That morning the wind blew from the north quite loudly causing the sound of rustling leaves. Not far from the school housing, Mahesa Wulung sat on a large rock. He was daydreaming about the city of Demak. In there he lived with no short of happiness, have many friends which friendly and close. Remembering he often sailed with his boat roaming the ocean. His soul of the sailor feels like calling him to back to the ocean. In here he did not see the vast sea, where the water sparkled in the sun, but only the plants and mountainous land merely, mountainous with the curves of the valley and steeped in steep slopes. In the middle of his reverie, sounds of human steps approaching were heard from the side of his seat.

"Brother Mahesa Wulung, why you're here and daydreaming. I've looked for you everywhere "

Said the approaching person from behind.

"Hee, brother Gangsiran".

Mahesa Wulung replied.

"Right back, I was daydreaming about the city of Demak.

"Do you want to go home soon? "

Asked Gangsiran.

"No, I can't return yet, I don't want to go home before my assignment was finished".

"See brother, here is a lot of good bamboo trees. Instead of you daydreaming, I'll make a later flute that can cure your longing",

Said Gangsiran , reaching his waist and pulling out a small knife and going to the bamboo culm.

Soon he returned with two pieces of yellow bamboo.

"Wait a moment, brother Wulung, I made for you one flute and the other one for myself"

"Thank you, brother".

Gangsiran is indeed deft and diligent. After a moment of smoothing the pieces of bamboo, immediately make as many as six tone holes and one more hole to blow the flute. The results did not disappoint. Addition to the yellow bamboo pieces was chosen from the best stem, at the two ends of the flute he still made the scratches some kind of decoration added to the beauty. Now Mahesa Wulung is no longer daydreaming. His longing for his city, his feeling to his father who already passed away channeled through the rhythm of the flute. His tone was lined up beautifully by the breeze. Sometimes rhythmic rises sometimes go downward moving the feeling for anyone who hears it.

At first, Gangsiran will also blow his flute, but he stops it and becoming fascinated by Wulung's play.

Suddenly as if moved by an inspiration that arose in his heart, Mahesa Wulung thought.

"Ah, what if I were channel Wind Insight skill I had into this passing rhythm whistle "

So his lip immediately moves flute with channeled Wind Insight skill. Feel the rhythm becomes another of the earlier. The result is absolutely amazing, the sound that comes out of that flute it turned into great waves, occasionally rolling up and down until it bounced off the cliffs and valleys in the corner, some eagles flying in the sky circled the rhythm of the Mahesa Wulung flute, dancing beautifully to the north. Mahesa Wulung's mind, who was now engrossed in blowing his flute, was suddenly broken by the rustling sound of the weeds in the north.

Comes out of the bush, running desperately, there's a frog that is being chased by a snake. Mahesa Wulung was surprised then with a tone half angry with Mahesa Wulung's to the snake, the flute was blown in a raised tone as if it was an overflowing feeling of anger.

Gangsiran, who followed this event, was no less surprising. This high-pitched flute sound is like having a blow. The snake that was chasing the frog bounced backward like hit an invisible walls while circling in pain. Apparently, the snake was really angry because it felt the attack failed. His head raised up high ready to attack again the frog that was running away. But every time he attacked and slid forward every time he was hit down by the high-pitched tone from Mahesa Wulung's flute.

Finally, the snake felt overwhelmed and quickly slid back to the weeds. The frog jumped and paused in front of Mahesa Wulung as if expressing her gratitude for saving her from the dangers of death. After that, the frog return with long jumps from that place to a nearby spring. Mahesa Wulung smiled when seeing the frog vanished behind the rocks and again he let out the flute.

Meanwhile, Panembahan Tanah Putih, who was flipping through the palm leaves in papyrus book at the hermitage, was also surprised to hear the strains of the flute that had deep energy. Then he closed the papyrus book and saved it again. Panembahan Tanah Putih rose from his seat and went looking for the direction of the flute sound. When he broke through the bushes of trees and arrived in a place that was overgrown with bamboo trees and weeds, He saw that someone sat on a rock and was busy blowing a flute. While standing beside him was also someone who was enjoying the sound of the flute. After approached, the old Panembahan seemed to smile while nodding his head.

" Ah, you're really great, Wulung. You have applied the skill 'Wind Insight' as well as possible", said The old master from behind. Mahesa Wulung was shocked to stop the flute from blowing while looking back and so did Gangsiran. But the flute's rhythm was still bouncing and echoing in the cliff cliffs to the south.

"Oh, master, good morning the teacher", they said together when he saw Master of White Land standing behind them.

"Yes, yes, good morning, everyone"

The old master said while sitting on a black stone beside Mahesa Wulung.

"I was feeling captivated by the blow of your flute, Wulung".

"Indeed teacher, brother Wulung is really great. He had managed to drive out and hit a snake chasing a frog. Also, some eagles flying in the sky danced to the beat of the flute".

Gangsiran said telling the events that had just passed.

"That was indeed my wish Wulung. A teacher sometimes only teaches a student with basic principles, but the student himself has an obligation to develop the knowledge that has been received from his teacher according to his personality and experience. Sometimes a student can exceed his teacher because he is more diligent and wise",

Add the master as he acknowledges the skill that just applied to the flute by Mahesa Wulung

"Thank you, teacher!" replied Mahesa Wulung.

"Let me borrow your flute". Ask the old man and immediately Gangsiran gave the flute from his hand.

"Wulung, let us try to blow the flute together with Wind Insight skill. I want to know how it will become"

The old master added his reminder

"But do not forget to apply the stance of Stone Monument so that you can withstand the vibrations that arise from this flute".

So after they applied the attitude of Stone Monument.

Master of White Land and Mahesa Wulung, together blow their flutes while Gangsiran is silently listening to the beat. At first, their rhythm was the same.

The vibration feels in the circling beautifully in the air around each other. A moment later they began to play different rhythms. The two vibrations of his rhythm were now chasing each other and were pounced on like two dragons fighting. Another moment the one rhythmically low so as if swooping down. While the second rhythmic remains high. Suddenly the first one rhythmically rose high again like chasing a second voice. Seeing this, the second flute sound did not stay still, it becomes low to face the first voice that is rising to the top. Then there were two sound collides, loud clashes thundering in the air like dozens of lightning.

Some of the birds that were perched on the branches of the bush were shocked and flew while shouting. The three of them also seemed surprised by the blast of their flute sound. Both

Panembahan Tanah Putih and Mahesa Wulung themselves never thought the effect of the clash of flute rhythms, that was enhanced by Wind Insight could be so great. Gangsiran, which seems to have not been perfect in Stone monument stance, was forced to close both of his ears because he could not bear to hear the rhythm of the rhythm the flute that collided to each other.

The two of them finally stopped playing the flute which when the sun began to pass over

their heads and gradually shifted westward, and they returned home to White Land hermitage.